OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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Comedian George Wallace is tearing Scott Baio down in a twitter diss battle.
I’m back to believing Trumps campaign is a joke. There’s no way that Trump, his three kids, and his wife who speaks five languages, are all taking this shit seriously. This has to be a joke. What if the Trump campaign is not only a joke, but half the GOP establishment are in on it, just to fuck with the tea party?
So, it looks like Trump has sealed the deal with Veterans.

I wish that was the case.

Military culture and psychology is fucked up. Tons of propaganda.

My father's Purple Heart sits in the top drawer of my bedroom dresser.

He was injured in the mid-90s while working as field surgeon. Nothing overly dramatic about his injury, but it demanded surgery, and he developed an infection that nearly killed him.

He dealt with physical pain for the rest of his life, but it was the mental damage was far more significant. I can't imagine the strain of being forced to look at the consequences of war and genocide on a daily basis. But y'know. PTSD and so on left him a really difficult and unpleasant guy, in many ways, to put it mildly.

To his credit, though, he recognized that flag waving and lip service don't help veterans, and that care-taking does. And he recognized that all of the bullshit in-between pushes people to vote against their own best interests. Which is a big theme in American politics.
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I’m back to believing Trumps campaign is a joke. There’s no way that Trump, his three kids, and his wife who speaks five languages, are all taking this shit seriously. This has to be a joke. What if the Trump campaign is not only a joke, but half the GOP establishment are in on it, just to fuck with the tea party?

Either that, or he made a deal with Hillary Clinton to completely f*ck up the GOP and make sure they will not be electable for the coming decades :lol:
I’m back to believing Trumps campaign is a joke. There’s no way that Trump, his three kids, and his wife who speaks five languages, are all taking this shit seriously. This has to be a joke. What if the Trump campaign is not only a joke, but half the GOP establishment are in on it, just to fuck with the tea party?
I haven't seen stats, but demographically, the TP folks are the ones inspired by Trump.

And as I've said earlier, it's more likely a money making operation (through selling off his mailing list or getting into right wing media) than it is some grand conspiracy.
I’m back to believing Trumps campaign is a joke. There’s no way that Trump, his three kids, and his wife who speaks five languages, are all taking this shit seriously. This has to be a joke. What if the Trump campaign is not only a joke, but half the GOP establishment are in on it, just to fuck with the tea party?

I've thought that from the beginning. I don't think he expected to get the nomination. Even if he was serious at some point, I think at some point he realized that running the country is not the same as a business. He can't just fire people and pick senators to take office.

I don't get the folks who think being a good business man will automatically make you a good president. Sure there are some overlapping skill sets, but they are vastly different worlds.
I don't get the folks who think being a good business man will automatically make you a good president. Sure there are some overlapping skill sets, but they are vastly different worlds.

i don't get the folks who think he has been even a good buisnessman. four of his companies have gone bankrupt. his ass is in hot water in court over the trump college scam/sham and the judge is inclined to believe trump is personally involved/at fault.

then, with respect to the college fraud suit, if trump gets found guilty of fraud.....bye bye POTUS. can't be a president AND a convicted felon at the same time.
and the campaign, not wanting to be outdone by their candidate, joins the fray -
that just goes to show how f'ing stupid/crazy his supporters are. they can't even do simple 4th grade math. Khan died in 2004. Obama wasn't anywhere near being in the whitehouse then.
but the really sad thing is that there are tons of folks out there that are going...."'s obama's fault khan died....yea.....yea......" and are buying into it.
the dumbing down of america has been achieved.

and all the while we're teaching kids that 3 + 5 does not equal 8. only 1+2+3+2 equals 8. you can't find anyone under the age of 30 (40?) that can even DO manual long division.
without a calculator/smart phone americans can't do math, period.
f'ing bullshit.
i don't get the folks who think he has been even a good buisnessman. four of his companies have gone bankrupt. his ass is in hot water in court over the trump college scam/sham and the judge is inclined to believe trump is personally involved/at fault.

then, with respect to the college fraud suit, if trump gets found guilty of fraud.....bye bye POTUS. can't be a president AND a convicted felon at the same time.

Please don't think I was saying he is a good business man. I know he sucks at that too. Inn general, I've heard from many people that we need a good business man in there, not specific to Trump.

And Trump companies have filed for bankruptcy 6 times not 4. There was an article the other day that listed all 6. :grin:
that just goes to show how f'ing stupid/crazy his supporters are. they can't even do simple 4th grade math. Khan died in 2004. Obama wasn't anywhere near being in the whitehouse then.
but the really sad thing is that there are tons of folks out there that are going...."'s obama's fault khan died....yea.....yea......" and are buying into it.
the dumbing down of america has been achieved.

and all the while we're teaching kids that 3 + 5 does not equal 8. only 1+2+3+2 equals 8. you can't find anyone under the age of 30 (40?) that can even DO manual long division.
without a calculator/smart phone americans can't do math, period.
f'ing bullshit.

Hey now, my kids are 12 and 11 and can both do manual long division :embarrassed:
off-topic from the last couple of pages, but I saw this on wikipedia whilst researching voter ID laws:

In Swiss cantons that still use the Landsgemeinde or cantonal assembly, men may identify themselves as freeman allowed to bear arms and vote by showing their sword.

I immediately got an image of a cartoon of some Swiss guy at the voting polls wearing nothing more than a trench coat, and showing his 'sword' to get in and vote :grin:
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