OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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interesting discussion from another forum -

Will there be debates between the candidates before the election?
I would assume so. They both participated in their party's debates, don't know why they wouldn't do presidential ones. I imagine the networks are drooling about the ratings they'll get with them.
interesting discussion from another forum -

Will there be debates between the candidates before the election?

There will be something. I'm not sure we'll be able to call it a debate though. She'll drone on about policy and put everyone to sleep. He'll make inflammatory statements. I don't think there will be much debating though.
There will be something. I'm not sure we'll be able to call it a debate though. She'll drone on about policy and put everyone to sleep. He'll make inflammatory statements. I don't think there will be much debating though.
That's not new. Occasionally the candidates will actually address the topic posed by the mediator, but more often then not, they find a way to steer the conversation to something they'd rather be talking about. They're politicians after all, that's what they do.

Trump will definitely bring his own inflammatory spin to it though. It'll make for good TV, until you consider what's really at stake here.
That's not new. Occasionally the candidates will actually address the topic posed by the mediator, but more often then not, they find a way to steer the conversation to something they'd rather be talking about. They're politicians after all, that's what they do.

Trump will definitely bring his own inflammatory spin to it though. It'll make for good TV, until you consider what's really at stake here.

That's a great point, shoeless. But I really want to focus on the state of parody threads on the forum and how we can expand senses of humor to all forumites.
I disagree. I don't think there will be any debates. it's a no-win for both of them.

Trump certainly cannot debate policy, he has none. altho it doesn't make a difference to his base.

for Clinton, it's worse. if she's on the stage with Trump, and he starts in with the bullying, the insults and the name calling (does anyone really expect anything different?), she is on a real slippery slope. her response had better be pitch perfect or she'll come off as shrill, scoldy, or worse.
I disagree. I don't think there will be any debates. it's a no-win for both of them.

Trump certainly cannot debate policy, he has none. altho it doesn't make a difference to his base.

for Clinton, it's worse. if she's on the stage with Trump, and he starts in with the bullying, the insults and the name calling (does anyone really expect anything different?), she is on a real slippery slope. her response had better be pitch perfect or she'll come off as shrill, scoldy, or worse.

Of course there will be debates. And bullying women on stage never works out. Even Carly Fiorina had a likeable moment when trump went after her.
That's not new. Occasionally the candidates will actually address the topic posed by the mediator, but more often then not, they find a way to steer the conversation to something they'd rather be talking about. They're politicians after all, that's what they do.

Trump will definitely bring his own inflammatory spin to it though. It'll make for good TV, until you consider what's really at stake here.

That's a technique that is taught to military officers and anybody that has to interact with the press called "Block and Bridge."
That's a technique that is taught to military officers and anybody that has to interact with the press called "Block and Bridge."

That’s why America needs better journalists. When UK politicians try that shit the journalists rip them apart. America needs journalists who aren’t afraid to call people liars and cowards.
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