OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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I think the media will focus on Bill's health. He was spaced out and chewing his tongue a number of times the camera panned to him last night. Something is wrong but nobody is saying anything.
I saw that but then realised he was watching a monitor set low in front of him.

So, when he looked like he was asleep, I think he was just watching through down cast eyes.
Yeah, Hillary isn't the monster Fox news and republicans have painted her to be. Is she perfect? No, but she is more than qualified for the job.
I'm a liberal Democrat. She's never been my favorite person. Her husband was a good president, but I always found something about her offputting.

That said, she knows how things work and she knows how to work the system to get what she wants, and she's done some very good things with that (like CHIP).

I'd certainly have preferred Bernie or Elizabeth Warren (if she ever runs she automatically has my vote), but Hillary won't be the terrible monster Fox News, Breitbart, and The Blaze want you to think she is. Actually, most of the things they say about her really apply to Trump.

At this point, I'd vote for Trump's toupee before I'd vote for Trump himself. Hell, I think a cat run over by dozens of cars would be more qualified to be president than Trump.
I tried watching her speech last night a couple of times, but after a few minutes I had to bail. Her tone and delivery are just too annoying.

Please, can Michelle just recite her speeches instead?
Barry O is a cool black guy, if I say anything about him I might get called a racist.

If you criticize a person based on their beliefs in regards to the issues that's not racist.

The problem is that most people I know that don't like Obama often use the N word to describe him.

Is he perfect? No. Has has he represented my beliefs as much as a person who is not myself can? Yes.
I tried watching her speech last night a couple of times, but after a few minutes I had to bail. Her tone and delivery are just too annoying.

Please, can Michelle just recite her speeches instead?
She was much worse several years ago. I sat down and watched it. I thought it was actually good.

Check the treble on your TV. Some TVs have it set too high from the factory for my tastes.
Her regular speaking voice doesn't bother me. It's mostly durring speeches when she gets in that progressively louder, monotone cadence.

AND WE WILL _______
AND I WILL __________

I'm going to make a suggestion: if you feel strongly about politics, it might be an amazing to actually do them.

One thing that amazes me is that despite having one of the most open political systems in human history, so many people choose not to participate.

I'm not talking about voting. I'm talking about working on issues to promote change. People who have actually engaged in public service have a lot more credibility with me.
I'm not talking about voting. I'm talking about working on issues to promote change. People who have actually engaged in public service have a lot more credibility with me.

Oh, you mean political insiders and Washington bureaucrats? We don't need nonna THOSE telling us what to do! We need people who don't have the first fucking CLUE how the government works to fix it!
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