OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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He can blame Ritalin or video games or dads not hugging their kids enough, or they hug them too much but at the end of the day, without easy access to firearms this shit doesn’t happen. Pretty hard for a kid to shoot up a school if he can’t get a gun.

He'll find a way. Then we'll all be disarmed and only the criminals and the military will have guns. Then the criminal military will come for us and how will you shoot back, Chad?
I saw a few of these people on my last trip to Florida. I've got a couple of great stories of interacting with these idiots. It involves my new home country, and idiots being asked to leave a local microbrewery, then seeing them at the next microbrewery down the road and seeing them removed again. I assumed they ended the night just jerking each other off in their monster pickup.
you think that they actually had the monster truck shipped to switzerland? :grin:
I had to step the fuck away from FB this weekend. Living in redneck land and just a few miles away from the latest bloodbath means everyone around here is suddenly an expert on all subjects that could be remotely connected
You and I (though I do live on a pleasant island of sanity) live within this stuff. Do you ever worry about going libtard postal??
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I had to step the fuck away from FB this weekend. Living in redneck land and just a few miles away from the latest bloodbath means everyone around here is suddenly an expert on all subjects that could even be remotely connected.

Here's something from our police chief, Art Acevedo:

To all my Facebook friends. Today I spent the day dealing with another mass shooting of children and a responding police officer who is clinging to life. I’m not ashamed to admit I’ve shed tears of sadness, pain and anger.

I know some have strong feelings about gun rights but I want you to know I’ve hit rock bottom and I am not interested in your views as it pertains to this issue. Please do not post anything about guns aren’t the problem and there’s little we can do. My feelings won’t be hurt if you de-friend me and I hope yours won’t be if you decide to post about your views and I de-friend you.

I have never accepted the status-quo in anything I do and I’ve never accepted defeat. And I won’t do it now. I will continue to speak up and will stand up for what my heart and my God commands me to do, and I assure you he hasn’t instructed me to believe that gun-rights are bestowed by him.

The hatred being spewed in our country and the new norms we, so-called people of faith are accepting, is as much to blame for so much of the violence in our once pragmatic Nation.

This isn’t a time for prayers, and study and Inaction, it’s a time for prayers, action and the asking of God’s forgiveness for our inaction (especially the elected officials that ran to the cameras today, acted in a solemn manner, called for prayers, and will once again do absolutely nothing).

I close by saying, I wish those that move on from this page the best. May God Bless you and keep you.

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I think he nailed it right on the head here. It's an environment created by Trump.​
i don't know about cheeto creating the hatred in this country. he has certainly pushed it up several levels and empowered and enabled the lunatic fringe.
i think a lot of the hatred was started with the wingnut talk show assholes in the late 80's and 90's, who freely spoke lies and half truths and made it sound like fact. and are still at it today.
From my layperson's point of view, it seems like in many cases it becomes easier and cheaper to fill people full of drugs and forget about them for some of these doctors. These medications are of obvious value to people in need but they should be a tool for helping people and not a solution.
From my experience on the outside looking in, I've seen plenty of kids that didn't actually have any problems that were put on stuff like ritalin. I can't imagine that fixing what ain't broke doesn't actually end up breaking something. It really started with my generation (I was born in '79) where parents don't want to be parents but rather just tax break recipients for spawning children. Working in a school system I see a lot of good kids that get fucked over by parents that couldn't give two shits.
From my experience on the outside looking in, I've seen plenty of kids that didn't actually have any problems that were put on stuff like ritalin. I can't imagine that fixing what ain't broke doesn't actually end up breaking something. It really started with my generation (I was born in '79) where parents don't want to be parents but rather just tax break recipients for spawning children. Working in a school system I see a lot of good kids that get fucked over by parents that couldn't give two shits.

but.....but.....denali......and BMW.....and.....and......
i don't know about cheeto creating the hatred in this country. he has certainly pushed it up several levels and empowered and enabled the lunatic fringe.
i think a lot of the hatred was started with the wingnut talk show assholes in the late 80's and 90's, who freely spoke lies and half truths and made it sound like fact. and are still at it today.

I think his campaigning, support of facist rallies, and racist remarks have entitled a lot of people who have taken his moronic remarks as a launching point for their own hatred. We've had more shootings since he's been in office than ever before. Yes, the horrific Sandy Hook and Columbine were way before Trump's time as a politician, but now it's almost a weekly occurrence. Yes, I believe he's single handedly created an atmosphere of hatred, or one that enables people who already had evil ideas they used to suppress.
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