OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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I don't agree with that. It could be the case but she did win the primary with 58% in NY. If she was so bad to her constituents, Bernie would have won. Really, in the end, if the folks in NY are fine with it, I am.

Who gives a shit about Arkansas right?
I didn't realize New York was in Illinois. Thanks for the geography lesson.

If you're going to be a smart ass, I just wanted to make sure you had the facts right :grin:

So do you criticize Bernie for being the Senator from Vermont? Barrack for being the Senator from Illinois?
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This fact alone should be enough to have people not want to vote for her. It proves she isn't in politics to serve the public, which is the only way a representative democracy works out for the people. She epitomizes what is wrong with Washington politics.

If you put that with all the bullshit from the Clinton Foundation... Yikes.

If Trump wins, I won't hold Republicans responsible. It'll be the Democrats fault for not coming up with a better candidate, literally anybody else.

I put this forth as a thought exercise and I just quote your post because it made me consider things in this way. I'm not calling out you or what you are saying.

Set aside the third party idea for a minute and think about what is on the table RIGHT NOW. Never mind the couldas and the shouldas.
If you don't like Clinton (and it's okay if you don't), then you really do have a "lesser of two evils" scenario.

So, if you HAD to choose between Trump or Clinton, which makes more sense?​
Yet New York voters elected her. Who is to blame for that? Did you vote a 3rd party candidate then too?

No, I voted for the Republican candidates. Rick Lazio in 2000 and John Spencer in 2006. Lazio was actually a great candidate who was swallowed by the Clinton machine. Spencer was a protest vote for her votes on the Patriot Act and the Iraq War, which I opposed.
Just helping you get your facts straight before being a smart ass :grin:

So do you criticize Bernie for being the Senator from Vermont? Barrack for being the Senator from Illinois?

Not at all. Bernie is cool because he has done a great job of representing the people of Vermont, case and point gun stuff. Barry O is a cool black guy, if I say anything about him I might get called a racist.

The Hillary going to NY to be a senator was just that. She wasn't from there. She just got put in a place where they knew she would win because she knows how to play the game.
Trump today...

"I think Russia should hack the FBI and leak all info on HRC"

To be fair, that's not what he said. That is what the media turned it into. The actual quote was, "Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing, I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press." That is really quite a bit different than inviting a hack. It implies that the hack already happened (which has already been implicated somewhat), and that he'd like to see the results of said hack.

Still outrageous, but not the same thing as saying, "Hey Russia, come hack our servers", which is what is being reported and talked about.

Before you all go painting me as a big Trump supporter, I am not. I just think the media tends to twist headlines to get ratings...oh, and in other news, the sky is blue.
Not at all. Bernie is cool because he has done a great job of representing the people of Vermont, case and point gun stuff. Barry O is a cool black guy, if I say anything about him I might get called a racist.

The Hillary going to NY to be a senator was just that. She wasn't from there. She just got put in a place where they knew she would win because she knows how to play the game.

So what is the proper length of time to live somewhere before you can run for office from that state? Like I said, if Hillary didn't do a good job representing the folks of NY, why did she win the primary so convincingly? I'm not from NY, I've only been there once, but if the folks in NY like her so much, why should I care?
Not at all. Bernie is cool because he has done a great job of representing the people of Vermont, case and point gun stuff. Barry O is a cool black guy, if I say anything about him I might get called a racist.

The Hillary going to NY to be a senator was just that. She wasn't from there. She just got put in a place where they knew she would win because she knows how to play the game.

IMO knowing how to play the game is a good thing.
To be fair, that's not what he said. That is what the media turned it into. The actual quote was, "Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing, I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press." Which is really quite a bit different than inviting a hack. It implies that the hack already happened (which has been implicated somewhat), and that he'd like to see the results of said hack.

Still outrageous, but not the same thing as saying, "Hey Russia, come hack our servers", which is being reported.

Before you all go painting me as a big Trump supporter, I am not. I just think the media tends to twist headlines to get ratings...oh, and in other news, the sky is blue.

Yeah, they do twist it. There was a headline that said Trump's kids said they will pay for black people to move out of the US when Trump becomes President. I thought that was outrageous, even for them, so I watched the clip. The show played several clips of black celebrities saying they would move from the US if Trump won, and his kids said, if they want to leave, we'll pay their relocation costs. That is a stretch from the headline.
Yeah, they do twist it. There was a headline that said Trump's kids said they will pay for black people to move out of the US when Trump becomes President. I thought that was outrageous, even for them, so I watched the clip. The show played several clips of black celebrities saying they would move from the US if Trump won, and his kids said, if they want to leave, we'll pay their relocation costs. That is a stretch from the headline.
Yep, but the really scary part is that a large portion of the voting population is making their decisions just on headlines and sound bytes. I think that has a lot to do with Trump getting as far as he has. If folks had really done their homework, I doubt he'd be the Republican candidate.
I put this forth as a thought exercise and I just quote your post because it made me consider things in this way. I'm not calling out you or what you are saying.

Set aside the third party idea for a minute and think about what is on the table RIGHT NOW. Never mind the couldas and the shouldas.
If you don't like Clinton (and it's okay if you don't), then you really do have a "lesser of two evils" scenario.

So, if you HAD to choose between Trump or Clinton, which makes more sense?​

I don't mind if you call me out, but I will not take part in this thought exercise. This type of thinking is exactly how we got to this point politically. "You have to choose one or the other." No I don't. The reason the system works this way is because people don't believe they have a choice because they go along with this thinking. Every election gets worse.

My hope is that one day soon we will be able to vote for a president we'd like to see elected instead of against the one we wouldn't. The Democratic and Republican establishment have failed the people they claim to represent, because they don't actually represent the people. They represent the special interest that pays for their bacon wrapped shrimp.
So what is the proper length of time to live somewhere before you can run for office from that state? Like I said, if Hillary didn't do a good job representing the folks of NY, why did she win the primary so convincingly? I'm not from NY, I've only been there once, but if the folks in NY like her so much, why should I care?

New York State only requires the candidate be a resident of the state when they are elected to either U.S. Senate or Congress . This invites carpetbaggers like Clinton. It's bullshit, considering you need to be a NY State resident for 5 years to be Governor, State Senator, or Assemblyman.
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I don't mind if you call me out, but I will not take part in this thought exercise. This type of thinking is exactly how we got to this point politically. "You have to choose one or the other." No I don't. The reason the system works this way is because people don't believe they have a choice because they go along with this thinking. Every election gets worse.

My hope is that one day soon we will be able to vote for a president we'd like to see elected instead of against the one we wouldn't. The Democratic and Republican establishment have failed the people they claim to represent, because they don't actually represent the people. They represent the special interest that pays for their bacon wrapped shrimp.
I agree.
I think the exercise idea was more playing into the conversation of Trump vs Clinton that seems to be the common thread in any political conversations these days.
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