Vagabond Of The Western World
Colin Powell
but he'll Never do it.
He was GWB's errand boy who lied to the UN to justify the Iraq war. DQ'd.
Colin Powell
but he'll Never do it.
Figures it was from California.
Just wait 'til Trump comes out with those pastel red, white & blue Hope bumper stickers.
I had a feeling somebody had already done it.
the radical christians love to claim that america (USA) was created by christians, under god. they fail to see that there is only one mention of god in the declaration, and it says "laws of nature and nature's god", not the christian god, or the god of abraham or the god of jesus....."nature's god". (hinting strongly that most of the founding fathers were really deists, and certainly not evangelical christians.)
then in the next paragraph, the most famous line "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness".
note that is says "creator", not God. again, not founded by christians for christians.
they just can't wrap their head around their 'un-specialness'.
he was lied to by W, cheney and rumsfeld, and the cia director. he didn't intentionally lie to the UN. he told them what he was hood winked into believing.He was GWB's errand boy who lied to the UN to justify the Iraq war. DQ'd.
Politics in America...gotta love it. :sigh:he was lied to by W, cheney and rumsfeld, and the cia director. he didn't intentionally lie to the UN. he told them what he was hood winked into believing.
as soon as he found out he was lied to he resigned. and has not had very nice things to say about the trinity of evil since.
well, when you (them) absolutely, positively must have a war so that everyone (them) can make billions in profit, ya gotta tell some lies to make everyone believe it.Politics in America...gotta love it. :sigh:
Well, some of us don't have e-coli infested subways to boost our immune systems.
Now if only we could get someone who is actually good for the job instead of just shades of insufficient, we'd really have something!
I think we had a great person for the job for 8 years. But there's only so much that could be accomplished with an obstructionist house and senate.
For better or worse, a significant portion of the job is working with the opposition party in the legislature. I fear that had the Republicans not been historically obstructionist, that big business legislation like the TPP would have been passed a lot easier.
She suffers from Trumpiness. There is no helping her.
Yeah, but the most productive legislative runs in the history of the country have been under liberal super-majorities. Lincoln wouldn't have been able to get anything done whatsoever if the south hadn't been gun crazy.
This isn't a new trend.
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