OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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It seems like there is an IQ ceiling for southern politicians, especially at the state level.

It seems like there is an IQ ceiling for southern politicians, especially at the state level.


Dan Patrick is a dumb piece of shit ex-conservative AM talk radio host whom I used to regularly school with facts and logic during the Bush administration (until curiously I stopped being able to get on the air with Dan when I called in).

He is such an arrogant fuckwit that he actually had the gall to title his book on The Second Most Important Book You Will Ever Read. It's a religious book that is more important -- to Dan's mind -- than anything by St. Augustine or Chesterton and Aquinas or Lewis.

He also, McConnell-like, resembles a turtle made of melting wax and hubris.

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<<<<Mark Wien:
It seems like there is an IQ ceiling for southern politicians, especially at the state level.>>>>

You can say that again. This is the genius that represents me.
By Lee Roop

North Alabama Congressman Mo Brooks is making headlines again for blaming sea level rise on rocks falling into the ocean and silt washing from major rivers.

Brooks was one of several Republican lawmakers sparring with a climate scientist at a Wednesday hearing of the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee.

Included in the arguing were Republicans Lamar Smith of Texas, the committee's chairman, and California's Dana Rohrabacher, but the websites for Science and Esquire used Brooks' picture to illustrate their coverage.

"Republican lawmaker: Rocks tumbling into ocean causing sea level rise," read the Science site's headline.

"Is the Human Race Too Dumb to Survive on This Planet?" asked Esquire also featuring Brooks.

"Here's how big a rock you'd have to drop into the ocean to see the rise in sea level happening now," chimed in the Washington Post.

Brooks was quoted saying, "Every time you have that soil or rock or whatever it is that is deposited into the seas, that forces the sea levels to rise, because now you have less space in those oceans, because the bottom is moving up." He referred to erosion on the California coastline and England's White Cliffs of Dover and silt from the Mississippi and Nile rivers.
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Isn't Rauner the reason for most of the corruption in Illinois?

Rauner sucks, but Illinois has been super corrupt for decades. Chicago's corruption is intimately linked to the Democrat machine here. GOP and Democrat governors have gone to jail in recent memory.

Rauner isn’t so much corrupt as he is inept and in his ineptitude he’s trying to bring GOP “laboratory of conservatism” ideas from Kansas and Wisconsin into Illinois.
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