OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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I like how CNN has to point out how stupid white males prefer Trump :

Trump's newfound lead is also boosted by a sharp increase in support from whites without college degrees. In the new poll they break 62% for Trump to 23% for Clinton, while whites who hold at least a bachelor's degree have actually tilted more pro-Clinton since the convention (from a 40% to 40% split pre-convention to a 44% Clinton to 39% Trump divide now).

You're better than that. Stupid and less educated are two very different things.
see, the problem with this logic is that neither of the two parties gives a damn about a bunch of scattered 'third party' write ins. the news won't follow it or make any kind of deal out of it. and in the end, the only people that will really know about the third party write ins are those that wrote them in. the only way doing this would get anyone's attention, is if 10 million+ people did it on the same election.
and if you could get that kind of turn out, you'd already have established a third party (ad hoc though it may be).
just sayin'

Jill Stein and Gary Johnson are not write ins. They are on the ballot for the Green Party and Libertarian party. With as close as the elections have been, the more votes the Green and Libertarians get, the more the Dem and Rep parties need to listen or risk a third party coming up. If a third party candidate gets 5% of the popular vote, their party gets federal funding and equal ballot access, making them a viable candidate. So while Stein or Johnson have no shot this year, if they were able to get 5% each, their parties would get funding, be on all states, DC and territory ballots and debates in next election.
In my email this morning:

Donald Trump comes out of his convention ahead of Hillary Clinton in the race for the White House, topping her 44% to 39% in a four-way matchup including Gary Johnson (9%) and Jill Stein (3%) and by three points in a two-way head-to-head, 48% to 45%. That latter finding represents a 6-point convention bounce for Trump, which are traditionally measured in two-way matchups.

There hasn't been a significant post-convention bounce in CNN's polling since 2000. That year Al Gore and George W. Bush both boosted their numbers by an identical 8 points post-convention before ultimately battling all the way to the Supreme Court.

The new findings mark Trump's best showing in a CNN/ORC Poll against Clinton since September 2015. Trump's new edge rests largely on increased support among independents, 43% of whom said that Trump's convention in Cleveland left them more likely to back him, while 41% were dissuaded. Pre-convention, independents split 34% Clinton to 31% Trump, with sizable numbers behind Johnson (22%) and Stein (10%). Now, 46% say they back Trump, 28% Clinton, 15% Johnson and 4% Stein.

Trump's newfound lead is also boosted by a sharp increase in support from whites without college degrees. In the new poll they break 62% for Trump to 23% for Clinton, while whites who hold at least a bachelor's degree have actually tilted more pro-Clinton since the convention (from a 40% to 40% split pre-convention to a 44% Clinton to 39% Trump divide now).

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So if that held up, the Libertarian party would get federal funding, their candidate on all ballots and be part of the debates in the 2020 election. I would rather it be the green party and in the 4 years, Trump would probably end term limits become supreme ruler for life.
I'm down in Florida for a few weeks staying with my brother. I never really watch live tv so I don't see many commercials, but Clinton is running an ad saying the same thing.
Edit-I found it.

Trump mocking the disabled reporter gets a laugh out of me every single time.


Not because I'm laughing at the disabled... it's just... wow. I really can't believe what a buffoon this guy is.
So if that held up, the Libertarian party would get federal funding, their candidate on all ballots and be part of the debates in the 2020 election. I would rather it be the green party and in the 4 years, Trump would probably end term limits become supreme ruler for life.

I love the rumors that Obama is going to impose martial law to stay in power. I remember the same crap going around about W.
I have the same reaction to Michael Richards' racist rant from a few years ago. It makes me laugh every time, not because it's funny but because I can't believe it happened.

The difference is that pretty much ended Michael Richards, and he wasn't running for President. I'm just baffled how Trump can do dozens of things that would have ended anyone else's political career in a heartbeat, but seemingly grow stronger.
I have the same reaction to Michael Richards' racist rant from a few years ago. It makes me laugh every time, not because it's funny but because I can't believe it happened.

The difference is that pretty much ended Michael Richards, and he wasn't running for President. I'm just baffled how Trump can do dozens of things that would have ended anyone else's political career in a heartbeat, but seemingly grow stronger.
Well, Michael Richards' career depends on Hollywood. The entertainment industry is mostly liberal and full of minorities so they just won't hire him anymore. Trump's current venture is relying on a few things but one of them is that the folks who support him largely expect him to say or do whatever he wants without kowtowing to special interests or pesky minorities/special interests/big government because HE IS THE VOICE OF THE COMMON MAN and the common man in this country apparently is fine with making fun of "retards". And women. And Mexicans. And anyone else other than white men.
Trump mocking the disabled reporter gets a laugh out of me every single time.


Not because I'm laughing at the disabled... it's just... wow. I really can't believe what a buffoon this guy is.

I still can't believe he did that. If I were a Republican, I would be embarrassed that a guy who did that has my party's nomination. I don't think there has been a more despicable candidate in the history of our country based on that one clip alone.
Jill Stein and Gary Johnson are not write ins. They are on the ballot for the Green Party and Libertarian party. With as close as the elections have been, the more votes the Green and Libertarians get, the more the Dem and Rep parties need to listen or risk a third party coming up. If a third party candidate gets 5% of the popular vote, their party gets federal funding and equal ballot access, making them a viable candidate. So while Stein or Johnson have no shot this year, if they were able to get 5% each, their parties would get funding, be on all states, DC and territory ballots and debates in next election.
i get what you are saying, it's just that there are too many things stein and johnson advocate that i disagree with and therefore will not vote for either of them just to attempt to get funding for a 'third party of some kind' next cycle. if the election was kerry vs. romney, it would be a lot easier to let my vote go for someone who's not going to win, just for (hopefully) future funding/ballot recognition.
but this time, there is way too much on the table to risk letting a dictator wannabe get in the whitehouse.
i get what you are saying, it's just that there are too many things stein and johnson advocate that i disagree with and therefore will not vote for either of them just to attempt to get funding for a 'third party of some kind' next cycle. if the election was kerry vs. romney, it would be a lot easier to let my vote go for someone who's not going to win, just for (hopefully) future funding/ballot recognition.
but this time, there is way too much on the table to risk letting a dictator wannabe get in the whitehouse.

I get that, and I am not advocating doing it in this election, Trump needs to lose. I was commenting on Sanders supporters voting for Trump. They would be better off voting for a third party if they don't want to vote for Hilary to protest the DNC.
Well, Michael Richards' career depends on Hollywood. The entertainment industry is mostly liberal and full of minorities so they just won't hire him anymore. Trump's current venture is relying on a few things but one of them is that the folks who support him largely expect him to say or do whatever he wants without kowtowing to special interests or pesky minorities/special interests/big government because HE IS THE VOICE OF THE COMMON MAN and the common man in this country apparently is fine with making fun of "retards". And women. And Mexicans. And anyone else other than white men.
I hope you know I was joking when I wrote that part.

Maybe you were. But on January 21 Alex Jones and Glen Beck will tell their listeners that Obama only left office because of the Oath Keepers and their guns.
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