OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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^^^^ This is what I'm talking about.

Go attend a city council meeting.

The real dirty secret of politics is how fucking boring it is. I attended a local Wesley Clark organizational meeting in 2004, and those poor bastards were totally disorganized and droned on about election rules and organizational minutiae until all the enthusiastic kids who'd showed up wandered off, eyes glazed over, never to return.
The real dirty secret of politics is how fucking boring it is. I attended a local Wesley Clark organizational meeting in 2004, and those poor bastards were totally disorganized and droned on about election rules and organizational minutiae until all the enthusiastic kids who'd showed up wandered off, eyes glazed over, never to return.
That's no secret, it's plain as day. Just look at all the comments related to the Moody's links I posted. Crickets.
^^^^ This is what I'm talking about.

Go attend a city council meeting.

You have to live in a pretty small town for council meetings to matter much. Otherwise it’s just local activist cranks ranting about lost causes for three hours before the council does whatever they want because they know the hundred people in that room are effectively unknown to the thousands of people who actually vote for the council.
I'm going to make a suggestion: if you feel strongly about politics, it might be an amazing to actually do them.

One thing that amazes me is that despite having one of the most open political systems in human history, so many people choose not to participate.

I'm not talking about voting. I'm talking about working on issues to promote change. People who have actually engaged in public service have a lot more credibility with me.

I volunteered during both Obama campaigns and if I actually had any time, I would love to be involved more.
That's no secret, it's plain as day. Just look at all the comments related to the Moody's links I posted. Crickets.

I haven't gotten a chance to read them yet. The house I'm staying at has no internet, and there is no way my shitty eyes can read that only iPhone. When I go to work Monday (at my brother's) it is the first thing I plan on reading when I get on my laptop.
"You have to live in a pretty small town for council meetings to matter much."

My city's population is 80,000. Two years ago, we had a single-question campaign about whether to redirect a portion of a $110 million bond for a satellite campus of our state university.

It was quite easy to get very involved.

Prior to that, I helped our neighborhood head off a $4M boondoggle that would have added $21,000/household to our property taxes (over a 10 year period) to fund a project only three people wanted.

But, you know, it's tons more fun to shout angrily. I get it.
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I'm a trustee on our village board. Mostly we vote to approve the minutes of last month's meeting. Vote to pay the bills. Vote to adjourn the meeting.
In short, we're fecked.

In the short term if Trump is elected and in the long term if Clinton is elected. He has the potential to achieve a massive power grab. She will expand the power of the office incrementally, just like her predecessors. Over time, this leaves the door open for someone to walk in and assume power. There's a bit of :tinfoil: in that theory, but it's entirely plausible.
In the short term if Trump is elected and in the long term if Clinton is elected. He has the potential to achieve a massive power grab. She will expand the power of the office incrementally, just like her predecessors. Over time, this leaves the door open for someone to walk in and assume power. There's a bit of :tinfoil: in that theory, but it's entirely plausible.

I don't see her grabbing any more power unless the Dems take back congress. I think she is more hated than Obama by the right and they will challenge anything she does.
In short, we're fecked.
That article looks about right. Presidents have been pushing the limits of what they can do without Congress's approval for many terms now. In the wrong hands, the pres now has the power to F things up pretty well all on his/her own.
That article looks about right. Presidents have been pushing the limits of what they can do without Congress's approval for many terms now. In the wrong hands, the pres now has the power to F things up pretty well all on his/her own.
and again, this is where the direction of SCOTUS is huuuuuugely important. if POTUS starts to overstep, SCOTUS can reel him/her back in.
unless, of course, POTUS declares full marshall law, then we'd have a military junta run by whomever the imperial emperor is.
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