OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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Oh, Canada.

So much restraint

I would have poured my pint over her and dragged her out of the pub myself

Anyway, i believe this woman got her comeuppance as she got sacked from her job
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This is Canada! Speak English?

Um, would French be ok?

There are only two provinces (out of ten) where there are significant French populations. Though there has been plenty of anti-French bullshit over the years.

Plenty of conservative assholes, though that tends to be concentrated in Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan. Plenty of anti-Asian racism in BC, even though white people are a minority in Vancouver.

The behaviour shown in the vid is pretty outrageous, though. And Canada hasn’t had many media or social media pundits defending her. She was fired from her job almost instantly after this vid went up.
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As President Dwight D. Eisenhower once noted,
"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed."


Rex Tillerson just majorly trolled Donald Trump

"Speaking to soon-to-be graduates of the Virginia Military Institute on Wednesday, Tillerson dropped this truth bomb:"

"If our leaders seek to conceal the truth, or we as people become accepting of alternative realities that are no longer grounded in facts, then we as American citizens are on a pathway to relinquishing our freedom."

"Tillerson is no dummy. He knew what he was doing. The use of the phrase "alternative realities" is no accident. Neither are these lines from the Tillerson speech:"

"A responsibility of every American citizen to each other is to preserve and protect our freedom by recognizing what truth is and is not, what a fact is and is not and begin by holding ourselves accountable to truthfulness and demand our pursuit of America's future be fact-based -- not based on wishful thinking, not hoped-for outcomes made in shallow promises, but with a clear-eyed view of the facts as they are, and guided by the truth that will set us free to seek solutions to our most daunting challenges."

"It is impossible to read that paragraph and not have the image of Donald Trump conjured up in your mind. Im-possible."

As President Dwight D. Eisenhower once noted,
"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed."


freeburty isn't free :facepalm:

Rex Tillerson just majorly trolled Donald Trump

"Speaking to soon-to-be graduates of the Virginia Military Institute on Wednesday, Tillerson dropped this truth bomb:"

"If our leaders seek to conceal the truth, or we as people become accepting of alternative realities that are no longer grounded in facts, then we as American citizens are on a pathway to relinquishing our freedom."

"Tillerson is no dummy. He knew what he was doing. The use of the phrase "alternative realities" is no accident. Neither are these lines from the Tillerson speech:"

"A responsibility of every American citizen to each other is to preserve and protect our freedom by recognizing what truth is and is not, what a fact is and is not and begin by holding ourselves accountable to truthfulness and demand our pursuit of America's future be fact-based -- not based on wishful thinking, not hoped-for outcomes made in shallow promises, but with a clear-eyed view of the facts as they are, and guided by the truth that will set us free to seek solutions to our most daunting challenges."

"It is impossible to read that paragraph and not have the image of Donald Trump conjured up in your mind. Im-possible."
Let's not forget that Tillerson willingly entered the administration and seem to have some dodgy stuff going on about climate and oil lobbying. Just because Shitler fucked him over and he's biting back now doesn't mean that he's a good guy. All these people are garbage, and shouldn't be invited to influence young minds.
Let's not forget that Tillerson willingly entered the administration and seem to have some dodgy stuff going on about climate and oil lobbying. Just because Shitler fucked him over and he's biting back now doesn't mean that he's a good guy. All these people are garbage, and shouldn't be invited to influence young minds.
agreed. but what he said is right. accepting 'alternate facts and realities' will lead to loss of freedom. truth, especially in government/leadership, is not an 'option', it's an absolute necessity.
As President Dwight D. Eisenhower once noted,
"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed."


Many of the countries in the blue bars are allies, which makes this that much more stupid.

I see the need for military spending, as if you send kids off to fight, they should have the best shit money can buy, and the best advantage you can afford. At some point, however, this just becomes insane.
agreed. but what he said is right. accepting 'alternate facts and realities' will lead to loss of freedom. truth, especially in government/leadership, is not an 'option', it's an absolute necessity.
Yes, agreed, and I'm very glad he said it, but he is still a shitbag who was happy to be complicit in it before he got pushed out. Too bad he wouldn't do anything about it while he was in there except call Shitler names behind his back. America needs to remember who and what all these assholes are. None of them should be highly sought after for other positions, though I'm sure they will be.
So much restraint

I would have poured my pint over her and dragged her out of the pub myself

Anyway, i believe this woman got her comeuppance as she got sacked from her job

with obnoxious women there is always the option of walking up and punching her boyfriend/husband in the nose without warning.
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