OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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We keep threatening to take our kids to events and buying the seats we can actually afford instead of being invited by clients or family to their fancy pants private boxes. At some point my kids will eat that fucking cup of ice cream with the wood spoon that breaks on the first scoop while some Dodger or Yankee fans start throwing punches two rows over. They'll revolt when there is not free sushi or outlets to recharge their devices.

And so they should. And so they should.
The top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Adam Schiff(D-Calif.), in the past has received a separate but reportedly identical briefing on Nunes-led requests.

Schiff told reporters on Tuesday night that the Justice Department and the FBI had told him that Nunes "refused" to receive the briefings in the same room as Schiff.

Bowing to pressure, White House to host bipartisan briefing on Russia investigation
Nunes is a criminal, lunatic, crying baby. When is someone going to drop the hammer on these fools? :mad:
We keep threatening to take our kids to events and buying the seats we can actually afford instead of being invited by clients or family to their fancy pants private boxes. At some point my kids will eat that fucking cup of ice cream with the wood spoon that breaks on the first scoop while some Dodger or Yankee fans start throwing punches two rows over. They'll revolt when there is not free sushi or outlets to recharge their devices.
I still prefer bleacher seats at the Rainiers in Cheney Stadium, with beer and peanuts, to private box seats at the M's. I have had access through a friend to some of those seats. I will say, the drive up underground parking associated with those seats is pretty nice. But unneeded at Cheney.
Here's a good Atlantic article. Food for thought for those of you thinking that Texas is beyond redemption. :grin:

Will Texas Follow Houston’s Lead on Drug-Policy Reform?
District Attorney Kim Ogg is rapidly implementing progressive policies in Harris County—and she intends to be a model for the rest of her state.

HOUSTON—It’s hard to top Kim Ogg as a symbol for the rapid pace of political change in urban America, even in states that remain very conservative overall.

Ogg is a left-leaning, openly gay Democratic attorney from this city. In 2016, she routed a Republican incumbent by just over 108,000 votes to win election as the district attorney for Harris County, which includes Houston and surrounding suburbs. Since taking office, Ogg has rapidly engineered changes in criminal-justice policy more familiar in reliably blue cities along the coasts. She’s implemented programs to divert large numbers of low-level drug users into treatment or education programs. She’s supported an ongoing civil-rights lawsuit alleging that the county’s system for setting bail is biased against minorities and poor people, and she’s denounced efforts by the Trump administration and Texas Republicans to toughen enforcement against undocumented immigrants.

Full article:
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“You have to stand, proudly, for the national anthem or you shouldn't be playing. You shouldn't be there. Maybe you shouldn't be in the country."
-Dildo Trump on Fox & Friends

The distractions continue...
And so does Mueller.

ya know......for as long as this is taking and as much as he/staff have been interviewing.....there better be something really f'ing big about to drop :mad:

The White House on Thursday cancelled the highly anticipated meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

In a letter to Kim, President Donald Trump wrote, "I feel it is inappropriate, at this time, to have this long-planned meeting."

Trump said he'd been looking forward to the summit, but the "tremendous anger and open hostility" in Kim's recent statements ultimately inspired the president to cancel the meeting.

Trump cancels meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

The White House on Thursday cancelled the highly anticipated meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

In a letter to Kim, President Donald Trump wrote, "I feel it is inappropriate, at this time, to have this long-planned meeting."

Trump said he'd been looking forward to the summit, but the "tremendous anger and open hostility" in Kim's recent statements ultimately inspired the president to cancel the meeting.

Trump cancels meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

You know for someone who is characterized as unpredictable, everything he does is completely predictable.

The White House on Thursday cancelled the highly anticipated meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

In a letter to Kim, President Donald Trump wrote, "I feel it is inappropriate, at this time, to have this long-planned meeting."

Trump said he'd been looking forward to the summit, but the "tremendous anger and open hostility" in Kim's recent statements ultimately inspired the president to cancel the meeting.

Trump cancels meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

Who would have been able to guess that the North Koreans were going to pretend to make concessions towards peace and then turn to threats of nuclear attacks? Unprecedented behavior.
But what about the coins?
Yep. Now, I WILL say that in addition to my Seahawks gear, I am going to have at least one piece of Jets gear soon. #votewithdollarstoo

Note that Jed York (9rs owner) abstained from the vote, and also decided that they will not run the concession stands during the anthem. Nobody seems to care how many people ignore the anthem during games if they are not on the field and on TV. It's a small step, but points out the blatant hypocrisy. cue the cries of discrimination when joe conservative has to wait 45 seconds for his Bud Lite.
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