OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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I think his campaigning, support of facist rallies, and racist remarks have entitled a lot of people who have taken his moronic remarks as a launching point for their own hatred. We've had more shootings since he's been in office than ever before. Yes, the horrific Sandy Hook and Columbine were way before Trump's time as a politician, but now it's almost a weekly occurrence. Yes, I believe he's single handedly created an atmosphere of hatred, or one that enables people who already had evil ideas they used to suppress.

I believe school shootings have been occurring about one per week since 2012 or so. It’s not Trump. As fun as it is to blame him for everything, it’s not his fault. He’s a symptom, not a cause.
Sounds great on paper, but Hannity, Beck, etc all list themselves as entertainment programs, not news. This way they can lie all the time with no consequences.

Under the Fairness Doctrine, Fox would be required to air Rachel Maddow in addition to Hannity. And yes, I'm fully aware it's never going to happen.
i don't know about cheeto creating the hatred in this country. he has certainly pushed it up several levels and empowered and enabled the lunatic fringe.
i think a lot of the hatred was started with the wingnut talk show assholes in the late 80's and 90's, who freely spoke lies and half truths and made it sound like fact. and are still at it today.
It did start with the Right wing propaganda talk shows of the 80's and 90's BUT it was still allways a 'boys club" back then and it wasn't so out in the open in a blatant fashion. Trump has set an enviornment where it is accepted under the falsness that it is Patriotism. He has set the tone and it trickles down. It starts at the top. The president sets the tone.

We now have as the most recet incident two us women detained in Montana FOR SPEAKING SPANISH ....

Both women are US citizens and they were specifically detained because "they were speaking spanish in an area where it is not common " according to the agent...that is why he asked for their papers. WTF is America coming to...where is our freedom going.
It did start with the Right wing propaganda talk shows of the 80's and 90's BUT it was still allways a 'boys club" back then and it wasn't so out in the open in a blatant fashion. Trump has set an enviornment where it is accepted under the falsness that it is Patriotism. He has set the tone and it trickles down. It starts at the top. The president sets the tone.

We now have as the most recet incident two us women detained in Montana FOR SPEAKING SPANISH ....

Both women are US citizens and they were specifically detained because "they were speaking spanish in an area where it is not common " according to the agent...that is why he asked for their papers. WTF is America coming to...where is our freedom going.

I know that the fine folks of the WEINERDOME POLITICAL ROUNDTABLE are not suggesting that hate and racism is a new and interesting trend started by conservative talk radio in the 1980s and 1990s and given new and terrible license by Donny Trump. Because that would be a historical larf fest.

Anti-racism is the exception rather than the rule in American society. A post-war blip like the boom economy, relative market stability, and strong labor unions.
I know that the fine folks of the WEINERDOME POLITICAL ROUNDTABLE are not suggesting that hate and racism is a new and interesting trend started by conservative talk radio in the 1980s and 1990s and given new and terrible license by Donny Trump. Because that would be a historical larf fest.

Anti-racism is the exception rather than the rule in American society. A post-war blip like the boom economy, relative market stability, and strong labor unions.
well the difference is that it's so out in the open. Always been there but when government agengcies are stopping people for speaking a different tongue...that's a whole new level. It like all racisim starts with fear and paranoia and nobody has to look any further than Trumps cries in the media and his Tweets. The dude has set a tone of fear and paranoia. All in the name of MAGA. He is now using the gestapo to raid peoples houses in the middle of the night and drag the jews out *spit*
well the difference is that it's so out in the open. Always been there but when government agengcies are stopping people for speaking a different tongue...that's a whole new level. It like all racisim starts with fear and paranoia and nobody has to look any further than Trumps cries in the media and his Tweets. The dude has set a tone of fear and paranoia. All in the name of MAGA. He is now using the gestapo to raid peoples houses in the middle of the night and drag the jews out *spit*

It's always been out in the open. Yes, there are certainly more people who are comfortable now, but that just makes the majority of racists larger.
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Sounds great on paper, but Hannity, Beck, etc all list themselves as entertainment programs, not news. This way they can lie all the time with no consequences.

It wouldn't apply to FauxNoise: they're a cable network and are thus not under FCC jurisdiction. The Fairness Doctrine only applies to radio and tv broadcast over the public airwaves.
It wouldn't apply to FauxNoise: they're a cable network and are thus not under FCC jurisdiction. The Fairness Doctrine only applies to radio and tv broadcast over the public airwaves.

It would obviously have to be re-written for the digital age. But again, it's not going to happen anyway.
well the difference is that it's so out in the open. Always been there but when government agengcies are stopping people for speaking a different tongue...that's a whole new level. It like all racisim starts with fear and paranoia and nobody has to look any further than Trumps cries in the media and his Tweets. The dude has set a tone of fear and paranoia. All in the name of MAGA. He is now using the gestapo to raid peoples houses in the middle of the night and drag the jews out *spit*

Post 9/11 Islamophobia. 1980s Islamophobia. Dog whistle “welfare queen” rhetoric. The wars on “drugs” and “crime.” Jim Crow. Various red scares. Japanese internment camps. Anti “wet back” propaganda. The yellow peril. Racially coded “anti-anarchist” panics and labor crackdowns. The war in the Philippines. Anti-Italian, anti-Czech, anti-German, and anti-Irish campaigns. Anti-Catholic bias. Anti-Semitism. The genocide of Native Americans.

Some asshole on Twitter saying nasty shit is a walk in the park vs. sundown towns and lynchings.
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Gorsuch's presence is being felt.

U.S. top court backs companies over worker class-action claims

"The U.S. Supreme Court delivered a blow to the rights of workers on Monday by allowing companies to require them to sign away their ability to bring class-action claims against management, agreements already in place for about 25 million employees."

"The justices, in a 5-4 ruling with the court’s conservatives in the majority, endorsed the legality of the growing practice by companies to compel workers to sign arbitration agreements waiving their right to bring class-action claims on issues such as overtime wages or gender-based pay disparities either in court or before private arbitrators."

"President Donald Trump’s administration last year reversed the government’s stance in the case, siding with the companies after former President Barack Obama’s administration had supported a U.S. National Labor Relations Board decision invalidating such employment agreements."
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