OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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More I think about Putin coming for a visit in the fall, more pissed off I am. A couple of questions for everybody. Would you invite a murderer or rapist into your home for the two year anniversary? WTF is Trump thinking? Why would he want to remind everybody at election time? That makes no sense.
Trump is a shameless, unapologetic, belligerent, childish fucking asshole who has never faced any meaningful consequences for anything he has ever done. In case anyone forgot. Most likely he's doing it to piss everyone off and prove that he can do whatever the fuck he wants whenever he wants.
Trump is a shameless, unapologetic, belligerent, childish fucking asshole who has never faced any meaningful consequences for anything he has ever done. In case anyone forgot. Most likely he's doing it to piss everyone off and prove that he can do whatever the fuck he wants whenever he wants.
I just wish Willy Wonka could flush him down the chocolate river or turn him into a big blown up blueberry or shrink him in a TV machine or something.
Nice article. If the people who think a dude who cozies up to putin is better than "killary" could read with any sort of comprehension, . . . well forget it.

I just realized that Hillary was never president. Isn't that weird?

It's like some raving lunatic vampire talking for centuries about Charles Pinckney.
(vampire for the feasibility of him talking for centuries of course)
I would settle for the French Revolution solution.





After this white guy accused a man of color of being an "illegal alien," he called the police and threatened him with a ‘citizen's arrest’. He then pushed and blocked the man from leaving the store while asking if he was afraid to be deported and demanding to 'see his papers.'

After this white guy accused a man of color of being an "illegal alien," he called the police and threatened him with a ‘citizen's arrest’. He then pushed and blocked the man from leaving the store while asking if he was afraid to be deported and demanding to 'see his papers.'

brown people should start carrying pepper spray. " push me, asshole, and yer gettin' Maced!!"
brown people should start carrying pepper spray. " push me, asshole, and yer gettin' Maced!!"
I was thinking osoto gari as he tried to step around the self appointed gestapo douche bag.

The guy being 'detained' needs to grow a set. "I was afraid this man was trying to imprison me after he keep assaulting me."
After this white guy accused a man of color of being an "illegal alien," he called the police and threatened him with a ‘citizen's arrest’. He then pushed and blocked the man from leaving the store while asking if he was afraid to be deported and demanding to 'see his papers.'

WHat a fucking asshole. He wouldn't have tried that if the guy wasn't 110 lbs, either. I'd have called the cops on the white guy for assaulting another person if I was in the "audience".
After this white guy accused a man of color of being an "illegal alien," he called the police and threatened him with a ‘citizen's arrest’. He then pushed and blocked the man from leaving the store while asking if he was afraid to be deported and demanding to 'see his papers.'

50 bucks says that the white guy already applied to get into the police force and was rejected for "attitudinal reasons". Forget racial profiling, we need a MAGA test to check for basic human decency and 7th grade levels of civility. If you can't pass that, you don't even get to leave your house.
I just realized that Hillary was never president. Isn't that weird?

It's like some raving lunatic vampire talking for centuries about Charles Pinckney.
(vampire for the feasibility of him talking for centuries of course)
Of course she was president. The FAKE NEWS media and the DEEP STATE just hid it from everyone while it was happening. That's why we need our lord and savior Donald Trump and our dear friend Putin to MAGA!
After this white guy accused a man of color of being an "illegal alien," he called the police and threatened him with a ‘citizen's arrest’. He then pushed and blocked the man from leaving the store while asking if he was afraid to be deported and demanding to 'see his papers.'

OK the guy should have just shoved the fucker hard and walked out but why are a squad of people, including staff, standing around letting that happen?

I detest people who don't step in and do what's right - christ at the end of tonight's gig when I was dying to get home I ended up way across the car park making sure an upset girl was ok / letting her drunk boyfriend know coming at her or the only sober guy in the near vicinity was a stupid idea. All the while about a dozen of her friends milled about looking sheepish because they wouldn't put the drunk asshole boyfriend in his place!
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