OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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Ty Cobb has a message for Mueller.
apparently shit for brains ryan doesn't get that this would be far preferred over what is going on now.

Ryan: Democratic House takeover would lead to gridlock and subpoenas

"Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) reportedly said on Wednesday that if Democrats were to gain control of the House in November's midterms, it would lead to gridlock and partisan investigations of President Trump."

wow, talk about a stupid ass. that's exactly what is needed at this point, if dems can't win senate also.
But her e-mails!
none of trump's current attys have a security clearance to be able to see the intel and discuss the russia investigation. that's hilarious.
Who cares? Jared Kushner didn't need a security clearance to search top secret intelligence records for classified info to try to blackmail leaders in the Middle East into giving him a loan for his failing building venture, so why should a bunch of shysters need it to protect a fake president who was probably elected under illegal circumstances. MAGA!!!
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How in the world did anything Rudy said on TV last night help Trump?

It removed one felony charge that Mueller could have pinned on Trump. By admitting to the payment, Giuliani eliminated the potential for campaign finance violations.

Trump has already all but admitted to the whole Stormy Daniels fiasco, so this admission really doesn't hurt him. It does prove Trump lied earlier about the the payments, but since he wasn't under oath, it isn't a legal issue. Congressional Republicans and Trump loyalists have long ago proved they don't care what Trump does or says.
How in the world did anything Rudy said on TV last night help Trump?

My guess is it was calculated, they're trying to get out in front of all of this despite their Papaya Messiah's lies. Apparently they think the best method is to keep changing the narrative until nobody knows what's real anymore... but Mueller knows. Shit is about to get ugly.
It's still amazing how the Trump base just does not give a damn. Well I think the majority does not give a damn and the remainder just has wool over their eyes but anyway Lie after lie, contradictions and they blatantly pretty much just say "yeah so what, who cares...we are in power so eat shit libby" .
The Presidency used to at least in theory hold a higher standard. It was in theory a model of professionalism. Now it is a TV reality show and a textbook class on how to build a successful cult.....
Like all Cults though it will crash and burn hard. The only question is when?
they voted for a known pedophile. i don think there is a when.

we are tribal now. everyone is dug in. voting for anyone in your party, regardless of who, is better than voting for the other side.
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It's still amazing how the Trump base just does not give a damn. Well I think the majority does not give a damn and the remainder just has wool over their eyes but anyway Lie after lie, contradictions and they blatantly pretty much just say "yeah so what, who cares...we are in power so eat shit libby" .
The Presidency used to at least in theory hold a higher standard. It was in theory a model of professionalism. Now it is a TV reality show and a textbook class on how to build a successful cult.....
Like all Cults though it will crash and burn hard. The only question is when?

The Nazi's were a cult, and they stayed in power for 15 years, started a World War and wiped out 6-12 million people for no other reason than their race or religion. History repeats itself.
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