OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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Dr. Jonathan Snow is a tenured U of H professor of geology.
He didn't need any help from me in dispatching Mr. West, but I couldn't resist!


I love how conservatives have suddenly decided that the only way to protect children is by turning them into jails, with exterior security walls and armed guards. :messedup:

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IMO the most important statements in this piece are:

"Trump has falsified quotes on a number of occasions already this year."
"On separate occasions in February, Trump doctored quotes by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA)."
"Trump also has a history of manipulating Brennan’s words for his own ends."

lying fucking con man. and presently, he's conning the whole country.
I love how conservatives have suddenly decided that the only way to protect children is by turning them into jails, with exterior security walls and armed guards. :messedup:

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the better to keep the parents out, so proper indoctrination can occur.
the better to keep the parents out, so proper indoctrination can occur.

WRONG. Conservatives believe that schools are indoctrination centers. Liberals are supposed to believe that public schools are bastions of socialization and right thinking. Get your party lines untangled.
"But if Democrats gain power, they will try to reverse these incredible gains. These are historic gains. They will try and reverse many of them. So your vote in 2018 is every bit as important as your vote in 2016 -- although I'm not sure I really believe that, but you know. (Laughter.) I don't know who the hell wrote that line. I'm not sure. (Laughter and applause.) But it's still important."

- trump

"But if Democrats gain power, they will try to reverse these incredible gains. These are historic gains. They will try and reverse many of them. So your vote in 2018 is every bit as important as your vote in 2016 -- although I'm not sure I really believe that, but you know. (Laughter.) I don't know who the hell wrote that line. I'm not sure. (Laughter and applause.) But it's still important."

- trump

but.....but.....but.....HE has tried (and succeeded some times) killing all the historical gains that were made before he was the Shitler in Chief.
I don’t know. She was is the mom of a family that had a LOT of kids taking lessons at Premier. Her daughter is now one of my classmates at school :facepalm:
Don't feel bad. Remember, I unfriended my own dad. My entire family (outside of my siblings, somehow) is comprised mostly have hate-filled assholes and they can all go fuck off on social media and real life. I hope they realize that it lost them access to their grandchildren.

Breitbart has already taken credit for the NFL boycotts from last couple of years. They've now taken credit for this policy change, and will take credit as people continue to boycott, framing it as a boycott of players who stay in the locker room instead of being on the field.
Breitbart has already taken credit for the NFL boycotts from last couple of years. They've now taken credit for this policy change, and will take credit as people continue to boycott, framing it as a boycott of players who stay in the locker room instead of being on the field.

Yeah, that's what I thought when I first saw the rule. Now anyone who isn't standing on the field during the anthem is going to be labeled a protester even if they were in the locker room getting some extra tape on the shoes or something.
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