OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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NYC passed a plastic bag ban last year and Cuomo squashed it because he wanted a statewide bill that would go further. I guess we'll see that bill this fall with a newly reunited Democratic party in the NY Senate. Hopefully it goes further in its reach than the City bill did. It'll look bad for Cuomo if it doesn't.
so then, what do you guys carry your groceries in?
not counting the current admin, i wonder why obama didn't require all these plastic bags to be biodegradable? i would think that would be the best answer.
I have a canvas bag I take with me to the grocery store. And I keep one in the car.

But I'm in a position to shop daily, so it's pretty easy.
so then, what do you guys carry your groceries in?
not counting the current admin, i wonder why obama didn't require all these plastic bags to be biodegradable? i would think that would be the best answer.

I've been carrying groceries in backpacks and big canvas tote bags for years.

A few of our plastic bags get re-purposed and the rest go back to the grocery store's bag recycle barrel.
Plastic shopping bags can clog up a municipal recycling sorter, so don't put them in your recycle bin.

We recycle about 80% or our total trash at home, not including Carvin's.
I think you're giving tiny-hands Donald Trump way too much credit. You are implying he knows a very obscure bit of history, which based on his utter ignorance of ancient, recent, or current history is (to me) pretty unlikely. I don't think tiny hands is nearly that subtle!
Yeah, but someone like Stephen Miller might, and could have started in with a nickname like that, which I'm sure would delight Shitler even if he didn't know what it meant.
Plastic bags were banned for the entire country here about 7 years ago. They lifted the ban when biodegradable options became available. Now they charge you money for them, and the bag tax has dropped usage by 75 percent and raised a lot of money for environmental projects. The plan here is evaluate how this is working in another 5 years and return to a ban if necessary. I think this is mostly for the wrapping produce type bags, the plastic shopping bags are legal but not really used. I have never seen a plastic shopping bag here, disposable or otherwise, and everyone brings their own cloth bags to the store. If you don’t have cloth you can get paper for around 35 cents a bag.
It's not about gun sales. It's about NRA fundraising.
This is the sort of thing that makes me want to look at leaving the US. Even when culturally, at least involving anyone I know, and I mean more than just those that agree with me, there seems to be more openness to some reasonable changes, this is what seems to happen.
This is the sort of thing that makes me want to look at leaving the US. Even when culturally, at least involving anyone I know, and I mean more than just those that agree with me, there seems to be more openness to some reasonable changes, this is what seems to happen.

I think this is the part where we see the blue states getting bluer and the red states getting redder, and the disparity and narrative between ideologies widening.
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