OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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I'd be interested in seeing some "leaked" RNC emails from a few months back. Get cracking on that, Putin.

How Putin Weaponized Wikileaks to Influence the Election of an American President

Not surprising. The leaks show Bernie was right all along. I saw Terry McAullife said when the DNC was under his control, that wouldn't be tolerated, which seems true. Clinton was supposed to have 2008 locked up.
I wonder how Trump supporters break down between singles and parents. He is a disaster from every angle but who the fuck would want a kid like Trump or a role model for their children like Trump?

Rhetorically, of course. I know there are plenty of people who would.
I wonder how Trump supporters break down between singles and parents. He is a disaster from every angle but who the fuck would want a kid like Trump or a role model for their children like Trump?

Rhetorically, of course. I know there are plenty of people who would.

View attachment 28466

I'm down in Florida for a few weeks staying with my brother. I never really watch live tv so I don't see many commercials, but Clinton is running an ad saying the same thing.
Edit-I found it.
I'm down in Florida for a few weeks staying with my brother. I never really watch live tv so I don't see many commercials, but Clinton is running an ad saying the same thing.
Edit-I found it.

Might hold water if it was from somebody else but all I hear is it's okay to be a liar and a warmonger as long as you don't have a potty mouth.
Might hold water if it was from somebody else but all I hear is it's okay to be a liar and a warmonger as long as you don't have a potty mouth.

Yeah, but then it would have to be from someone other than a politician. All politicians lie.
If a "Bernie supporter" finds it remotely acceptable to vote for Trump they never understood Bernie's message.

A large number of Sanders' supporters (and Trump too, for that matter) didn't support them solely because of ideology, they are just tired of the same old cookie cutter establishment candidates the parties give us year after year. Supporting Sanders and Trump represents a very real way of voicing dissatisfaction with the system.

I would not find it surprising if a fair number of Sanders' supporters vote Trump regardless of ideology, but rather because Clinton is more representative of a system they feel disenfranchised from.
A large number of Sanders' supporters (and Trump too, for that matter) didn't support them solely because of ideology, they are just tired of the same old cookie cutter establishment candidates the parties give us year after year. Supporting Sanders and Trump represents a very real way of voicing dissatisfaction with the system.

I would not find it surprising if a fair number of Sanders' supporters vote Trump regardless of ideology, but rather because Clinton is more representative of a system they feel disenfranchised from.

I get that logic but if you are dissatisfied with the system and vote for Trump doesn't change the system. He is still the Republican nominee and that part t is part of the system. If Trump were to win with a Republican controlled congress, that system you are fed up with will get a whole lot worse. A third party vote would be a better way to protest the system, it tells both parties you are sick of their shit.
I get that logic but if you are dissatisfied with the system and vote for Trump doesn't change the system. He is still the Republican nominee and that part t is part of the system. If Trump were to win with a Republican controlled congress, that system you are fed up with will get a whole lot worse. A third party vote would be a better way to protest the system, it tells both parties you are sick of their shit.

see, the problem with this logic is that neither of the two parties gives a damn about a bunch of scattered 'third party' write ins. the news won't follow it or make any kind of deal out of it. and in the end, the only people that will really know about the third party write ins are those that wrote them in. the only way doing this would get anyone's attention, is if 10 million+ people did it on the same election.
and if you could get that kind of turn out, you'd already have established a third party (ad hoc though it may be).
just sayin'
In my email this morning:

Donald Trump comes out of his convention ahead of Hillary Clinton in the race for the White House, topping her 44% to 39% in a four-way matchup including Gary Johnson (9%) and Jill Stein (3%) and by three points in a two-way head-to-head, 48% to 45%. That latter finding represents a 6-point convention bounce for Trump, which are traditionally measured in two-way matchups.

There hasn't been a significant post-convention bounce in CNN's polling since 2000. That year Al Gore and George W. Bush both boosted their numbers by an identical 8 points post-convention before ultimately battling all the way to the Supreme Court.

The new findings mark Trump's best showing in a CNN/ORC Poll against Clinton since September 2015. Trump's new edge rests largely on increased support among independents, 43% of whom said that Trump's convention in Cleveland left them more likely to back him, while 41% were dissuaded. Pre-convention, independents split 34% Clinton to 31% Trump, with sizable numbers behind Johnson (22%) and Stein (10%). Now, 46% say they back Trump, 28% Clinton, 15% Johnson and 4% Stein.

Trump's newfound lead is also boosted by a sharp increase in support from whites without college degrees. In the new poll they break 62% for Trump to 23% for Clinton, while whites who hold at least a bachelor's degree have actually tilted more pro-Clinton since the convention (from a 40% to 40% split pre-convention to a 44% Clinton to 39% Trump divide now).

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Unfortunately serious 3rd party voting has to start from the bottom up. Not top down.

But local politics are boring and Americans are lazy.
I like how CNN has to point out how stupid white males prefer Trump :

Trump's newfound lead is also boosted by a sharp increase in support from whites without college degrees. In the new poll they break 62% for Trump to 23% for Clinton, while whites who hold at least a bachelor's degree have actually tilted more pro-Clinton since the convention (from a 40% to 40% split pre-convention to a 44% Clinton to 39% Trump divide now).
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