OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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Just goes to show that states really are vastly different. Not completely sure if that is a good thing or not.

True, and also private vs public education.

Public schools around here are shit. People with the money send their kids to private schools. Then most don't want to raise taxes to pay for public education as the disparity grows worse.
Those are facts.

Pfft. Facts. You can say anything with facts. Exhibit A:

Now that's a real thing. My kid had cursive for a few months back in third grade. Then that was it--never again. Weird!

The cursive hands taught in American schools are shit and they need to die. I don’t have anything against cursive scripts—I can write in several cursive styles with pens and brushes—but I just don’t see any point teaching kids some ugly watered down version of early twentieth century business penmanship. What we need to do is dump the shitty cursive and shitty print hands taught in American schools, teach the plain chancery italic that’s been used in books since the 1500s, and let the kids who can write fast enough to connect their letters do so.
Voting for a 3rd party results in civil war, mass death and violence, a century of segregation and lynching, and 150+ years of Southern anti-intellectualism?

Those were the inevitable result of the Buchanan presidency. Lincoln’s election just sped things up; had Douglas been elected the slave states still would have seceded as abolitionist sentiment spread.
The cursive hands taught in American schools are shit and they need to die. I don’t have anything against cursive scripts—I can write in several cursive styles with pens and brushes—but I just don’t see any point teaching kids some ugly watered down version of early twentieth century business penmanship. What we need to do is dump the shitty cursive and shitty print hands taught in American schools, teach the plain chancery italic that’s been used in books since the 1500s, and let the kids who can write fast enough to connect their letters do so.
Curious. I was taught cursive for years in my Catholic grade school. Interested in what version, and what other versions are out there. I can still write in cursive, though my penmanship has always been horrid. I like to connect letters and write quickly, but the result is often not pretty.
When my kid was in second grade something came on the radio about Obama talking about getting rid of pennies and she was MORTIFIED. It made my dad super happy.

Canada ixnayed the penny about 3 years ago, and it's worked terrifically. Tell them to replace the $1 and $2 bills with coins while they're at it.
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