OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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Trump listening to outside advisers, not insiders, on fight with DOJ

A loose and informal group of Trump advisers outside the White House, some of whom think the President is being ill served by White House chief of staff John Kelly and White House counsel Don McGahn, have been aggressively campaigning to attack Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein as part of a "deep state" plot against the President. The campaign has focused on pressing Trump-friendly media and the President himself to push Rosenstein to reveal details about the investigation that both the Justice Department and FBI do not want disclosed.

A member of the group described their efforts as "a concerted effort on the part of outside Trump supporters to put pressure on Rosenstein to comply with (House Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Devin) Nunes' information request. Outside supporters don't believe Kelly or McGahn are being aggressive enough in defending the President. We're trying to reinforce that this material must be turned over to Nunes as head of the committee."

The members of this group working to persuade the President and Trump-friendly media include ousted former White House chief strategist Stephen Bannon, former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, former deputy campaign manager David Bossie, President of the Trump Hispanic Advisory Council (and CNN commentator) Steve Cortes and many others. None of those reached for comment wanted to talk on the record. It was not clear how much Nunes is part of any of these conversations. [snip]
Great! He fires a bunch of insane idiots, because they are insane idiots who are trying to "push him around" and advance their own agenda, and then when he doesn't like the new guys, THAT HE HIRED, he calls up the insane idiots and lets them manipulate him into following their own agenda. I'm willing to bet that he (probably unconsciously) thinks that everyone who works for him is beneath him in all ways, and therefore not to be trusted or heeded. All he has to do is fire them, and then they automatically become geniuses, and his best friends. :facepalm:::)mad:
well the difference is that it's so out in the open. Always been there but when government agengcies are stopping people for speaking a different tongue...that's a whole new level. It like all racisim starts with fear and paranoia and nobody has to look any further than Trumps cries in the media and his Tweets. The dude has set a tone of fear and paranoia. All in the name of MAGA. He is now using the gestapo to raid peoples houses in the middle of the night and drag the jews out *spit*
What I love about this whole thing with people speaking Spanish is that the US doesn't have an official language. We're multi-lingual by lack of decree.
It wouldn't apply to FauxNoise: they're a cable network and are thus not under FCC jurisdiction. The Fairness Doctrine only applies to radio and tv broadcast over the public airwaves.
Incorrect. The FCC determines the frequencies at which each channel is transmitted over coax, not only because of standardization reasons (CableCARD, DOCSIS, interoperability between the same models of cable box between providers, etc.) but because of radio frequencies induced by the data at those frequencies over the line potentially causing interference.

Cable gets a pass on language and such because it's a subscription service and thus not something broadcast OTA and thus not something you can accidentally end up watching.
Trump listening to outside advisers, not insiders, on fight with DOJ

A loose and informal group of Trump advisers outside the White House, some of whom think the President is being ill served by White House chief of staff John Kelly and White House counsel Don McGahn, have been aggressively campaigning to attack Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein as part of a "deep state" plot against the President. The campaign has focused on pressing Trump-friendly media and the President himself to push Rosenstein to reveal details about the investigation that both the Justice Department and FBI do not want disclosed.

A member of the group described their efforts as "a concerted effort on the part of outside Trump supporters to put pressure on Rosenstein to comply with (House Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Devin) Nunes' information request. Outside supporters don't believe Kelly or McGahn are being aggressive enough in defending the President. We're trying to reinforce that this material must be turned over to Nunes as head of the committee."

The members of this group working to persuade the President and Trump-friendly media include ousted former White House chief strategist Stephen Bannon, former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, former deputy campaign manager David Bossie, President of the Trump Hispanic Advisory Council (and CNN commentator) Steve Cortes and many others. None of those reached for comment wanted to talk on the record. It was not clear how much Nunes is part of any of these conversations. [snip]
kinda sounds like Goring, Goebbels, Speer & Hess in 1931.
But do we have any verified indication that any of these shooters are Trump-aligned or Trump-inspired?

It could be, but it seems like you’re reaching because you’re hysterical re: Trump—who is very very bad, but who is no source of all evil.

Heck, Trump isn’t even a real Nazi. He’s just an insecure little man who’s willing to cozy up to Nazis because Nazis are willing to flatter him. He’s a vain idiot. Which makes him dangerous. But he’s without ideology or purpose beyond his own brand. The quintessential useful idiot.

Trump is bad because we are bad and Trump is telling us what we want to hear because Trump wants to be adored.

how am I hysterical? It's an observation. You're projecting. When a president sets a tone in the country, it doesn't matter at all whether people are directly aligned or not. They're acting out in an environment that is uncritical of violence perpetrated by white people with guns. It also doesn't matter what Trump believes, he thinks he needs to say certain things to not offend his facist supporters and the NRA. All of these things have effects whether or not people consciously subscribe to any ideology.
That is really depressing.
stupid people are stupid. been that way since cavemen. not gonna change.
but the real problem is that the press are not being really critical. they're playing along for the entertainment value.
woodward and bernstein would have eviscerated that cheeto faced shit gibbon by now.
stupid people are stupid. been that way since cavemen. not gonna change.
but the real problem is that the press are not being really critical. they're playing along for the entertainment value.
woodward and bernstein would have eviscerated that cheeto faced shit gibbon by now.

Woodward has been a professional courtier since Watergate. He carried a lot of water for the Bush II cabal.

Woodstein aren’t dead. If they had any interest in or ability to dismantle King Donny, they could do it.
Great! He fires a bunch of insane idiots, because they are insane idiots who are trying to "push him around" and advance their own agenda, and then when he doesn't like the new guys, THAT HE HIRED, he calls up the insane idiots and lets them manipulate him into following their own agenda. I'm willing to bet that he (probably unconsciously) thinks that everyone who works for him is beneath him in all ways, and therefore not to be trusted or heeded. All he has to do is fire them, and then they automatically become geniuses, and his best friends. :facepalm:::)mad:
had it occured to you that they were not "fired" or "resigned", that they got out from under the spotlight specifically so they could "advise" from "afar"?
The constitutional crisis is here

"Stop waiting for the constitutional crisis that President Trump is sure to provoke. It’s here.

On Sunday, via Twitter, Trump demanded that the Justice Department concoct a transparently political investigation, with the aim of smearing veteran professionals at Justice and the FBI and also throwing mud at the previous administration. Trump’s only rational goal is casting doubt on the probe by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, which appears to be closing in.

Trump’s power play is a gross misuse of his presidential authority and a dangerous departure from long-standing norms. Strongmen such as Russia’s Vladimir Putin use their justice systems to punish enemies and deflect attention from their own crimes. Presidents of the United States do not — or did not, until Sunday’s tweet:

“I hereby demand, and will do so officially tomorrow, that the Department of Justice look into whether or not the FBI/DOJ infiltrated or surveilled the Trump Campaign for Political Purposes — and if any such demands or requests were made by people within the Obama Administration!”

Rather than push back and defend the rule of law, Justice tried to mollify the president by at least appearing to give him what he wants. The Republican leadership in Congress has been silent as a mouse. This is how uncrossable lines are crossed."
Asteroid from alien star system is spotted near Jupiter

"A cigar-shaped asteroid from an alien star hit headlines in 2017 – but scientists have just spotted another ‘alien’ asteroid which came to our solar system to stay."

dear jeebuz!! more 'alien' asteroids invading our solar system.
we need to build a wall to keep these invaders out. sad!!

Let them in. Maybe there will be a catastrophic collision and we can finally end this terrible experiment.
Asteroid from alien star system is spotted near Jupiter

"A cigar-shaped asteroid from an alien star hit headlines in 2017 – but scientists have just spotted another ‘alien’ asteroid which came to our solar system to stay."

dear jeebuz!! more 'alien' asteroids invading our solar system.
we need to build a wall to keep these invaders out. sad!!
Let them in. Maybe there will be a catastrophic collision and we can finally end this terrible experiment.
Seems like it's 268 years early.

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