OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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Or put another way, Ryan wants voters to back Republican candidates in order to ensure that the pro-Trump cover-up can continue on Capitol Hill. “Vote GOP in 2018,” the slogan effectively goes, “We’re against oversight and accountability for Republican presidents.”

Paul Ryan warns that if Dems win, they’ll hold Trump accountable

why not, there are several republicans holding him accountable right now. (Mueller, Rosenstein, Comey...)
oh, the pucker factor :eek:

Mueller requests 70 blank subpoenas in Manafort case

"Special counsel
Robert Mueller is requesting 70 blank subpoenas ahead of the trial of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.

Mueller is making the request for the subpoenas in the Alexandria, Va., court where Manafort is facing trial on several charges, including bank fraud.

A spokesman for the special counsel confirmed to The Hill that the filing is an additional set of requests, after prosecutors previously requested 35 sets of blank subpoenas for the trial."
Holy crap, how can guys like this be taken even a little bit seriously? :(

It's easy to find these guys. To me, this is a party issue. The Republicans can disavow him all they want. The party is a private organization. They don't have to let him run as a Republican. And yet, he'll be the candidate because they don't have the guts to kick him out. Sad!
It's easy to find these guys. To me, this is a party issue. The Republicans can disavow him all they want. The party is a private organization. They don't have to let him run as a Republican. And yet, he'll be the candidate because they don't have the guts to kick him out. Sad!
i saw what you did there.
I’m pretty sure no one read this aloud before they posted the article :embarrassed:

Really?! That's what a fascist looks like? I would totally just beat the crap out of that guy. He looks more like a computer nerd.
Back story is that he was a member of the Proud Boys, some pro male/Pro White group that has a problem with them. Therefore the "the boys aren't very proud of you right now" jab from the lady.
well Holy smokes...Looks like even Fox News is starting to bail ship on the Prez. This Neil Cavuto dude Calls out the Prez disco-084

“Let me be clear, Mr. President. How can you drain the swamp if you’re the one that keeps muddying the waters? You didn’t know about that $130,000 payment to a porn star till you did,” Cavuto said. “You acknowledged today you were the guy behind the retainer payment that took care of this. You insist that money from the campaign or campaign contributions played no role in this transaction. Of that you’re sure. The thing is, not 24 hours ago, sir, you couldn’t recall any of this.” “I guess you’re too busy draining the swamp to ever stop and smell the stink you’re creating,” Cavuto concluded. “That’s your doing. That’s your stink, Mr. President, that’s your swamp. Goodnight.”
well Holy smokes...Looks like even Fox News is starting to bail ship on the Prez. This Neil Cavuto dude Calls out the Prez disco-084

“Let me be clear, Mr. President. How can you drain the swamp if you’re the one that keeps muddying the waters? You didn’t know about that $130,000 payment to a porn star till you did,” Cavuto said. “You acknowledged today you were the guy behind the retainer payment that took care of this. You insist that money from the campaign or campaign contributions played no role in this transaction. Of that you’re sure. The thing is, not 24 hours ago, sir, you couldn’t recall any of this.” “I guess you’re too busy draining the swamp to ever stop and smell the stink you’re creating,” Cavuto concluded. “That’s your doing. That’s your stink, Mr. President, that’s your swamp. Goodnight.”

as i have said before, if you put enough gators and snakes in the swamp, they will eventually displace enough water to consider it drained. :idea:
china has stopped buying soy from the us.

we sell 50% of our soy to china.

which states grow our soy? i wonder who they voted for? do you think this was the type of winning they expected to get tired of while making America great again?

If you look at the ramifications of the tariff/trade actions so far, it’s potential for hurting traditional GOP/Trum support is pretty significant; domestic steel manufacturers, the segment that stands to gain the most, are not the economic engines that all of the business & industries that stand to lose the most from this current situation; like all the farmers and domestic industries that consume imported steel.
If you look at the ramifications of the tariff/trade actions so far, it’s potential for hurting traditional GOP/Trum support is pretty significant; domestic steel manufacturers, the segment that stands to gain the most, are not the economic engines that all of the business & industries that stand to lose the most from this current situation; like all the farmers and domestic industries that consume imported steel.

he is such a stupid turd. if he put a full on ban on imported steel (in all forms) all it would do is cause the USA to not have steel. we don't have that industry, on an mega level, anymore. he's just shutting down american jobs and companies. stupid....stupid.....stupid......sad!!
I’m pretty sure no one read this aloud before they posted the article :embarrassed:

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Funny headlines not withstanding, there’s many people who feel this is just a PR stunt on SA’s part. They’ve been involved in some controversey over some firearms dealer licensing legislation in Illinois and questions about how much SA product Dick’s even buys. The timing of the announcement comes as the NRA convention kicks off....
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