OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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and another one bites the dust rotflmao

Judge says special counsel had authority to prosecute Manafort

"A federal judge in Washington ruled Tuesday that special counsel Robert Mueller was working within his authority when he brought charges against President Trump's former campaign chairman."

"The decision was a setback for Paul Manafort in his defense against charges of money-laundering conspiracy, false statements and acting as an unregistered foreign agent. Manafort had argued that Mueller had exceeded his authority because the case was unrelated to Russian election interference."

"But U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson disagreed, siding with prosecutors who had produced an August 2017 memo from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. The memo shows Rosenstein authorized Mueller to investigate Manafort's Ukrainian work and related financial crimes."
Trump got conned by Kim.
No talk of Israel? Fuck them. Gee, our justification for killing unarmed protestors is that they "said" they'd like to kill us. Why? We only displaced all of them from their homes and put them in two cramped concentration camps because of some fairy tale we believe in and a kingdom that lasted a whole 3 generations thousands of years ago. They really need an attitude adjustment.
Chinese company ZTE breaks sanctions by selling technology to Iran and north korea. Their phones could be surveillance devices here in the US, we ban them on military sites.

Trump wants to help ZTE, saying they have lost many jobs. So the US should help save jobs in China? I heard that on the trump campaign right?

Also China just loaned millions to trump properties in Indonesia.

Is this what the average trump voter calls being tired from so much winning or draining the swamp?
Chinese company ZTE breaks sanctions by selling technology to Iran and north korea. Their phones could be surveillance devices here in the US, we ban them on military sites.

Trump wants to help ZTE, saying they have lost many jobs. So the US should help save jobs in China? I heard that on the trump campaign right?

Also China just loaned millions to trump properties in Indonesia.

Is this what the average trump voter calls being tired from so much winning or draining the swamp?

El Cheeto Messiah has spoken.
shut your pie hole!!!!
No talk of Israel? Fuck them. Gee, our justification for killing unarmed protestors is that they "said" they'd like to kill us. Why? We only displaced all of them from their homes and put them in two cramped concentration camps because of some fairy tale we believe in and a kingdom that lasted a whole 3 generations thousands of years ago. They really need an attitude adjustment.

Killing women, children, aid workers... “hey, but Hamas use them as human shields!”

Even if this was the case, that somehow justifies killing unarmed civilians?

Sadly, dare to criticise Israel and you’ll be called an anti-semite’ :facepalm:
Killing women, children, aid workers... “hey, but Hamas use them as human shields!”

Even if this was the case, that somehow justifies killing unarmed civilians?

Sadly, dare to criticise Israel and you’ll be called an anti-semite’ :facepalm:

There's a huge difference to me between criticizing Israel and making anti-semitic statements. But then, I've never been a Bibi supporter either.
There's a huge difference to me between criticizing Israel and making anti-semitic statements. But then, I've never been a Bibi supporter either.

Exactly. A lot of media and influential people purposely misrepresent criticism of Israel’s actions to be antisemitism, just to place them above any kind of responsibility.

Trump though, he just appeases the people he thinks will be useful to him or make him financial gain.
Exactly. A lot of media and influential people purposely misrepresent criticism of Israel’s actions to be antisemitism, just to place them above any kind of responsibility.

Trump though, he just appeases the people he thinks will be useful to him or make him financial gain.

Trump has always done that. Why would you expect him to do differently after the last 40 years in the public eye?
Chinese company ZTE breaks sanctions by selling technology to Iran and north korea. Their phones could be surveillance devices here in the US, we ban them on military sites.

Trump wants to help ZTE, saying they have lost many jobs. So the US should help save jobs in China? I heard that on the trump campaign right?

Also China just loaned millions to trump properties in Indonesia.

Is this what the average trump voter calls being tired from so much winning or draining the swamp?
No, they call this kind of stuff 'Trump playing 3D chess while everyone else plays checkers", and try to convince you that it's some well thought out move that thousands of military strategists, PHDs, and geniuses haven't ever thought of before, instead of just being Shitler doing Shitler and accidentally appearing to almost get it right every once in a while. :mad: They usually say that about 20 minutes before the news report that Shitler's new genius move failed, or didn't deliver as expected, or he changed his mind and did something else dumb. rotflmao
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