OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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geez.....Ollie is weak sauce.
you want to talk about a guy who wore his felony as a badge of honor....G. Gordon Liddy!!

He did. He also did a talking tour with Timothy Leary. So he had a sense of humor. "In a battle of wits, you sir, are unarmed." Great quote to the warden of the prison where he was incarcerated. Horrible guy, but funny nonetheless.
View attachment 40370

Jim Wright of Stonekettel Station -

"Another Sunday morning, another attack on the press from the President of the United States.

"Sleepy Eyes Chuck Todd of Fake News NBC just stated that we..."


Back up.

Sleepy Eyes?

Sleepy eyes? What? I asked (rhetorically I thought) my audience on Twitter, what does "Sleepy Eyes" even mean as an insult?


Sleepy Eyes Chuck of the Fake News? I said, "it's like he's tweeting really bad fanfic one line at time. Fifty Shades of Fly Hair Tiny Hands."

Sleepy eyes.

Ok. Sure.

Except ... well, I should have known better. Several readers pointed out that "sleepy eyes" is an anti-Semitic dog-whistle, a racist insult regarding Jews.

And I thought, no, that can't be ... right, can it?

It can. It is. And it's far worse than that.

I did not know "sleepy eyes" was an anti-Semitic slur.

But it sure didn't take long to find the truth.

The term's origin comes from a list of criteria used by Nazi secret police to determine who might be a jew. This list includes traits such as a widow's peak, dark curly hair, attached earlobes, weak or pointed chins, thick lips with a commonly protruding lower lip, head shape including a low sloped forehead and high flat back of skull ... and thick eyelids giving a wary expression of "sleepy, untrustworthy eyes."

This list was promulgated to the German population via the Gestapo and other Nazi authorities, and commonly used to identify suspected Jews for arrest and removal.

After WWII and the Nazi's defeat, that list naturally found it's way to various neo-Nazi, White Supremacist, and other anti-Semitic groups.

"How to spot a jew" is a common search phrase on Google, and the results are hundreds of variations on this list of Nazi-originated criteria.

Chuck Todd is Jewish, a fact that Trump most certainly knows.

It is unlikely in the extreme that Trump would pick "sleepy eyes Chuck Todd" as an insult at random and without malice aforethought.

While Trump himself may or may not know the origin of the insult and who commonly uses that slur today, it's obvious he surrounds himself with people who use this term openly in the halls of government and business and who DO know what the phrase means and how it is intended.

The President of the United States calling a Jewish person "sleepy eyes" isn't funny or clever or harmless.

There are echoes of the Holocaust ringing in that phrase.

If Trump DOESN'T honestly know that he's engaged in an anti-Semitic slur (and I am loathe to grant him that benefit of doubt), one of Nazi origin, that doesn't make it better, it makes it WORSE.

It makes it worse, because this tells you, Citizen, who he surrounds himself with and how Trump's willful blithe ignorance of history enables and encourages their shameless hate and bigotry.

More than anything, this is yet another indicator of just how dangerous and unqualified Trump is to be leader of any nation, let alone the United States of America."
I had no idea. It's not a term I recall hearing often enough to remember hearing it at all. Go figure.

Anyway, it doesn't matter if he knew or didn't know, doesn't matter if it was purposely malicious or off the cuff. It won't even dent his followers devotion to him... No matter what their religion or views. He can do no wrong in their eyes.

And should anyone think any high ranking Israeli official is going to denounce him... Ain't gonna happen. As long as Trump continues to tow the line of American Foreign Policy of giving Isreal a free pass across the board, it will simply be overlooked and forgotten in short order.

And before the above sparks outrage or debate, it's simply an observation based on historical fact. I don't want to go down the rabbit hole of infinite Butthurt that makes any critique of Israel as a nation something anti-Semitic. There's no difference between being critical of America and being critical of Isreal. Questioning American politics and policies is a duty, it's not un-American.
WTF, indeed. I was convinced you could only stop those with a good guy with a gun, and here someone just tackles the guy.

Sheesh, I'll never listen to the NRA again!!1111

All politics aside, the dude that rushed that gunman at the Waffle House is a real world hero.

James Shaw, Jr. you are a hell of a man.

And again we see a person who is known to the cops, tried to breach White House security while claiming to be a member of a extremist group, had his guns taken away then returned, was reported by his parents as mentally unstable, etc....and he finally has to kill someone before there is a reaction from anyone. Now, with 4 people dead the answer is to find him and put him in jail. WTF cops, do you fucking job BEFORE people get killed. Also, thanks again for closing all the mental health facilities, Mr. Reagan.
All politics aside, the dude that rushed that gunman at the Waffle House is a real world hero.

James Shaw, Jr. you are a hell of a man.


Most definitely. I've been saying this also for some time that we need folks to bum rush these folks as they reload. Not that I'm saying I'd have the balls these days to do it myself if faced with though, don't get me wrong.
And again we see a person who is known to the cops, tried to breach White House security while claiming to be a member of a extremist group, had his guns taken away then returned, was reported by his parents as mentally unstable, etc....and he finally has to kill someone before there is a reaction from anyone. Now, with 4 people dead the answer is to find him and put him in jail. WTF cops, do you fucking job BEFORE people get killed. Also, thanks again for closing all the mental health facilities, Mr. Reagan.

And he fits the profile. White.
but......of course. best people. winning.....winning.....wi.....oh wait.
John Bolton chaired anti-Muslim think tank

"John Bolton, President Donald Trump’s new national security adviser, chaired a nonprofit that has promoted misleading and false anti-Muslim news, some of which was amplified by a Russian troll factory, an NBC News review found.

"The group’s authors also appeared on Russian media, including Sputnik and RT News, criticizing mainstream European leaders like French President Emmanuel Macron.:"

"From 2013 until last month, Bolton was chairman of the Gatestone Institute, a New York-based advocacy group that warns of a looming “jihadist takeover” of Europe leading to a “Great White Death.”

"The group has published numerous stories and headlines on its website with similar themes. “Germany Confiscating Homes to Use for Migrants,” warned one from May 2017, about a single apartment rental property in Hamburg that had gone into temporary trusteeship. Another from February 2015 claimed the immigrants, for instance Somalis, in Sweden were turning that country into the “Rape Capital of the West.”
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View attachment 40370

Jim Wright of Stonekettel Station -

"Another Sunday morning, another attack on the press from the President of the United States.

"Sleepy Eyes Chuck Todd of Fake News NBC just stated that we..."


Back up.

Sleepy Eyes?

Sleepy eyes? What? I asked (rhetorically I thought) my audience on Twitter, what does "Sleepy Eyes" even mean as an insult?


Sleepy Eyes Chuck of the Fake News? I said, "it's like he's tweeting really bad fanfic one line at time. Fifty Shades of Fly Hair Tiny Hands."

Sleepy eyes.

Ok. Sure.

Except ... well, I should have known better. Several readers pointed out that "sleepy eyes" is an anti-Semitic dog-whistle, a racist insult regarding Jews.

And I thought, no, that can't be ... right, can it?

It can. It is. And it's far worse than that.

I did not know "sleepy eyes" was an anti-Semitic slur.

But it sure didn't take long to find the truth.

The term's origin comes from a list of criteria used by Nazi secret police to determine who might be a jew. This list includes traits such as a widow's peak, dark curly hair, attached earlobes, weak or pointed chins, thick lips with a commonly protruding lower lip, head shape including a low sloped forehead and high flat back of skull ... and thick eyelids giving a wary expression of "sleepy, untrustworthy eyes."

This list was promulgated to the German population via the Gestapo and other Nazi authorities, and commonly used to identify suspected Jews for arrest and removal.

After WWII and the Nazi's defeat, that list naturally found it's way to various neo-Nazi, White Supremacist, and other anti-Semitic groups.

"How to spot a jew" is a common search phrase on Google, and the results are hundreds of variations on this list of Nazi-originated criteria.

Chuck Todd is Jewish, a fact that Trump most certainly knows.

It is unlikely in the extreme that Trump would pick "sleepy eyes Chuck Todd" as an insult at random and without malice aforethought.

While Trump himself may or may not know the origin of the insult and who commonly uses that slur today, it's obvious he surrounds himself with people who use this term openly in the halls of government and business and who DO know what the phrase means and how it is intended.

The President of the United States calling a Jewish person "sleepy eyes" isn't funny or clever or harmless.

There are echoes of the Holocaust ringing in that phrase.

If Trump DOESN'T honestly know that he's engaged in an anti-Semitic slur (and I am loathe to grant him that benefit of doubt), one of Nazi origin, that doesn't make it better, it makes it WORSE.

It makes it worse, because this tells you, Citizen, who he surrounds himself with and how Trump's willful blithe ignorance of history enables and encourages their shameless hate and bigotry.

More than anything, this is yet another indicator of just how dangerous and unqualified Trump is to be leader of any nation, let alone the United States of America."

I think you're giving tiny-hands Donald Trump way too much credit. You are implying he knows a very obscure bit of history, which based on his utter ignorance of ancient, recent, or current history is (to me) pretty unlikely. I don't think tiny hands is nearly that subtle!
I think you're giving tiny-hands Donald Trump way too much credit. You are implying he knows a very obscure bit of history, which based on his utter ignorance of ancient, recent, or current history is (to me) pretty unlikely. I don't think tiny hands is nearly that subtle!

He may not be well-read, but I wouldn’t underestimate his library of disgusting offence.
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