OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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ooops....those pesky records.

Flight Records Disprove Trump’s Claim About ‘Pee Tape’ Weekend Whereabouts

Donald Trump reportedly told former FBI Director James Comey — twice — that he didn’t spend a single night in Moscow when the infamous “pee tape” was allegedly made.
But Bloomberg and Politico have obtained flight records for Trump’s jet that indicate he actually spent two nights in the Russian capital when he traveled there for the Miss Universe Pageant in 2013."
ooops....those pesky records.

Flight Records Disprove Trump’s Claim About ‘Pee Tape’ Weekend Whereabouts

Donald Trump reportedly told former FBI Director James Comey — twice — that he didn’t spend a single night in Moscow when the infamous “pee tape” was allegedly made.
But Bloomberg and Politico have obtained flight records for Trump’s jet that indicate he actually spent two nights in the Russian capital when he traveled there for the Miss Universe Pageant in 2013."

I'm glad the pee tape thing hasn't been forgotten.
supposedly, he only watched the girls pee on the bed that Obama slept in, or so the story goes. rolleyes1
This is one of the dumbest articles I've ever read. It's not even good satire.

First off, yes, Cynthia Nixon is actually running for Governor. That much is true. Hilarious, but true. She's going to lose. Terribly. She's not a good candidate, and Cuomo is basically a dictator in New York.

But the source you're citing is "Pajamas Media"? Really? I'm not clicking that link, it goes to Outlook. Fuck off. Then, while Working Families did indeed endorse Nixon, Cuomo then got the unions to stop funding the Working Families party. How did they not see that coming? Now Cuomo is fully supporting legal weed, which was one of Nixon's positions. So if that's what she gets out of her candidacy, then cool, but Breitbart isn't giving that angle because they're just out for bad attempts at character assassination.

And then the rest of the article is about the meaning of the word "wop", which redirects to the Atlantic. :lol:

Oh the comments...
Trump's pick to run the VA, his personal doctor who has no management experience, has a history of over prescribing meds and drinking on the job.

Only the best people.
He's the guy who publicly stated that Trump was 6'3 and 239 lbs.,"in excellent health", and not obese according to the BMI scale. rotflmaorotflmaorotflmao
Of course Trump is going to pick him to run the VA.
Here’s to young people voting and old people dying. Cheers.

I've been spending 8-10 hours a day exposed to Fox News while taking care of my grandfather with ALS. Now whenever my grandmother says she's glad they won't be around to see how my generation destroys the world, I agree with her... on the first part.
I've been spending 8-10 hours a day exposed to Fox News while taking care of my grandfather with ALS. Now whenever my grandmother says she's glad they won't be around to see how my generation destroys the world, I agree with her... on the first part.

Dual mojo
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A few of our plastic bags get re-purposed and the rest go back to the grocery store's bag recycle barrel.
Plastic shopping bags can clog up a municipal recycling sorter, so don't put them in your recycle bin.

We recycle about 80% or our total trash at home, not including Carvin's.
We don't throw plastic bags out until they have dog poop in them.
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The other man responsible in Waffle House shooting

Travis Reinking, the man alleged to have shot up a Waffle House and snuffed out the lives of four innocent souls, thankfully is in custody. But he's not the only one who should pay for this terrible crime if convicted: His father, Jeffrey Reinking, should in that case be held legally accountable, and arguably should face prosecution.

That is because police believe the elder Reinking returned his son's guns — which had been taken from him -- multiple times over, despite Travis Reinking's erratic behavior and even FBI interference. Authorities revoked Travis' firearms identification card and even confiscated his guns, but, investigators believe, his father returned them.

This shooting was not an unforeseeable event, nor was it a random tragedy. It was an act by a man who showed clear signs of aggression and mental illness and who had been deemed by authorities unfit for gun ownership.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out why. He was arrested by the Secret Service last July for trying to enter a restricted area near the White House, apparently seeking a meeting with the President. That's when the FBI reached out to the state of Illinois and requested that Travis' firearm ID card be revoked; they saw him as a clear threat.

Authorities also seized from Travis Reinking a Kimber 9 mm handgun, a Bushmaster AR-15 style rifle, a CZ-USA .22-caliber rifle, a Remington 710 and random ammunition, according to a Tazewell County, Illinois, sheriff's report. (The Bushmaster was recovered from the Waffle House shooting.)

But that wasn't the first time Travis had run afoul of the law and showed signs of psychological distress. A month earlier, he was disruptive, yelling and exposing himself at a swimming pool; a sheriff advised Jeffrey Reinking to keep his son's guns locked away. And a year before that, Travis' parents had called the police because Travis became convinced the pop star Taylor Swift was stalking him. More recently, Travis took a car and led police in a chase, but was not arrested.

Jeffrey Reinking returned Travis' guns to him at least three different times, despite these persistent and disturbing patterns, authorities say.
The other man responsible in Waffle House shooting

Travis Reinking, the man alleged to have shot up a Waffle House and snuffed out the lives of four innocent souls, thankfully is in custody. But he's not the only one who should pay for this terrible crime if convicted: His father, Jeffrey Reinking, should in that case be held legally accountable, and arguably should face prosecution.

That is because police believe the elder Reinking returned his son's guns — which had been taken from him -- multiple times over, despite Travis Reinking's erratic behavior and even FBI interference. Authorities revoked Travis' firearms identification card and even confiscated his guns, but, investigators believe, his father returned them.

This shooting was not an unforeseeable event, nor was it a random tragedy. It was an act by a man who showed clear signs of aggression and mental illness and who had been deemed by authorities unfit for gun ownership.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out why. He was arrested by the Secret Service last July for trying to enter a restricted area near the White House, apparently seeking a meeting with the President. That's when the FBI reached out to the state of Illinois and requested that Travis' firearm ID card be revoked; they saw him as a clear threat.

Authorities also seized from Travis Reinking a Kimber 9 mm handgun, a Bushmaster AR-15 style rifle, a CZ-USA .22-caliber rifle, a Remington 710 and random ammunition, according to a Tazewell County, Illinois, sheriff's report. (The Bushmaster was recovered from the Waffle House shooting.)

But that wasn't the first time Travis had run afoul of the law and showed signs of psychological distress. A month earlier, he was disruptive, yelling and exposing himself at a swimming pool; a sheriff advised Jeffrey Reinking to keep his son's guns locked away. And a year before that, Travis' parents had called the police because Travis became convinced the pop star Taylor Swift was stalking him. More recently, Travis took a car and led police in a chase, but was not arrested.

Jeffrey Reinking returned Travis' guns to him at least three different times, despite these persistent and disturbing patterns, authorities say.
As much as I would like to see that jackhole prosecuted, I doubt it will happen. If it does, I doubt the consequences of a full conviction would be of any substance.
As much as I would like to see that jackhole prosecuted, I doubt it will happen. If it does, I doubt the consequences of a full conviction would be of any substance.
and if serious charges are leveled at him, the NRA will bring a bus load of lawyers. hell, wayne lapierre might defend the father personally.
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