OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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a president forcing the DOJ to investigate the investigation that's already investigating him while his atty claims they will start firing DOJ and FBI leaders if they refuse to comply with their orders.

what could go wrong? can we officially call the US a banana republic?
I believe school shootings have been occurring about one per week since 2012 or so. It’s not Trump. As fun as it is to blame him for everything, it’s not his fault. He’s a symptom, not a cause.

The one per week is an average over a period of years. If you look at this chart showing actual number of students exposed and look at 2018, it's a big increase.
mass shootings are def not all trumps fault but its pretty clear the nra owns him so expect no changes while he is president.
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there is no way that the hatred coming out of Trump's mouth, that inspires people to yell at ethnic people speaking their own language in public doesn't also have some effect on these many of these shooters. They're almost all white, why don't you look at the list of victims sometime and see how many are black, Pakistani, etc.?
can we PLEASE stop using the term 'untruth' and say LIAR!!!
why can't the media call him a LIAR out loud, in front of everybody?

he's a moron and a liar, well established before his election. The media has caved to Trump's missiles about the media being liberal, biased, and fake news. They offer no common sense opinions or commentary, and force people they interview into making those common sense statements. If they were in Nazi Germany during Hitler's rise to power they would be complicit just like Heidegger and all the other intellectuals we've condemned from that period of history.
Anything but Trump!!!!

Would you blame Clinton for Columbine or Bush for the shootings that occurred during his admin? Or Obama for Sandy Hook?

I simply think your thesis is bad. Trump is bad. But he is not the source of all bad things. I’m not certain that any mainstream political happenings have much real bearing on the shitty choices made by angry, violent teenagers.
So a big controvery here revolves around the school district teaching about trans people and gender fluidity and gender identity. Some people are upset that their kids will be shown these videos in class:



I liked some of the comments on post but for the most part these people act like this is the STATE INDOCTRIANTING their children into teh ghey. From what I saw of the videos it is a bunch of folks talking about their lives, choices and challenges and how if you have questions or unresolved issues or just have your own identity it doesn’t make you a bad person. No one is being forced to do anything. If anything, its just asking for a little understanding for these kids. Being a college undergrad in 2018 at my age compared to when I was one at age 18 has really opened my eyes to how many young people just want to be who they feel they are. I had a close family member who lived what was essentially a lie for six decades until she was able to do what she wanted. It’s a fucking shame that in todays day and age there are still ignorant and prejudiced motherfuckers in this country. People really are shit.
I simply think your thesis is bad. Trump is bad. But he is not the source of all bad things. I’m not certain that any mainstream political happenings have much real bearing on the shitty choices made by angry, violent teenagers.

It's way beyond shitty choices of violent teenagers. It's an epidemic of mass murders, each one on a scale that makes the Manson casualties look minimal.

The stage that was set for Trump's presidency was the rise in racism and hatred that started during and in reaction to Obama's terms in office. As for Columbine, there is always an act of atrocity that becomes the pattern for the copy-cat killings that follow. I'm attributing the "spike", not the origination of school shootings, to the atmosphere of hatred and racism that's been given a voice by Trump.
It's way beyond shitty choices of violent teenagers. It's an epidemic of mass murders, each one on a scale that makes the Manson casualties look minimal.

The stage that was set for Trump's presidency was the rise in racism and hatred that started during and in reaction to Obama's terms in office. As for Columbine, there is always an act of atrocity that becomes the pattern for the copy-cat killings that follow. I'm attributing the "spike", not the origination of school shootings, to the atmosphere of hatred and racism that's been given a voice by Trump.

But do we have any verified indication that any of these shooters are Trump-aligned or Trump-inspired?

It could be, but it seems like you’re reaching because you’re hysterical re: Trump—who is very very bad, but who is no source of all evil.

Heck, Trump isn’t even a real Nazi. He’s just an insecure little man who’s willing to cozy up to Nazis because Nazis are willing to flatter him. He’s a vain idiot. Which makes him dangerous. But he’s without ideology or purpose beyond his own brand. The quintessential useful idiot.

Trump is bad because we are bad and Trump is telling us what we want to hear because Trump wants to be adored.
Trump listening to outside advisers, not insiders, on fight with DOJ

A loose and informal group of Trump advisers outside the White House, some of whom think the President is being ill served by White House chief of staff John Kelly and White House counsel Don McGahn, have been aggressively campaigning to attack Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein as part of a "deep state" plot against the President. The campaign has focused on pressing Trump-friendly media and the President himself to push Rosenstein to reveal details about the investigation that both the Justice Department and FBI do not want disclosed.

A member of the group described their efforts as "a concerted effort on the part of outside Trump supporters to put pressure on Rosenstein to comply with (House Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Devin) Nunes' information request. Outside supporters don't believe Kelly or McGahn are being aggressive enough in defending the President. We're trying to reinforce that this material must be turned over to Nunes as head of the committee."

The members of this group working to persuade the President and Trump-friendly media include ousted former White House chief strategist Stephen Bannon, former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, former deputy campaign manager David Bossie, President of the Trump Hispanic Advisory Council (and CNN commentator) Steve Cortes and many others. None of those reached for comment wanted to talk on the record. It was not clear how much Nunes is part of any of these conversations. [snip]
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