OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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People in general were smarter back then.

I really feel like there's been a massive slip in the average IQ of the American populace.

i think that the media is (purposely) portraying the polls as very close. the problem is that they are only polling 1000 people at a time and they are targeting 'registered' voters, not the real general population. when the first tuesday in november gets here, i really believe that there will be a tsunami at the polls and trump is going to look like the biggest fool in the history of the planet.
i think that the media is (purposely) portraying the polls as very close. the problem is that they are only polling 1000 people at a time and they are targeting 'registered' voters, not the real general population. when the first tuesday in november gets here, i really believe that there will be a tsunami at the polls and trump is going to look like the biggest fool in the history of the planet.

I really wonder where I came from...

My mother calls herself a "Trumpet".
as long as trump stays on (his) point....the recent attack on the Khans in example.....

i think that the media is (purposely) portraying the polls as very close.

The polls are close when looked at individually. But it looks different when somebody analyzes them all over time and considers how they impact the electoral college rather than how they impact the popular vote. I’m not expecting a landslide for Hillary, because people don’t come out in droves to vote against presidential candidates—that’s why Kerry’s anti-Bush strategy failed in 2004. But if the people Trump bullies keep standing up to him, like the Khans have, it might happen. Letting other people attack Trump gives Hillary more room to promote herself. And it puts Trump in a shit position, because then he has to choose between backing down and losing his base, or continuing to bully and just giving the other team more paintballs to smear him with.
The polls are close when looked at individually. But it looks different when somebody analyzes them all over time and considers how they impact the electoral college rather than how they impact the popular vote. I’m not expecting a landslide for Hillary, because people don’t come out in droves to vote against presidential candidates—that’s why Kerry’s anti-Bush strategy failed in 2004. But if the people Trump bullies keep standing up to him, like the Khans have, it might happen. Letting other people attack Trump gives Hillary more room to promote herself. And it puts Trump in a shit position, because then he has to choose between backing down and losing his base, or continuing to bully and just giving the other team more paintballs to smear him with.

holy sheep shit, batman.....if you watched PBS tonight.....they had the Khans on and they were so calm it was scarey....but they shredded trump.....very politely.
People in general were smarter back then.

I really feel like there's been a massive slip in the average IQ of the American populace.

Maybe not dumber, lots-O mental health issues?

My perception of how smart the general population is, it is definitely lower now. High school class of 81 and, I remember sitting in government class, teacher explaining why our government was set up how it was, prez, congress because the population was mostly uneducated. I'm thinking, yeah but, we don't need these clowns now. Let us just vote on everything. Years later, the internet comes along. I'm thinking how can we not just vote on everything ourselves, it would be so easy now. Present day: After years of seeing inside the mind of people, via the internet, I guess we still aren't ready to vote on stuff ourselves.
Maybe not dumber, lots-O mental health issues?

My perception of how smart the general population is, it is definitely lower now. High school class of 81 and, I remember sitting in government class, teacher explaining why our government was set up how it was, prez, congress because the population was mostly uneducated. I'm thinking, yeah but, we don't need these clowns now. Let us just vote on everything. Years later, the internet comes along. I'm thinking how can we not just vote on everything ourselves, it would be so easy now. Present day: After years of seeing inside the mind of people, via the internet, I guess we still aren't ready to vote on stuff ourselves.

That's exactly what happened in the UK with Brexit. A really complicated, difficult decision was left to the largely clueless public instead of being dealt with by the trained and informed (albeit political and biased) representatives that were elected to make exactly these sorts of decisions :facepalm:
One of the most interesting things I've noticed is I will pick a subject on the election like this Khan / Trump debacle and will look it up on CNN Fox BBC and NPR and we'll take note of how prominent it is on the homepage vs how the narrative is portrayed. NPR seems to be the driest and just list the details while BBC and CNN will be more colorful but definitely take their shots @trump whenever they can. Fox is interesting as they will add narrative outside of the issue apparently to spin the issue back on their narrative or downplay its seriousness.

I've also noticed when Fox News has three people on the screen even if the sound is turned down and you're reading the closed captioning the blonde woman with the shiny teeth will either be the host or the right wing representation. That way she can say whatever vile hateful things she wants but it's with a pretty smile so it's okay. I have yet to see and attractive blonde representing the left side of the story. It's just interesting.
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