OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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No. Politically. Especially in terms of the local dudes asking Trump to shrink Bears Ears and Grand Staircase Escalante.

But in truth, it was just a joke I didn't think too hard about in throwing out there. :wink:

yes they're bat-shit crazy Mormons. But beautiful country.
I think there is a sliver of truth to this if you look at all of the shooters that have been on anti-depressants or other drugs but in this case, it's more of a "look at this stuff that isn't paying my bills" kind of blame shift. All of the now-expected posturing in the wake of our monthly or weekly mass shooting makes me ill to even think about anymore.

Oliver North Blames School Shootings On Ritalin
The incoming NRA president, who once promoted a violent video game, also cited a “culture of violence.”
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I think there is a sliver of truth to this if you look at all of the shooters that have been on anti-depressants or other drugs but in this case, it's more of a "look at this stuff that isn't paying my bills" kind of blame shift. All of the now-expected posturing in the wake of our monthly or weekly mass shooting makes me ill to even think about anymore.

Oliver North Blames School Shootings On Ritalin
The incoming NRA president, who once promoted a violent video game, also cited a “culture of violence.”

I think antidepressant drugs have been a massive benefit for many, many people. I also think the represent an 'out patient' approach to mental health, implemented in the absence of any backup plan of people who need hospitalization level help. These drugs are a Godsend for many, but they also represent the cheapest approach to mental health possible for the type of people that should be in state hospitals. One can make a similar case for almost every mental health medication. They work great on people who need them, but they are not enough for the neediest patients.

Also, Oliver, Ritalin is a stimulant, a norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitor, and not an antidepressant. Try thinking before you fucking speak, or sell guns and get convicted of crimes, or take on the presidency of a gun cult.
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So my wife and I had a rare night out and Mrs. W chose a hotel in Huntington Beach for us to stay at. Not far from our house but someplace without children or dogs but affordable and walking distance to Main street. My wife got an education in angry white people and their attitudes towards "lefties" and "cucks" as most of the places we stopped into last night had middle-aged men out drinking PBR in packs wearing T-shirts with pictures of Hillary Clinton with the word "Cunt" on them discussing "libtards", "Cucks" and "lefties". It was really amazing to experience this so many times in repetition. Plus the lovely family at lunch with their horribly behaving children discussing how the "lefties" had ruined the boy scouts by lettings girls in. I actually had to explain much of the terminology to my wife since she spends much less time online reading about this shit than I do. I had almost forgotten that HB was full of skinheads when I was younger.
I think antidepressant drugs have been a massive benefit for many, many people. I also think the represent an 'out patient' approach to mental health, implemented in the absence of any backup plan of people who need hospitalization level help. These drugs are a Godsend for many, but they also represent the cheapest approach to mental health possible for the type of people that should be in state hospitals.
From my layperson's point of view, it seems like in many cases it becomes easier and cheaper to fill people full of drugs and forget about them for some of these doctors. These medications are of obvious value to people in need but they should be a tool for helping people and not a solution.
From my layperson's point of view, it seems like in many cases it becomes easier and cheaper to fill people full of drugs and forget about them for some of these doctors. These medications are of obvious value to people in need but they should be a tool for helping people and not a solution.

I have zero expertise in this area as well, or at least very little. I don't knock the meds, but I think in many cases they are the cheapest option to treat many different mental illnesses, and the ultimate responsibility in this strategy falls on the mentally ill person taking their medication. I think this isn't a reliable system. I think the people that either become violent or homeless, or both, really need more treatment than self administration of pills. These are people who belong under the constant care of a professional mental health facility staff. They don't belong IN society, as they are either a danger or at risk, so they need someone to watch over them. I fall into the percentage of scientist who think the people looking out for them should be doctors, and not a bottle of pills from the local CVS. Again, I'm not knocking the meds who help many people with manageable conditions, just suggesting that the indications have expanded as the mental health facilities have closed. I see it as a real tragedy.
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So my wife and I had a rare night out and Mrs. W chose a hotel in Huntington Beach for us to stay at. Not far from our house but someplace without children or dogs but affordable and walking distance to Main street. My wife got an education in angry white people and their attitudes towards "lefties" and "cucks" as most of the places we stopped into last night had middle-aged men out drinking PBR in packs wearing T-shirts with pictures of Hillary Clinton with the word "Cunt" on them discussing "libtards", "Cucks" and "lefties". It was really amazing to experience this so many times in repetition. Plus the lovely family at lunch with their horribly behaving children discussing how the "lefties" had ruined the boy scouts by lettings girls in. I actually had to explain much of the terminology to my wife since she spends much less time online reading about this shit than I do. I had almost forgotten that HB was full of skinheads when I was younger.

I saw a few of these people on my last trip to Florida. I've got a couple of great stories of interacting with these idiots. It involves my new home country, and idiots being asked to leave a local microbrewery, then seeing them at the next microbrewery down the road and seeing them removed again. I assumed they ended the night just jerking each other off in their monster pickup.
I think there is a sliver of truth to this if you look at all of the shooters that have been on anti-depressants or other drugs but in this case, it's more of a "look at this stuff that isn't paying my bills" kind of blame shift. All of the now-expected posturing in the wake of our monthly or weekly mass shooting makes me ill to even think about anymore.

Oliver North Blames School Shootings On Ritalin
The incoming NRA president, who once promoted a violent video game, also cited a “culture of violence.”

He can blame Ritalin or video games or dads not hugging their kids enough, or they hug them too much but at the end of the day, without easy access to firearms this shit doesn’t happen. Pretty hard for a kid to shoot up a school if he can’t get a gun.
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