OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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i'm as serious as a freakin' heart attack, there NEEDS to be a test, prior to the nomination process, that disqualifies alternate fact, rambling idiots from the political process.
this orange cotton candy haired jackwagon asshole has NO BUSINESS running the country.
this isn't about republican or democrat, it's about not allowing f'ing loons to run things.

Tests for political participation are bad and wrong. Sure, they might stop a Trump...but more likely they will be used in racist, sexist, classist ways to prevent people access to political solutions.

And when people don’t have ready access to political participation, you increase the likelihood of mob insurrection, open revolution, and dumb ol’ violent lashing out.

Trump is bad. But we have a test for preventing individual bad candidates—it’s called an election. But the media and the parties colluded with the Trump campaign to dignify his candidacy and the voters went with it because we’ve become used to a long tournament of mediocrity and lies in government.
Which is totally the workers’ fault and not the fault of employers with pay structures that suck because they know that the government will subsidize our addiction to LOW LOW PRICES at the expense of other people’s dignity.

From what I've seen, there's a bunch of conflicting studies. Some say worker pay has no impact on overall prices. Others say differently. I say that paying workers marginally more gives them a sense of loyalty to the business, because they just can't go somewhere else. This is why McDonald's turnover is so spectacularly bad. Pay people minimum wage and they'll get some experience and go anywhere else for more money. Pay them more, and you may actually get the cost benefit of training 6 months from now.

FWIW, minimum wage in NYC for businesses employing 10 or more employees is $13 per hour. Next year it goes to $15.
From what I've seen, there's a bunch of conflicting studies. Some say worker pay has no impact on overall prices. Others say differently. I say that paying workers marginally more gives them a sense of loyalty to the business, because they just can't go somewhere else. This is why McDonald's turnover is so spectacularly bad. Pay people minimum wage and they'll get some experience and go anywhere else for more money. Pay them more, and you may actually get the cost benefit of training 6 months from now.

FWIW, minimum wage in NYC for businesses employing 10 or more employees is $13 per hour. Next year it goes to $15.

Working for a franchise organization at the moment, and plenty of America’s sainted small business owners are using rising wages as a justification for price hikes. And if you think about global economics, we clearly leverage low wages and lower living standards to maintain low prices while the gov’t subsidizes these schemes by enforcing American economic dominance globally.

Pay, of course, can lead to better retention and higher return on training, etc. And Das Trump’s immigration policy has created a labor shortage that is allowing non-skilled workers to flex their muscles a bit.

Chicago is on the path to a $13 min wage...and likely $15 after that. But what kind of standard of living is two part-time (thanks, Obamacare) minimum wage jobs gonna get you in NYC.

You’re looking at $31k before taxes @ 40 hours a week. And you’re likely getting hosed on benefits and health care.

And a lot of this is circular, because wages are mostly stagnant vs. inflation (for decades) so you can’t raise prices because consumers are trained to be price conscious—which makes it difficult to build a more fair and sustainable business...unless you’re catering to the luxury crowd. And then you’ve got a handful of people paying top dollar for wonderful goods and services while the rest of us are acting entitled in the line at Starbucks and making ourselves feel better by insulting someone making even less than us and doing an even shittier job.

Late stage capitalism is AMAZING. Look at all this freedom and opportunity!
Working for a franchise organization at the moment, and plenty of America’s sainted small business owners are using rising wages as a justification for price hikes.

Employers are clearly justifying price increases. Whether it actually makes an impact is what I question.
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