OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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I have no dilemma. Neither major party candidate has earned my vote. What makes Democrats and Republicans think shaming me into voting for their candidate will work?

If the race between Trump and Clinton was very close in NY, would that change your vote?
I did exactly what you are planning in Bush v Gore because Bush had VA completely locked up. Had I been living in Florida, I would have voted for Gore.
My vote does matter. It matters to me. That's why I'm voting for a third party candidate.

@Chad, I've voted for a major party candidate once. That was for Obama the first time. Every other election has been third party, going back to 1996.

I've only gone independent twice.
From my impromptu survey riding around my town on my bike, there's several Trump banners and yard signs. No Hillary propaganda to be seen with the DNC right down the road next week.
Haha Stephen Hawking called Trump a 'Demagogue appealing to the lowest common denominator'.

There was a considerable increase in google searches for 'demagogue' and 'denominator' :lol:

Honestly, people claimed he was going Trump a favour by confusing the voters with difficult language :facepalm:

He replied: "Trump bad man. Very bad man" :lol:
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Not saying Bernie supporters should vote for Trump, some third party or, not at all but, they do deserve something. Some small victory. Maybe a cease and desist order to stop calling themselves the Democratic party. Need one of the lawyers here to punch it up, here is a start: Being that the party of the first part, the Democratic party isn't interested in historically democratic issues and, the party of the second part, the republican party, has a candidate whose trade policy is to the left of the first party, the party is over. Party of the first part shall now cease calling it's self the Democratic party.
No Hillary propaganda to be seen with the DNC right down the road next week.

I don’t think the Clinton campaign has started distributing yard signs yet. I’ve tried getting one and they just don’t have any. From what I can tell you have to buy a two pack of posters or a huge banner and make your own sign. Either they’re waiting for the convention or signs don’t test well with Clinton supporters.
Not saying Bernie supporters should vote for Trump, some third party or, not at all but, they do deserve something. Some small victory. Maybe a cease and desist order to stop calling themselves the Democratic party. Need one of the lawyers here to punch it up, here is a start: Being that the party of the first part, the Democratic party isn't interested in historically democratic issues and, the party of the second part, the republican party, has a candidate whose trade policy is to the left of the first party, the party is over. Party of the first part shall now cease calling it's self the Democratic party.

Did the Republicans draw up one of these? The GOP was started to stop the Kansas-Nebraska act which was going to extend slavery into new territories. Lincoln ended slavery, Roosevelt went after trusts, got laws passed to regulate the food industry and started the conservation movement. Eisenhower expanded social security. I can't imagine they would be happy with Trump leading their party.
Did the Republicans draw up one of these? The GOP was started to stop the Kansas-Nebraska act which was going to extend slavery into new territories. Lincoln ended slavery, Roosevelt went after trusts, got laws passed to regulate the food industry and started the conservation movement. Eisenhower expanded social security. I can't imagine they would be happy with Trump leading their party.

Not the same party. Better to think in terms of the liberal and conservative parties. There was a reversal that began with the New Deal and was completed with the Civil Rights Act. Half the time, we still might as well be voting for North or South.
Did the Republicans draw up one of these? The GOP was started to stop the Kansas-Nebraska act which was going to extend slavery into new territories. Lincoln ended slavery, Roosevelt went after trusts, got laws passed to regulate the food industry and started the conservation movement. Eisenhower expanded social security. I can't imagine they would be happy with Trump leading their party.
i can't imagine that any one of them would be happy with any republican since (and including) nixon.
I don’t think the Clinton campaign has started distributing yard signs yet. I’ve tried getting one and they just don’t have any. From what I can tell you have to buy a two pack of posters or a huge banner and make your own sign. Either they’re waiting for the convention or signs don’t test well with Clinton supporters.

Turns out they were waiting for Kaine. The Clinton campaign just added signs to the store.
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