OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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trump admitted on fox news that his claim of having tapes of conversations with comey was made up to try to change his testimony.

why is anyone believing him now that he is saying the FBI put spies in his campaign? they were investigating russian ties after papadapolous and carter page were bragging about hacked emails and ties to russia.
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For those of you who were wondering what prompted this last night it was a dipshit inviting me to like this page:
The Christian gal in the comments had me puzzled. I wasn't sure if she meant by saying you could think/say what you want that you should accept hate groups and their speech, or she thought what you were doing was ok. Anyway, she wanted to make sure everyone knew she was Christian and was not going to be silent about that. Not sure what that had to do with your post.
The Christian gal in the comments had me puzzled. I wasn't sure if she meant by saying you could think/say what you want that you should accept hate groups and their speech, or she thought what you were doing was ok. Anyway, she wanted to make sure everyone knew she was Christian and was not going to be silent about that. Not sure what that had to do with your post.
I don’t know. She was is the mom of a family that had a LOT of kids taking lessons at Premier. Her daughter is now one of my classmates at school :facepalm:
I don’t know. She was is the mom of a family that had a LOT of kids taking lessons at Premier. Her daughter is now one of my classmates at school :facepalm:

I guess I wouldn't worry about it one way or another. Seems like she was saying your views are your views and hers are hers, and she was ok with that, and was proving she felt free to speak her mind.. Or something
Dr. Jonathan Snow is a tenured U of H professor of geology.
He didn't need any help from me in dispatching Mr. West, but I couldn't resist!

I love watching the right build up this bullshit about how untrustworthy the FBI and DOJ are, just to rile up the base to create some support for when the shitbag in chief steps in and fires the head of DOJ, and replaces him with someone who will sack Mueller. They build on it for a while with the Nunes bullshit, then test the waters with a few vague tweets about this needing to end soon or BE ended soon, then when people in the party think that would be over the line, they go back with two democrat FBI agents scheming against Trump, and test that as a way to fire everyone, then move to the deep state conspiracy, and test that, then to Obama fucking spied on us, and test that. Finally we have SPYGATE and the biggest scandal ever from the DEEP STATE, and SOMEONE has to ACT NOW to prevent Mueller from staging a REVOLT/COUP. You can see it coming, and you can expect this latest round of tweets and conspiracy crap is another attempt to build support for the president derailing the investigation. I wonder how far shitbag will have to go to get the support he needs to do it. Rosenstein is surely going to get the sack to make way for a Trump hardliner who will do what the president wants....and we will have a government where democracy has failed and 200 plus years of the American experiment is cast aside for a failed huckster and his passion for whores.
I love watching the right build up this bullshit about how untrustworthy the FBI and DOJ are, just to rile up the base to create some support for when the shitbag in chief steps in and fires the head of DOJ, and replaces him with someone who will sack Mueller. They build on it for a while with the Nunes bullshit, then test the waters with a few vague tweets about this needing to end soon or BE ended soon, then when people in the party think that would be over the line, they go back with two democrat FBI agents scheming against Trump, and test that as a way to fire everyone, then move to the deep state conspiracy, and test that, then to Obama fucking spied on us, and test that. Finally we have SPYGATE and the biggest scandal ever from the DEEP STATE, and SOMEONE has to ACT NOW to prevent Mueller from staging a REVOLT/COUP. You can see it coming, and you can expect this latest round of tweets and conspiracy crap is another attempt to build support for the president derailing the investigation. I wonder how far shitbag will have to go to get the support he needs to do it. Rosenstein is surely going to get the sack to make way for a Trump hardliner who will do what the president wants....and we will have a government where democracy has failed and 200 plus years of the American experiment is cast aside for a failed huckster and his passion for whores.

That's been the plan all along.
I love watching the right build up this bullshit about how untrustworthy the FBI and DOJ are, just to rile up the base to create some support for when the shitbag in chief steps in and fires the head of DOJ, and replaces him with someone who will sack Mueller. They build on it for a while with the Nunes bullshit, then test the waters with a few vague tweets about this needing to end soon or BE ended soon, then when people in the party think that would be over the line, they go back with two democrat FBI agents scheming against Trump, and test that as a way to fire everyone, then move to the deep state conspiracy, and test that, then to Obama fucking spied on us, and test that. Finally we have SPYGATE and the biggest scandal ever from the DEEP STATE, and SOMEONE has to ACT NOW to prevent Mueller from staging a REVOLT/COUP. You can see it coming, and you can expect this latest round of tweets and conspiracy crap is another attempt to build support for the president derailing the investigation. I wonder how far shitbag will have to go to get the support he needs to do it. Rosenstein is surely going to get the sack to make way for a Trump hardliner who will do what the president wants....and we will have a government where democracy has failed and 200 plus years of the American experiment is cast aside for a failed huckster and his passion for whores.

and pee......can not forget about the pee.
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I love that a conservative, republican war hero turned lawyer who used to head up the FBI is somehow the mastermind of a deep state coup. Why now? Why not when he was running the FBI? How does any of this fit with the GOP narrative that war heroes, veterans and police are good, and especially so when they are conservatives? I guess we are to believe that a man who has spent his entire life serving his country with distinction has suddenly become some evil know, just coincidently when he was ordered to head up the special counsel on the Russian meddling thing by the Deputy Attorney General, who is also part of the conspiracy, and a man that the president nominated for the job.
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He wants schools to be just like prisons because of a plague of guns. And he doesn't see how utterly clue-bereft and marble-deficient that idea is.

Fuck me.
Because thelefttheleftthelefttheleftthelefttheleftthelefttheleftthelefttheleftthelefttheleftthelefttheleftthelefttheleftthelefttheleftthelefttheleftthelefttheleftthelefttheleftthelefttheleftthelefttheleftthelefttheleftthelefttheleftthelefttheleftthelefttheleftthelefttheleftthelefttheleftthelefttheleftthelefttheleftthelefttheleft
I love that a conservative, republican war hero turned lawyer who used to head up the FBI is somehow the mastermind of a deep state coup. Why now? Why not when he was running the FBI? How does any of this fit with the GOP narrative that war heroes, veterans and police are good, and especially so when they are conservatives? I guess we are to believe that a man who has spent his entire life serving his country with distinction has suddenly become some evil know, just coincidently when he was ordered to head up the special counsel on the Russian meddling thing by the Deputy Attorney General, who is also part of the conspiracy, and a man that the president nominated for the job.
Someone would need to think logically beyond a programmed, knee jerk emotional reaction of anger towards THE LEFT, and a programmed sense of euphoria and smug righteousness when defending "their team". Unfortunately, when someone like that starts down the path of considering facts with a dash of compassion and sense of history, all that "GO TEAM" self-righteousness evaporates quickly and the bad feels rush in, so most of them back away from that very quickly and get right back to "their side".

I believe that at some point the partisan co-opting of faith-based people in the US will go down in history as the biggest con job ever enacted.
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