OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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Maybe you were. But on January 21 Alex Jones and Glen Beck will tell their listeners that Obama only left office because of the Oath Keepers and their guns.

I actually wonder how fast Trump would resign if he were elected, once he realizes he can't fire congress or the supreme court, or that he just can't declare bankruptcy for the country.
I actually wonder how fast Trump would resign if he were elected, once he realizes he can't fire congress or the supreme court, or that he just can't declare bankruptcy for the country.
i wonder how long it would take for congress to impeach his ass, as soon as he tries to authorize and order the military to do things that are illegal, like torture.
as soon as those orders come out of his mouth, it's high crimes and misdemeanors time.
i wonder how long it would take for congress to impeach his ass, as soon as he tries to authorize and order the military to do things that are illegal, like torture.
as soon as those orders come out of his mouth, it's high crimes and misdemeanors time.

Its hard to say. If the republicans still control congress after the election, do they impeach him, then try to remove him in favor of Pence? That would leave them looking bad for impeaching their own guy and would really crush the party. Or do they stand by and then get crushed for allowing things to happen? They really have screwed themselves with this one.
Or, just playing devils advocate here, Trump wins and we end up with something that more or less looks like a sequel to the GW Bush years.

Pretty god damn awful, and something to actively be avoided, but not the apocalypse so many people think it could be. There are checks and balances within the system, and Trump has made many republican enemies. Everything isn't always so dramatic.

Pretty god damn awful, and something to actively be avoided, but not the apocalypse so many people think it could be.

Tell that to the millions of Iraqis who lost loved ones when the Bush administration let civil war and ethnic cleansing rage across Iraq. A Trump win is probably going to lead to lots of people dying outside the USA when Donald decides to fight terror by carpet bombing Syria, Iran, or Turkey.

Not to mention what a Trump win does for the reputation of the USA, democracy, and free markets around the world. If the best we can do is put Trump then America isn't going to be something to aspire to. The long-term consequences of that could be terrible.
Or, just playing devils advocate here, Trump wins and we end up with something that more or less looks like a sequel to the GW Bush years.

Pretty god damn awful, and something to actively be avoided, but not the apocalypse so many people think it could be. There are checks and balances within the system, and Trump has made many republican enemies. Everything isn't always so dramatic.

maybe.....maybe not. we've seen what obama has done with executive orders, i would image trump would use the same power on a daily basis, if he doesn't get his was with congress. he could do a lot of damage with just that alone. his gop enemies don't get a say in executive orders.
Or, just playing devils advocate here, Trump wins and we end up with something that more or less looks like a sequel to the GW Bush years.

Pretty god damn awful, and something to actively be avoided, but not the apocalypse so many people think it could be. There are checks and balances within the system, and Trump has made many republican enemies. Everything isn't always so dramatic.


except he will appoint 1 supreme court judge and possibly 2. That would set the country back decades.
Its hard to say. If the republicans still control congress after the election, do they impeach him, then try to remove him in favor of Pence? That would leave them looking bad for impeaching their own guy and would really crush the party. Or do they stand by and then get crushed for allowing things to happen? They really have screwed themselves with this one.

I personally think the Republican party would have no problem impeaching Trump. First, most of the party doesn't claim him anyway. Second, if they don't, there be no Republican party left for the next election.
I still find it odd that the best candidate the Democrats could come up with is... Hillary Clinton. Yes, highly qualified, but all her lesser qualities make her a rather tough one to swallow. Do they really have that many other candidates who are both fairly well-liked and qualified for such a gig? Since name recognition is a big thing this election, and someone like, say, Al Franken might not be a strong contender on his own.

There's Sanders and Warren, sure, but are they popular outside of their very enthusiastic fanbase?
I still find it odd that the best candidate the Democrats could come up with is... Hillary Clinton. Yes, highly qualified, but all her lesser qualities make her a rather tough one to swallow. Do they really have that many other candidates who are both fairly well-liked and qualified for such a gig? Since name recognition is a big thing this election, and someone like, say, Al Franken might not be a strong contender on his own.

There's Sanders and Warren, sure, but are they popular outside of their very enthusiastic fanbase?
hillary is the candidate because it's payment for getting in line and staying in line since 2012. and because she has the most recognition, beside obama, in the DNC.

edit: and because after the 2008 primary, she jumped on board BO's train and didn't get devisive about loosing. and then the rest of what i said above.
Just because you disagree with them, doesn't mean they're cowards.
I can see why he says that, since we've seen so few GOP members willing to fight for their party and their principles. Even evangelicals, who have to recognize that Trump is about as religious as Chris Hitchens, are just throwing it all away and are giving him the nomination.

They had better options! Kasich, much as I disagree with many of his views, seems like a way better candidate, and one who'd have a bigger chance of beating Clinton in the general.
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