OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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I have no dilemma. Neither major party candidate has earned my vote. What makes Democrats and Republicans think shaming me into voting for their candidate will work?
Normally I vote the same way.

This time I realize that while Clinton is not ideal (my ticket would've been Sanders/Warren), she's only a backwards slide while Trump is nuclear armageddon.
The problem with letting the shithouse burn is that tarnishing the Republican brand doesn’t work. Republicans don’t abandon the party, they just get crazier. And the DNC leadership is too inept to maintain a hold on Congress. When Bush left office pundits were predicting the GOP spending the next decade or more in the wilderness while the Democrats ran both houses of Congress and the white house. Instead the GOP took back both houses of Congress by claiming Obama was a Nazi commie.

Yeah, it really doesn't matter what horrible shit republicans do, they just blame it on the democrats and move on.

If a "Bernie supporter" finds it remotely acceptable to vote for Trump they never understood Bernie's message.

Absolutely. Still, I think there's a faction out there who never really paid much attention to politics, but understand the country's in trouble and want to vote for an outsider. For whatever reason, they gravitated toward Bernie, but now that he's out they're weighing supporting Trump as the remaining "outsider" candidate.

I also think there is a sizable number of Bernie supporters weighing voting for Jill Stein or Gary Johnson.
Yeah, it really doesn't matter what horrible shit republicans do, they just blame it on the democrats and move on.

Absolutely. Still, I think there's a faction out there who never really paid much attention to politics, but understand the country's in trouble and want to vote for an outsider. For whatever reason, they gravitated toward Bernie, but now that he's out they're weighing supporting Trump as the remaining "outsider" candidate.

I also think there is a sizable number of Bernie supporters weighing voting for Jill Stein or Gary Johnson.
To be honest, I think my johnson is a better choice than Gary Johnson.

I don't think people understand what an outsider is if they think Bernie is an outsider. He's an insider that won't accept the status quo bullshit.
I kind of feel the current choices are a vote for a fascist theocracy or a continuation of the corporate oligarchy. Not really great options.

One of my increasingly frequent old man moments, yelling at the TV when republicans quote the % of Americans not happy with the direction our country is headed: AND THEY ARE YOUR IDEAS!!
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