OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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Thing is, it’s not gonna be State vs State, it’s urban vs rural.
i'm not so sure that one can even make that generalization. there are vast parts of the US that are rural (less dense pop.) that are not white+. N.M., AZ., for example, because the vast majority of those living there are not white. even large parts of texas are not white and not urban.
in any case, the racist genie is once again out of the bottle. :shrug:
Doesn’t change my point.

It does, because if gun control supporters want real change, they need the funds to make it happen. Marco Rubio isn't changing his views because the NRA spends millions to defeat his opponents. Gun control lobbyists and PACs aren't spending that kinda money, so Rubio gets to keep his seat, and his gravy train.
It does, because if gun control supporters want real change, they need the funds to make it happen. Marco Rubio isn't changing his views because the NRA spends millions to defeat his opponents. Gun control lobbyists and PACs aren't spending that kinda money, so Rubio gets to keep his seat, and his gravy train.

This is true, but it’s always been true.

What may be true is that the %age of gun-owners might decline significantly despite gun control legislation.

The gunman accused of killing four people at a Nashville-area Waffle House was arrested Monday after a frantic manhunt, police said.

A tip from the community led to Travis Reinking's arrest shortly after 1 p.m. in a wooded area near his Nashville apartment, Metro Nashville Police said. He was booked into Metro jail Monday night on four counts of criminal homicide. He is scheduled to appear in court Wednesday.

The arrest came roughly 35 hours after Reinking unloaded an assault-style rifle on customers and employees at the Antioch restaurant early Sunday morning. All of those killed were under 30. Two others were injured.
The shooting raised questions about Reinking's previous law enforcement encounters, and whether his father should be charged for giving him guns when he was barred from possessing them.

Reinking is from Morton, Illinois, and police believe he moved to the Nashville area last fall. He worked in construction but was fired from a job about three weeks ago, police said. Reinking started with another construction company last Monday, but did not show up for work Tuesday.

The 29-year-old has a history of delusions and run-ins with the law.

In May 2016, Reinking told first responders that he believed pop star Taylor Swift was stalking him, according to a police report. Reinking's family also told police he made comments about killing himself.

Last summer, Reinking was arrested by the Secret Service for trespassing near the White House.

Reinking said he wanted to meet with US President Donald Trump. He told a Secret Service officer at the northeast entrance that he was a "sovereign citizen" who had a "right to inspect the grounds," according to a Metropolitan Police Department incident report dated July 7, 2017.

He was charged with unlawful entry, but the charges were dismissed after he completed community service. At the FBI's request, Reinking's Illinois firearms authorization was revoked, and four weapons -- including the AR-15 style rifle used in Sunday's shooting -- were seized.

After the firearms seizure, Reinking was legally prohibited from possessing guns, Matthew Espenshade, an FBI agent located in Nashville, said Monday. Authorities in Tazewell County, Illinois, gave the weapons to Reinking's father, who police believe later returned them to his son.

His father, Jeffrey Reinking, could potentially face charges for transferring weapons to a person knowingly prohibited from possessing them, ATF Acting Special Agent in Charge Marcus Watson said.


I should fucking well hope so.
I've lived within "Boom Range" of Camp Pendelton for most of my life. Any time they are training with live ordinance, we can hear and feel it. Usually, it's done pretty much during daylight hours, and for 2-3 days. Local news outlets always post reminders in advance of, and during such training so the folks know what's up (and probably so they don't call the news outlets in droves saying the sky is falling).

Well, something is up. I have a suspicion that Shitler Von Cheeto and his minions are gearing up to put a whole bunch of American boots "somewhere". It's almost 9PM, I'm sitting outside listening as the BIG guns and bombs just keep going BOOM! This has been going on for weeks now, around the clock. No mention of it on local news, which means the Base Public Information Officer is not communicating with them as usual, or has asked for no coverage.

They're expending huge amounts of ordinance, and the usually steady stream of Military aircraft in the skies around here has ramped up significantly. In fact, several days ago a bunch of friends in the L.A. area made mention of "a lot of military helicopters" flying over areas they normally don't. One friend took a phone pic of a B-2 Stealth Bomber over his home in Burbank in broad daylight on a weekday afternoon. He said he'd never seen one before.

These are the tell tale signs that 'Murica is about to go fuck shit up. I've seen this play out quite a few times now. Like clockwork...

So, I don't know what unfortunate country is about to be the next victim of American Idiocy, but I suspect we'll all find out soon enough.


This is why we can't have nice things!
Who knows, Trump is so pissed at Jerry Brown there is a good chance that he'll have the Marines blow up Sacramento.
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I think this is the part where we see the blue states getting bluer and the red states getting redder, and the disparity and narrative between ideologies widening.
But again, I do not see it as that simple. My home town is firmly deep within the bluest of blue western WA and is still full of red state types. Conversely, the mountain towns I love and visit are dirt hippy havens. Check out the map of voting somewhere that shows counties that are mile high or higher. So I don't really see where some civil war with a line would be drawn, unless over time the rednecks flee from places like Tacoma, and the dirt and mountain hippies get chased out of the inner mountains. Seems more likely it just descends into riots and general violence. And, if climate change starts putting basic survival needs at risk for a lot of people (stuff like food), that is sure to get worse.
But again, I do not see it as that simple. My home town is firmly deep within the bluest of blue western WA and is still full of red state types. Conversely, the mountain towns I love and visit are dirt hippy havens. Check out the map of voting somewhere that shows counties that are mile high or higher. So I don't really see where some civil war with a line would be drawn, unless over time the rednecks flee from places like Tacoma, and the dirt and mountain hippies get chased out of the inner mountains. Seems more likely it just descends into riots and general violence. And, if climate change starts putting basic survival needs at risk for a lot of people (stuff like food), that is sure to get worse.

In this part of the argument, I didn't say civil war. That's everyone else. I said a strengthening of ideologies. So if your dirty hippies haven't voted before and are serious about opposing the NRA, they'll get out and vote for a candidate not supported by the NRA. Likewise, your rednecks would also make sure they get out to vote, because they know the dirty hippies want their pot legislation and they're not about to let ol' Chuckie Schumer give it to them. Whichever one loses says "fuck this state, I'm moving to where like minded people live", thereby pissing off the rednecks/dirty hippies in their new low tax haven. Do that for a decade and then maybe we'll talk about civil war.
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The title just cracked me up. "Dr. No", like some Bond villain except he's probably just guilty of securities fraud or sexual assault.

The gunman accused of killing four people at a Nashville-area Waffle House was arrested Monday after a frantic manhunt, police said.

A tip from the community led to Travis Reinking's arrest shortly after 1 p.m. in a wooded area near his Nashville apartment, Metro Nashville Police said. He was booked into Metro jail Monday night on four counts of criminal homicide. He is scheduled to appear in court Wednesday.

The arrest came roughly 35 hours after Reinking unloaded an assault-style rifle on customers and employees at the Antioch restaurant early Sunday morning. All of those killed were under 30. Two others were injured.
The shooting raised questions about Reinking's previous law enforcement encounters, and whether his father should be charged for giving him guns when he was barred from possessing them.

Reinking is from Morton, Illinois, and police believe he moved to the Nashville area last fall. He worked in construction but was fired from a job about three weeks ago, police said. Reinking started with another construction company last Monday, but did not show up for work Tuesday.

The 29-year-old has a history of delusions and run-ins with the law.

In May 2016, Reinking told first responders that he believed pop star Taylor Swift was stalking him, according to a police report. Reinking's family also told police he made comments about killing himself.

Last summer, Reinking was arrested by the Secret Service for trespassing near the White House.

Reinking said he wanted to meet with US President Donald Trump. He told a Secret Service officer at the northeast entrance that he was a "sovereign citizen" who had a "right to inspect the grounds," according to a Metropolitan Police Department incident report dated July 7, 2017.

He was charged with unlawful entry, but the charges were dismissed after he completed community service. At the FBI's request, Reinking's Illinois firearms authorization was revoked, and four weapons -- including the AR-15 style rifle used in Sunday's shooting -- were seized.

After the firearms seizure, Reinking was legally prohibited from possessing guns, Matthew Espenshade, an FBI agent located in Nashville, said Monday. Authorities in Tazewell County, Illinois, gave the weapons to Reinking's father, who police believe later returned them to his son.

His father, Jeffrey Reinking, could potentially face charges for transferring weapons to a person knowingly prohibited from possessing them, ATF Acting Special Agent in Charge Marcus Watson said.


I should fucking well hope so.
Let he who hasn't had Taylor Swift stalking him cast the first stone.
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