OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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Our votes for Congressional seats will likely affect the country's future more than our popular votes for POTUS.
Show up on election day for the former, even if the latter puts an unpleasant taste in your mouth.
i disagree with this only because whoever wins is going to have the opportunity to stack the supreme court for decades, and that one thing alone, with affect this country's future for generations.
Kristen is great. I don't know the whole story behind Hillary in NY. It's not my state, so I didn't follow it. I would think one thing she had going for her, was she wasn't a typical first year senator. I'm sure she carried some clout from day 1. As long as she had advisers or staffers from NY that knew the state, and listened to them, I think she could have been good.

As someone in New York, how do you think she did as your senator? I know you don't like her and you didn't like her patriot act vote (but 98 senators voted for it) or the Iraq invasion vote. Other than that, how was she?

I don't think she represented New York. She represented herself with the sole intention of using New York as a springboard back into the White House. We knew it from day one. Yes, she helped to secure funding for the World Trade Center and first responders. But she did very little for Upstate New York, which historically has been grossly underrepresented.
The leaked emails that show the DNC had the game rigged for Hillary are disgusting and basically prove every point I'm trying to make about the game serving special interest.

I kind of surprised at the reactions to this. Not by you, just in general. I mean, Bernie has been in congress since 91 as an Independent and he switches to the Democratic party to run for president and the party tries to undermine his campaign. Granted, he has caucused with them most of the time, but he still was an Independent. The DNC should be impartial but Bernie really isn't a Democrat he's better.
Well, pick your battles re: special interests.

I'm inclined to end the party whose special interests have included passing Citizens United, opposing LGBTQ rights, obstructing gun control, rallying against universal health care, etc.

Money money money.
I don't think she represented New York. She represented herself with the sole intention of using New York as a springboard back into the White House. We knew it from day one. Yes, she helped to secure funding for the World Trade Center and first responders. But she did very little for Upstate New York, which historically has been grossly underrepresented.

I have a buddy from Buffalo, his parents are still there and he and his parents like her. I am so clueless when it comes to the country outside of DC, it isn't funny, I generally ask folks how they see it from there area. Like if Kaisch had gotten the nod, I would be asking Kerouac how much he likes him :grin:
I have a buddy from Buffalo, his parents are still there and he and his parents like her. I am so clueless when it comes to the country outside of DC, it isn't funny, I generally ask folks how they see it from there area. Like if Kaisch had gotten the nod, I would be asking Kerouac how much he likes him :grin:

Conversely, a friend from Long Island is a Trump supporter who hates Hillary. Long Island is heavily Republican in local elections, which is why Peter King hasn't been ousted from office. But there are enough Democrats throughout the state, along with the heavy majority in NYC, that gives the state overwhelmingly to the Democrats in Presidential elections. I think my district is something like 80% Democrat.
Conversely, a friend from Long Island is a Trump supporter who hates Hillary. Long Island is heavily Republican in local elections, which is why Peter King hasn't been ousted from office. But there are enough Democrats throughout the state, along with the heavy majority in NYC, that gives the state overwhelmingly to the Democrats in Presidential elections. I think my district is something like 80% Democrat.

I would expect Long Island and the Jersey Shore to be the biggest pockets of Trump supporters :grin:
I have a buddy from Buffalo, his parents are still there and he and his parents like her. I am so clueless when it comes to the country outside of DC, it isn't funny, I generally ask folks how they see it from there area. Like if Kaisch had gotten the nod, I would be asking Kerouac how much he likes him :grin:

Kasich is better than Trump, but that's like saying moist cat shit has a more pleasant aroma than moist dog shit. He's basically Mike Pence with a less evangelical bent.
I would expect Long Island and the Jersey Shore to be the biggest pockets of Trump supporters :grin:

This is a pretty good electoral map of New York. It's from the 2014 Gubernatorial campaign, when legacy Andrew Cuomo was elected to his second term as Guber.


The blue areas are New York City (with Westchester, Rockland, and Nassau Counties), Albany, Buffalo, North Country, Binghamton, Syracuse, and Ithaca.
Kasich is better than Trump, but that's like saying moist cat shit has a more pleasant aroma than moist dog shit. He's basically Mike Pence with a less evangelical bent.

I disagree. I think cat shit is way worse than dog shit.
To be fair, that's not what he said. That is what the media turned it into. The actual quote was, "Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing, I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press." That is really quite a bit different than inviting a hack. It implies that the hack already happened (which has already been implicated somewhat), and that he'd like to see the results of said hack.

Still outrageous, but not the same thing as saying, "Hey Russia, come hack our servers", which is what is being reported and talked about.

Before you all go painting me as a big Trump supporter, I am not. I just think the media tends to twist headlines to get ratings...oh, and in other news, the sky is blue.

I think you spent more time evaluating the meaning behind his comments than he did, which is troubling.

However you want to slice it, even the impression that he might be inviting the Russians to meddle in our elections goes against everything both parties stand for. Even if Putin had the emails printed and stacked on his desk, releasing them is meddling in our election.
I kind of surprised at the reactions to this. Not by you, just in general. I mean, Bernie has been in congress since 91 as an Independent and he switches to the Democratic party to run for president and the party tries to undermine his campaign. Granted, he has caucused with them most of the time, but he still was an Independent. The DNC should be impartial but Bernie really isn't a Democrat he's better.

Yeah, I'm surprised that anybody is surprised.
However you want to slice it, even the impression that he might be inviting the Russians to meddle in our elections goes against everything both parties stand for. Even if Putin had the emails printed and stacked on his desk, releasing them is meddling in our election.
Agreed, I wasn't condoning his actions (I did comment that it was still outrageous in my OP) and I don't think the Russians should be involved in our elections either. My comments were really directed towards the media spin and how things get twisted just enough to turn into something they're not. He did not "invite Russia to hack our servers", like so many headlines are reading.

OTOH, if anyone thinks the USA, Russians, Chinese, Brits, etc. aren't continually trying to hack into each others servers, then they are just being naive. There is no invitation required, it happens daily.
Is it just me, or does it seem like a thread with "I'm over it already" in the title that has 180+ pages might be an oxymoron? I'm beginning to think that we're not really over it.
you would have to go back and read the first couple pages to get the original intent. then an avalanche happened and we've been rolling down that hill ever since. :grin:
If we keep this thread going, then there will be a place to put this content for the next 4 months. It's Hamsterdam.
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