OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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New York State only requires that the candidate be a resident of the state when they are elected to either U.S. Senate or Congress . This invites carpetbaggers like Clinton. It's bullshit, especially when you need to be a NY State resident for 5 years to be Governor, State Senator, or Assemblyman.

I agree its bullshit, but I know I would want my governor, state senator or assemblyman living in the state for a while. All of their decisions directly effect your state and only your state. I can see being a US senator having less residential restrictions, because your votes there effect the entire country. It is still pretty stupid. It is odd that the state hasn't changed that. You would think both parties would be against it.
I don't mind if you call me out, but I will not take part in this thought exercise. This type of thinking is exactly how we got to this point politically. "You have to choose one or the other." No I don't. The reason the system works this way is because people don't believe they have a choice because they go along with this thinking. Every election gets worse.

My hope is that one day soon we will be able to vote for a president we'd like to see elected instead of against the one we wouldn't. The Democratic and Republican establishment have failed the people they claim to represent, because they don't actually represent the people. They represent the special interest that pays for their bacon wrapped shrimp.

I agree with you, but the system we have today is in place, so what do you do? Sit back and complain or get involved with candidates that want to change it? The biggest damage right not to the system is Citizens United. Until that gets over turned, the money is pouring in. A vote for Trump, ensures that is in place for decades. He won't appoint a judge to overturn that. Once that is overturned, you can shoot for campaign finance reform. I have said for years, the one way to fix congress, is to get rid of campaign finance all together. Then people in congress can focus on doing their jobs instead of lining their re-election campaign fund.

Third parties need to stop fielding candidates in the presidential election until they have a larger voice in state government and in congress. Spend the funds they have growing their smaller candidates so in the near future, they have a shot at the big one.

I am hoping this Trump nonsense ends up splitting the GOP into smaller parties. Then maybe the Dems will split down the road and we end up with 5 or 6 smaller parties all with a shot at winning.
I agree its bullshit, but I know I would want my governor, state senator or assemblyman living in the state for a while. All of their decisions directly effect your state and only your state. I can see being a US senator having less residential restrictions, because your votes there effect the entire country. It is still pretty stupid. It is odd that the state hasn't changed that. You would think both parties would be against it.

Congress members and Senators get a bad rap for pork-barrel spending. My view is that's their job, to get federal monies for state initiatives. You can't possibly know the New York perspective by moving to the state a year before, going on a "Listening Tour", and then doing the job you're supposed to do for the state. At minimum, New York is divided into two (if not five) very different political regions, with completely different needs. This is why I think Kirsten Gillibrand is a much better Senator than Hillary ever was. Because she knows New York, especially Upstate, and better represents the state in the national arena.
So - Took a peek into this thread for pretty much the first time.

Should I start from the beginning to catch up?
Just make sure you have enough provisions nearby until you make it all the way through.

Or I can summarize:

Trump bad.
Hillary bad.
Bernie got screwed.
The media sucks.
IMO knowing how to play the game is a good thing.
While I get your point, I think the reason Bernie's and yes, Trump's message has gotten so much play is that people are sick of the game and the players; it represents the political elite and their special interest handlers.
Congress members and Senators get a bad rap for pork-barrel spending. My view is that's their job, to get federal monies for state initiatives. You can't possibly know the New York perspective by moving to the state a year before, going on a "Listening Tour", and then doing the job you're supposed to do for the state. At minimum, New York is divided into two (if not five) very different political regions, with completely different needs. This is why I think Kirsten Gillibrand is a much better Senator than Hillary ever was. Because she knows New York, especially Upstate, and better represents the state in the national arena.

Kristen is great. I don't know the whole story behind Hillary in NY. It's not my state, so I didn't follow it. I would think one thing she had going for her, was she wasn't a typical first year senator. I'm sure she carried some clout from day 1. As long as she had advisers or staffers from NY that knew the state, and listened to them, I think she could have been good.

As someone in New York, how do you think she did as your senator? I know you don't like her and you didn't like her patriot act vote (but 98 senators voted for it) or the Iraq invasion vote. Other than that, how was she?
While I get your point, I think the reason Bernie's and yes, Trump's message has gotten so much play is that people are sick of the game and the players; it represents the political elite and their special interest handlers.

Bernie has been playing the game for decades and if you look at his approval ratings (or how devoted his base was this election) he does it incredibly well, while still maintaining an outsider perspective. He knows the screw and wants to fix the screw; Trump tells people he knows the screw, then goes on to Make America Fucked Again.
While I get your point, I think the reason Bernie's and yes, Trump's message has gotten so much play is that people are sick of the game and the players; it represents the political elite and their special interest handlers.

Which I think is funny because Bernie has been in politics since the 80s and been in congress since 91.

Another funny thing is, do you think Trump would hire a CEO to run his company who has no business experience?
I think Douglas Adams summed it up with his quote,

"Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job."

I think it's probably one of the crappiest jobs in the world. Nothing but stress, constant media target, always having to deal with uncooperative congress and nations, etc. It definitely ages anyone who takes the job.
Bernie has been playing the game for decades and if you look at his approval ratings (or how devoted his base was this election) he does it incredibly well, while still maintaining an outsider perspective. He knows the screw and wants to fix the screw; Trump tells people he knows the screw, then goes on to Make America Fucked Again.

Trump hasn't had the opportunity to Make America Fucked Again. Hillary has been part and parcel of the problem, is an insider, is bought and paid for by special interests and is absolutely part of the rigged system of politics that has been crammed down our throats for decades if not centuries.

If that's the experience we want, then we're gonna get it 'cause that is what she is and will always be.

It would be nice if people made their voting decisions on actual information put out by the candidates rather than internet memes and facebook rants.

As far as Bernie goes...

Which I think is funny because Bernie has been in politics since the 80s and been in congress since 91.

Another funny thing is, do you think Trump would hire a CEO to run his company who has no business experience?

Bernie has maintained his outside status by actually representing the people who elected him and staying true to his word and message. He has widespread support popular in VT, even in the rural conservative parts of the state (I know, because I live here). He comes up here and visits farmers, he listens to his constituents and he takes action on their behalf. Yes, he's a career politician, but he is most definitely not cut from the same cloth as most of them.

WRT having the experience to run the country: does anyone who hasn't already been president really have the experience necessary to run the country? Obama certainly didn't, and well, he ran it about as well as could be expected; gridlock. Dubya certainly didn't, and look at all he accomplished (/sarcasm).

I said this way back in this thread: People have been pining for years that they want someone who isn't a career politician - how else is that going to happen in America other than having someone with buckets of their own cash? Your hometown mayor or local representative may be the most stand up, righteous person on the face of the planet, but nobody is going to hear about them.
I said this way back in this thread: People have been pining for years that they want someone who isn't a career politician - how else is that going to happen in America other than having someone with buckets of their own cash? Your hometown mayor or local representative may be the most stand up, righteous person on the face of the planet, but nobody is going to hear about them.

See also Jimmy Carter
Our votes for Congressional seats will likely affect the country's future more than our popular votes for POTUS.
Show up on election day for the former, even if the latter puts an unpleasant taste in your mouth.
Trump hasn't had the opportunity to Make America Fucked Again. Hillary has been part and parcel of the problem, is an insider, is bought and paid for by special interests and is absolutely part of the rigged system of politics that has been crammed down our throats for decades if not centuries.

If that's the experience we want, then we're gonna get it 'cause that is what she is and will always be.

It would be nice if people made their voting decisions on actual information put out by the candidates rather than internet memes and facebook rants.

As far as Bernie goes...

Bernie has maintained his outside status by actually representing the people who elected him and staying true to his word and message. He has widespread support popular in VT, even in the rural conservative parts of the state (I know, because I live here). He comes up here and visits farmers, he listens to his constituents and he takes action on their behalf. Yes, he's a career politician, but he is most definitely not cut from the same cloth as most of them.

WRT having the experience to run the country: does anyone who hasn't already been president really have the experience necessary to run the country? Obama certainly didn't, and well, he ran it about as well as could be expected; gridlock. Dubya certainly didn't, and look at all he accomplished (/sarcasm).

I said this way back in this thread: People have been pining for years that they want someone who isn't a career politician - how else is that going to happen in America other than having someone with buckets of their own cash? Your hometown mayor or local representative may be the most stand up, righteous person on the face of the planet, but nobody is going to hear about them.

I disagree. I think plenty of presidents have had valid experience and education to be president. Just because you have the experience, doesn't mean you will do a good job. W was the governor of Texas and went to Harvard and Yale. Obama was a state senator and a US senator along with being a professor of constitutional law. People seem to think running a business is the same as running the country, which couldn't be further from the truth. I have worked in the private and public sectors back and forth for decades. I think if Trump wins, he won't believe how difficult the public sector is. He just can't fire a senator who doesn't vote the way he wants.

I agree that Bernie is different, and he was my choice but he has been in Washington longer than anyone else that was running. And for those who don't think Trump will bow to special interest, he will. It just won't be drug companies or big oil, it with be his own businesses. If he really wants to be president, it isn't to make America great again, it is to fill Donald's bank account until it explodes.
I agree with you, but the system we have today is in place, so what do you do? Sit back and complain or get involved with candidates that want to change it? The biggest damage right not to the system is Citizens United. Until that gets over turned, the money is pouring in. A vote for Trump, ensures that is in place for decades. He won't appoint a judge to overturn that. Once that is overturned, you can shoot for campaign finance reform. I have said for years, the one way to fix congress, is to get rid of campaign finance all together. Then people in congress can focus on doing their jobs instead of lining their re-election campaign fund.

Third parties need to stop fielding candidates in the presidential election until they have a larger voice in state government and in congress. Spend the funds they have growing their smaller candidates so in the near future, they have a shot at the big one.

I am hoping this Trump nonsense ends up splitting the GOP into smaller parties. Then maybe the Dems will split down the road and we end up with 5 or 6 smaller parties all with a shot at winning.

I would've voted for Bernie despite promising myself years ago I would never vote for a Democrat or Republican, because he's a bit of a unicorn. He would have tried to change things and has been part of the system long enough that he actually knows how it works without being corrupted by it. I might not agree with everything he says, but he has principals and sticks by them. I respect that.

The leaked emails that show the DNC had the game rigged for Hillary are disgusting and basically prove every point I'm trying to make about the game serving special interest.
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