OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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Solid cabinet, steady hand, C+/B-..In all likelihood, my main complaint wil be she's not liberal enough for my tastes. But I'm used to that.

Same here. I still am a little hung up on her being a NY senator never living there before. According to Bill's speech, some other folks pushed he towards, that and if that was the case, I feel a little better about it, but that move has always seen like a something the Underwoods would do. It seems silly, because she did a good job while in the senate, but it still bugs me a little.
Not at all. Hillary will do a fine job. Trump, however, is a clown.

I've kind of felt that the Trump gong show has been on purpose.
It might be tin-foil-hat-ish, but it's almost like an orchestrated clusterf*ck in order to ensure that HRC gets elected.

Why? Who's behind it?
I won't take my tin foil hat off long enough to try to find out. Wait....

I'm not saying she couldn't get elected on her own merit, but the Trump gong show is making it so much easier.

He seems to be trying very hard to piss everyone off.
At first, it looked like he was just trying to upset anyone left-of-extreme-right, but with the invitation to Russian hacking, he's going to "get in bed with the Russkies!?' *spits*
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I've kind of felt that the Trump gong show has been on purpose.
It might be tin-foil-hat-ish, but it's almost like an orchestrated clusterf*ck in order to ensure that HRC gets elected.

Why? How's behind it?
I won't take my tin foil hat off long enough to try to find out. Wait....

I'm not saying she couldn't get elected on her own merit, but the Trump gong show is making it so much easier.

He seems to be trying very hard to piss everyone off.
At first, it looked like he was just trying to upset anyone left-of-extreme-right, but with the invitation to Russian hacking, he's going to "get in bed with the Russkies!?' *spits*

That was definitely his original intent. Now he's stuck with actually running for President and has to play it out. While he's losing to Clinton in New York by 20 to 30 points, it ain't ovah till it's ovah nationally.
Same here. I still am a little hung up on her being a NY senator never living there before. According to Bill's speech, some other folks pushed he towards, that and if that was the case, I feel a little better about it, but that move has always seen like a something the Underwoods would do. It seems silly, because she did a good job while in the senate, but it still bugs me a little.

This fact alone should be enough to have people not want to vote for her. It proves she isn't in politics to serve the public, which is the only way a representative democracy works out for the people. She epitomizes what is wrong with Washington politics.

If you put that with all the bullshit from the Clinton Foundation... Yikes.

If Trump wins, I won't hold Republicans responsible. It'll be the Democrats fault for not coming up with a better candidate, literally anybody else.
It proves she isn't in politics to serve the public, which is the only way a representative democracy works out for the people.

I don't agree with that. It could be the case but she did win the primary with 58% in NY. If she was so bad to her constituents, Bernie would have won. Really, in the end, if the folks in NY are fine with it, I am.
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