OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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The ONE Trump supporter at my job (science is typically full of liberal types) is convinced that even though Hillary has the votes to win, in the end, she will be sent to prison before the election over a list of ramblings (email, Benghazi, white water, bribes) and Trump will sweep the election.
The ONE Trump supporter at my job (science is typically full of liberal types) is convinced that even though Hillary has the votes to win, in the end, she will be sent to prison before the election over a list of ramblings (email, Benghazi, white water, bribes) and Trump will sweep the election.
I doubt Hillary is going to be indicted, but the VP candidates in this election may have more influence over how people vote than in the past. There is probably equal likelihood on either side that the VP may have to step in due to impeachment, imprisonment, or even assassination.
The ONE Trump supporter at my job (science is typically full of liberal types) is convinced that even though Hillary has the votes to win, in the end, she will be sent to prison before the election over a list of ramblings (email, Benghazi, white water, bribes) and Trump will sweep the election.

I can't believe the field of science is mostly liberal. The conservatives usually believe what scientists tell them :grin:
I doubt Hillary is going to be indicted, but the VP candidates in this election may have more influence over how people vote than in the past. There is probably equal likelihood on either side that the VP may have to step in due to impeachment, imprisonment, or even assassination.

Yeah, not since John McCain's pick. That was the nail in his coffin.
I considered voting for him until Palin was announced. That ended when I found out she had no relation to Michael Palin, was unintentionally hilarious, and not a satire.

If he had ran against Clinton, the Palin choice would have eliminated him for me. When Obama got the nod, the choice was over for me.
If he had ran against Clinton, the Palin choice would have eliminated him for me. When Obama got the nod, the choice was over for me.

I voted for Obama in that election. In hindsight, I have mixed feelings about his presidency. But he was clearly better than anyone else running.
I voted for Obama in that election. In hindsight, I have mixed feelings about his presidency. But he was clearly better than anyone else running.

I do as well, but I think his biggest fault was his belief that he could get members of both parties to reach a common ground where they could pass the parts of legislation they could agree on. I still love the press conference with Boehner where he said they were about 95% in agreement with the affordable health care act, so they should scrap it and start over with a bipartisan bill.
Whenever my christian friends get pissed at someone wanting to remove the word god from something,.

the radical christians love to claim that america (USA) was created by christians, under god. they fail to see that there is only one mention of god in the declaration, and it says "laws of nature and nature's god", not the christian god, or the god of abraham or the god of jesus....."nature's god". (hinting strongly that most of the founding fathers were really deists, and certainly not evangelical christians.)

then in the next paragraph, the most famous line "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness".

note that is says "creator", not God. again, not founded by christians for christians.

they just can't wrap their head around their 'un-specialness'.
the radical christians love to claim that america (USA) was created by christians, under god. they fail to see that there is only one mention of god in the declaration, and it says "laws of nature and nature's god", not the christian god, or the god of abraham or the god of jesus....."nature's god". (hinting strongly that most of the founding fathers were really deists, and certainly not evangelical christians.)

then in the next paragraph, the most famous line "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness".

note that is says "creator", not God. again, not founded by christians for christians.

they just can't wrap their head around their 'un-specialness'.

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