OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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On a serious note though, the internal stuff you could argue about all day long and given the penchant for loving or hating guns, free healthcare and women deciding if they should have to go through with a birth, I totally get how politics can be polarised down party lines in the States but what we've seen recently with the right / Trump supporters beginning to fawn over Russia and want to be friends with them is beyond belief.
After this white guy accused a man of color of being an "illegal alien," he called the police and threatened him with a ‘citizen's arrest’. He then pushed and blocked the man from leaving the store while asking if he was afraid to be deported and demanding to 'see his papers.'

i would have knocked him flat on his ass.
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After this white guy accused a man of color of being an "illegal alien," he called the police and threatened him with a ‘citizen's arrest’. He then pushed and blocked the man from leaving the store while asking if he was afraid to be deported and demanding to 'see his papers.'

just totally fucked up. We have definitely reached the point of no return. Trump has fostered an enviornment where these idiots feel in the right as if they are heroes. I wish we could just chop FloriDUH off ...set it adrift and deport all the trumpkins with it. The dude calling the cops definitely deserves som bad karma coming his way : o
shit...I don't know if this is a reliable source or not but I just Googled "man detains man while shopping" (about the incident above which Tig posted) on Google news and this link was the only says this incident happened in Canada. I wanted to find out if any charges were pressed...I know the source of Tigs post was Facebro....#iwanttobelieve but if it did happen in Canada I hope Facebro OP states it somewhere because I'm not a fan of propganda on either side.

Well, it looks like one of the things our largest trading partner is importing from the USA is good old xenophobic American racism.

In a recent video in which a white man is berating a person of color, saying the man is an “illegal alien,” if you blink, you might think that the incident happened in America.

But the site of this particular fuckery was to our North, in a grocery store in the city of London, a Canadian city in Ontario, just above Lake Erie and about 120 miles north of Detroit
OK the guy should have just shoved the fucker hard and walked out but why are a squad of people, including staff, standing around letting that happen?

I detest people who don't step in and do what's right - christ at the end of tonight's gig when I was dying to get home I ended up way across the car park making sure an upset girl was ok / letting her drunk boyfriend know coming at her or the only sober guy in the near vicinity was a stupid idea. All the while about a dozen of her friends milled about looking sheepish because they wouldn't put the drunk asshole boyfriend in his place!

while i agree with you, the way CCW assholes are pulling guns and shooting people lately, i have to think twice before 'stepping up'.
Welcome to another edition of Distraction Monday.

As for Iranians, I have yet to meet one that wasn't an exemplary person, which is quite the opposite of the Trump supporters I've known.
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