OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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Jon Stewart was epic last night on Colbert. It sure is different when it's your inexperienced, thin skinned, narcissistic candidate for the fair unbiased news reporters :shrug:

But about 2:40 in of Stephen's opening monologue had me in stitches :grin:

i'm a little surprised trump didn't ask duke to be vp

I’m sure they considered it. But there’s a popular misconception that the constitution bars felons from being president (this was actually taught as a fact when I was in school), and it would be a big distraction from Duke’s KKK past qualifying him for the ticket.
I’m sure they considered it. But there’s a popular misconception that the constitution bars felons from being president (this was actually taught as a fact when I was in school), and it would be a big distraction from Duke’s KKK past qualifying him for the ticket.

a KKK vice prez would be perfect for a Nazi president.....or one would think rolleyes1
I worry that we'd get stuck with a tea party douche to fill his hole in the Senate.

I still can't figure out what the deal is with Mark Warner.I would have thought he'd be a great candidate for President, but it seems that he stepped aside for Clinton and Obama nine plus years ago and again for Hillary this last year. If Hillary wins I think his window of opportunity is likely done. Sadly, I sure as hell hope Hillary wins. O'Malley was my favorite candidate after Bernie.

No worries on Kaine's replacement. Terry McAuliffe (va's governor) picks the person that fills the seat.
Thats not going to pull in Sanders supporters who need motivation to vote for her.

Better to leave people like Bernie and Warren in positions where they can actually do something useful and help move the party to the left. Picking a liberal democrat for the veep slot just neutralizes that person politically, which doesn’t do Bernie’s supporters any favors.
Well, this is an awkward thing to happen right before the convention. Is it any wonder that Bernie supporters aren't lining up to vote Clinton?

More obvious than awkward. Of course there was anti-Sanders bias in the DNC. Bernie quit the party and spent years shitting all over them. Then he ran for the POTUS nomination on the DNC’s ticket and spent more time shitting all over them. Who would expect that to engender a kind reaction?
Better to leave people like Bernie and Warren in positions where they can actually do something useful and help move the party to the left. Picking a liberal democrat for the veep slot just neutralizes that person politically, which doesn’t do Bernie’s supporters any favors.

I never understood the Liz Warren for VP thing. Didn't she say, a year or two ago shat she wasn't interested in running for president? Before Bernie got in, she was kinda my dream candidate. If she doesn't want to be Prez, why would she want to be VP?
More obvious than awkward. Of course there was anti-Sanders bias in the DNC. Bernie quit the party and spent years shitting all over them. Then he ran for the POTUS nomination on the DNC’s ticket and spent more time shitting all over them. Who would expect that to engender a kind reaction?

Bernie didn't join the party until 2015. He was the longest serving Independent in congressional history. He alway caucused with them, but was never in the party.
Except they are, with a few exceptions.

Yeah, the media is all freaking over Bernie supporters not going to Clinton because of Kaine. But the reality is very few of them will support Trump, Johnson, or Stein. Clinton needs a centrist who knows the system and will push her agenda in Congress. Kaine, while the boring choice, was the right one.

I'm still not voting for her. :embarrassed:
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