OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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The Michael Cohen Bribery Scandal Is Now a Trump Bribery Scandal
Last night, the Daily Mail reported a development in the Michael Cohen saga of seismic scale. In a December 2016 meeting in Trump Tower, the British tabloid reports, Cohen asked Ahmed Al-Rumaihi, who runs a $100 billion Qatari investment fund, to send him “millions” which, the story claims, would go “through him to Trump family members.”

We have already learned of multiple cases of Cohen using his access to Trump to jack up multiple corporations for outrageous sums. The Daily Mail report deepens the trouble in two crucial ways. First, it extends Cohen’s scheme from domestic corporations (or, in one case, domestic corporations controlled by foreign entities) to direct overseas fundraising. Second, and more ominously, it alleges that Cohen funneled the money to Trump’s family. It was bad enough that Trump’s lawyer was enriching himself by cashing in on access. Now the story suggests he was enriching them, transforming the Cohen bribery story into a Trump bribery story.

The story’s publication did not reverberate with the explosive force proportional to the scale of the allegation. The reason is that the Daily Mail lacks the familiarity and credibility of major American legacy media firms. Its occasional bombshell scoops reside in a never-never land between rumor and accepted fact.

And yet there is plenty of contextual evidence to support the charge. One is that, after Stormy Daniels’s lawyer Michael Avenatti published Trump Tower surveillance video of Al-Rumaihi, he suspiciously denied attending the meeting, only for his firm to admit it later. Another reason is that, multiple reports have linked both Qatar as a source of players in the broader web of shady Trump financial dealings with Russia, and Cohen as a key conduit. So it would fit the pattern for Cohen to be soliciting a bribe from Qatar on behalf of the Trump family. And yet another reason is Trump’s notorious resentment of other people making money off of him. If Cohen used Trump’s election to solicit bribes, it seems highly likely Trump would demand a taste.

And then there is another reason to credit this allegation: Direct bribery of Trump is still happening, in plain sight.

Trump has defied all modern precedent by retaining control of his family company while serving as president, allowing interests domestic or foreign to curry favor by enriching him personally. One such case occurred this week. In short order, China invested half a billion dollars into an Indonesian infrastructure project that will benefit a Trump property, and Trump then immediately turned around and gave China a curiously favorable trade concession.
The Michael Cohen Bribery Scandal Is Now a Trump Bribery Scandal
Last night, the Daily Mail reported a development in the Michael Cohen saga of seismic scale. In a December 2016 meeting in Trump Tower, the British tabloid reports, Cohen asked Ahmed Al-Rumaihi, who runs a $100 billion Qatari investment fund, to send him “millions” which, the story claims, would go “through him to Trump family members.”

We have already learned of multiple cases of Cohen using his access to Trump to jack up multiple corporations for outrageous sums. The Daily Mail report deepens the trouble in two crucial ways. First, it extends Cohen’s scheme from domestic corporations (or, in one case, domestic corporations controlled by foreign entities) to direct overseas fundraising. Second, and more ominously, it alleges that Cohen funneled the money to Trump’s family. It was bad enough that Trump’s lawyer was enriching himself by cashing in on access. Now the story suggests he was enriching them, transforming the Cohen bribery story into a Trump bribery story.

The story’s publication did not reverberate with the explosive force proportional to the scale of the allegation. The reason is that the Daily Mail lacks the familiarity and credibility of major American legacy media firms. Its occasional bombshell scoops reside in a never-never land between rumor and accepted fact.

And yet there is plenty of contextual evidence to support the charge. One is that, after Stormy Daniels’s lawyer Michael Avenatti published Trump Tower surveillance video of Al-Rumaihi, he suspiciously denied attending the meeting, only for his firm to admit it later. Another reason is that, multiple reports have linked both Qatar as a source of players in the broader web of shady Trump financial dealings with Russia, and Cohen as a key conduit. So it would fit the pattern for Cohen to be soliciting a bribe from Qatar on behalf of the Trump family. And yet another reason is Trump’s notorious resentment of other people making money off of him. If Cohen used Trump’s election to solicit bribes, it seems highly likely Trump would demand a taste.

And then there is another reason to credit this allegation: Direct bribery of Trump is still happening, in plain sight.

Trump has defied all modern precedent by retaining control of his family company while serving as president, allowing interests domestic or foreign to curry favor by enriching him personally. One such case occurred this week. In short order, China invested half a billion dollars into an Indonesian infrastructure project that will benefit a Trump property, and Trump then immediately turned around and gave China a curiously favorable trade concession.

hope that this story will not be lost on Mr. Mueller.
Let's not forget that Tillerson willingly entered the administration and seem to have some dodgy stuff going on about climate and oil lobbying. Just because Shitler fucked him over and he's biting back now doesn't mean that he's a good guy. All these people are garbage, and shouldn't be invited to influence young minds.
Of everybody in the Trump administration Tillerson was the ONLY one that I viewed as "politics as usual" rather than this rebranded schizophrenic buffoonery that the rest of his administration pedals. Was he an asshat? Yeah. Did I like him? No. But he was grounded in reality and actually had some experience with his job, which made him very unique.
Any chance the hot native American chick wins?

Well, Game ON!
I'm guessing Tomi Lahren gave a lot of hand jobs in college. I have no proof one way or the other, but to me she gives off that vibe.
I don't like the lady, and don't mean to call you out specifically, as other comments have been made. But can we criticize her, and others like her, without being misogynistic about it? Again, not meaning to call you out specifically. Just an example.
There are only two provinces (out of ten) where there are significant French populations. Though there has been plenty of anti-French bullshit over the years.

Plenty of conservative assholes, though that tends to be concentrated in Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan. Plenty of anti-Asian racism in BC, even though white people are a minority in Vancouver.

The behaviour shown in the vid is pretty outrageous, though. And Canada hasn’t had many media or social media pundits defending her. She was fired from her job almost instantly after this vid went up.
Despite its reputation as a nation for politeness, Canada can be forgiven for having its share of assholes.
.... and ignorant racist posts in her social media history.

And speaking of ignorant racists ....
Trump calls some immigrants ‘animals,’ adds, ‘We have to break up families’

Fearing adverse political consequences, Donald Trump occasionally likes to argue that he, unlike those rascally Democrats, is the true champion of undocumented immigrants. It’s the Republicans, the president insists, who are on their side.

The rhetoric has long been at odds with reality, and yesterday, Trump hosted an immigration roundtable at the White House, where he dropped the facade.

“We have people coming into the country, or trying to come in — and we’re stopping a lot of them — but we’re taking people out of the country. You wouldn’t believe how bad these people are. These aren’t people. These are animals. And we’re taking them out of the country at a level and at a rate that’s never happened before. And because of the weak laws, they come in fast, we get them, we release them, we get them again, we bring them out. It’s crazy.”​

This was not, alas, the first time this president referred to immigrants as “animals.”

But the fact that Trump’s rhetoric is increasingly common doesn’t make it any less offensive. Indeed, when a leader with authoritarian instincts start describing those he considers undesirable as less than human, there’s cause for concern.

A Washington Post report added, “There’s important historical context here, too, that many social media users pointed out: Referring to marginalized groups as subhuman has been a way dictators have justified the abuse of those groups.”

All of this comes less than a week after White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, echoing anti-immigration rhetoric from generations past, said undocumented immigrants are unskilled and uneducated people who can’t “easily assimilate” and “don’t integrate well.”

It’s almost as if Trump’s assurances about treating immigrants with great “heart” were insincere.

Trump added, “We have to break up families. The Democrats gave us that law. It’s a horrible thing. We have to break up families. The Democrats gave us that law and they don’t want to do anything about it. They’ll leave it like that because they don’t want to make any changes. And now you’re breaking up families because of the Democrats. It’s terrible.”

As is too often the case with Trump’s policy argument, most of this is gibberish. Democrats are not solely responsible for writing the nation’s immigration laws, and congressional Dems have made overly generous offers to this White House on an immigration compromise. Trump has so far rejected every bipartisan deal.

What’s more, whether the president understands this or not, breaking up immigrant families is not something he “has to” do. There is no law, from Democrats or anyone else, that requires family separations. It’s a choice Trump and his team made, which other recent presidents from both parties did not make.
And speaking of ignorant racists ....
Trump calls some immigrants ‘animals,’ adds, ‘We have to break up families’

Fearing adverse political consequences, Donald Trump occasionally likes to argue that he, unlike those rascally Democrats, is the true champion of undocumented immigrants. It’s the Republicans, the president insists, who are on their side.

The rhetoric has long been at odds with reality, and yesterday, Trump hosted an immigration roundtable at the White House, where he dropped the facade.

“We have people coming into the country, or trying to come in — and we’re stopping a lot of them — but we’re taking people out of the country. You wouldn’t believe how bad these people are. These aren’t people. These are animals. And we’re taking them out of the country at a level and at a rate that’s never happened before. And because of the weak laws, they come in fast, we get them, we release them, we get them again, we bring them out. It’s crazy.”​

This was not, alas, the first time this president referred to immigrants as “animals.”

But the fact that Trump’s rhetoric is increasingly common doesn’t make it any less offensive. Indeed, when a leader with authoritarian instincts start describing those he considers undesirable as less than human, there’s cause for concern.

A Washington Post report added, “There’s important historical context here, too, that many social media users pointed out: Referring to marginalized groups as subhuman has been a way dictators have justified the abuse of those groups.”

All of this comes less than a week after White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, echoing anti-immigration rhetoric from generations past, said undocumented immigrants are unskilled and uneducated people who can’t “easily assimilate” and “don’t integrate well.”

It’s almost as if Trump’s assurances about treating immigrants with great “heart” were insincere.

Trump added, “We have to break up families. The Democrats gave us that law. It’s a horrible thing. We have to break up families. The Democrats gave us that law and they don’t want to do anything about it. They’ll leave it like that because they don’t want to make any changes. And now you’re breaking up families because of the Democrats. It’s terrible.”

As is too often the case with Trump’s policy argument, most of this is gibberish. Democrats are not solely responsible for writing the nation’s immigration laws, and congressional Dems have made overly generous offers to this White House on an immigration compromise. Trump has so far rejected every bipartisan deal.

What’s more, whether the president understands this or not, breaking up immigrant families is not something he “has to” do. There is no law, from Democrats or anyone else, that requires family separations. It’s a choice Trump and his team made, which other recent presidents from both parties did not make.

i'm as serious as a freakin' heart attack, there NEEDS to be a test, prior to the nomination process, that disqualifies alternate fact, rambling idiots from the political process.
this orange cotton candy haired jackwagon asshole has NO BUSINESS running the country.
this isn't about republican or democrat, it's about not allowing f'ing loons to run things.
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