OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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Watching Trump people try to say the speech wasn't plagiarized and the mental gymnastics they're going through - it's making my head feel like it's going to explode.

That's a party problem for the Democrats. The Republicans may be the party of bad ideas, but the Democrats have no cohesion. So even when they have a majority, their legislations gets watered down. Going forward, Hillary may win the Presidency, but she'll still have to deal with a Republican House and Senate. That majority isn't going away this cycle.

I don't imagine there'll ever be any easy solution any time soon.

The system itself - the constitution - is too archaic, and the country considers it a religious text.
he was lied to by W, cheney and rumsfeld, and the cia director. he didn't intentionally lie to the UN. he told them what he was hood winked into believing.
as soon as he found out he was lied to he resigned. and has not had very nice things to say about the trinity of evil since.

If, as Secretary Of State, he wasn't aware of how the Bush administration was ordering the CIA to "stovepipe" intelligence data to provide them with a casus belli for the Iraq war, he isn't qualified to be dogcatcher. He was smart enough to know that, though- there was quite a bit of behind the scenes drama as Powell's staff fought to remove the outright lies that the administration demanded from the UN speech. In the end though, Powell went along with it. And he didn't resign of his own accord- he was asked to resign.
I don't imagine there'll ever be any easy solution any time soon.

The system itself - the constitution - is too archaic, and the country considers it a religious text.
The Democrats solution is simple. Actually be the party with rational solutions you claim to be instead of the bumbling idiots they are.
You rode BART?


But it's not really a subway besides the one tube...
and the bus. And another train. Germs are everywhere, not just underground.
McConnell will die in office. He thinks he's a monomoniacal genius playing house of cards. And he's so stupid and arrogant that he just released a book about it. He's like Palin; too stupid to even realize that he's up to his neck in his own shit.

But I expect Graham to join the ranks and retire with his tiny shred of dignity that survived losing to Trump.
McConnell will die in office. He thinks he's a monomoniacal genius playing house of cards. And he's so stupid and arrogant that he just released a book about it. He's like Palin; too stupid to even realize that he's up to his neck in his own shit.

But I expect Graham to join the ranks and retire with his tiny shred of dignity that survived losing to Trump.
I expect that Graham will be disgraced in a rentboy scandal.
I expect that Graham will be disgraced in a rentboy scandal.

I think it’s more likely that he’s asexual. If he were really gay it would have come out by now. DC has a big gay scene, but not one big enough to keep a secret for twenty-one years.
I think it’s more likely that he’s asexual. If he were really gay it would have come out by now. DC has a big gay scene, but not one big enough to keep a secret for twenty-one years.
but Lindsey is from SC. could be sumthin' sumthin' back there.
besides, if something starts to come out....he'll just claim to be a "log cabin republican".
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