OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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Remember when it was funny when Sarah Palin said she could see Russia from her house? Now we have a president who can see Putin's semen dripping off his chin onto his cheap Chinese neck tie.

Looks like Rand Paul is going to the mat for Trump on the Putin thing. Apparently, all out outrage over the President of the United States holding hands with the President of Russia is because we dislike Trump. Come to think of it, Rand was in an election in 2016, and it was a bit of a close one. I wonder if we have found our US Congress person who asked for Russian election help in 2016. He sure is fast to say the Russians are great and defend the president.

Let’s hope the Dems take back the House in November. Then let’s hope Mueller’s investigation proves beyond a reasonable doubt team Trump worked with Russia to sway the election. They impeach Trump, but they have to impeach Pence too, because he was also elected illegally, and the next in line of succession is the speaker of the house which would now be a Democrat.

I can dream can’t I?
the question is becoming: at what point do the republicans in office decide that trump is fucking them over and making fools out of them and decide that it's the night of the knives?

They don't care about that as long as Trump continues to do whatever they want him to do in their goal of turning the government over to the wealthy. Either by signing their bills, or by executive order, Trump is rubber-stamping the Republican agenda 100%. That is ALL they care about.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words......

trump looks like a man beaten, a man ashamed....putin on the other hand, well he has a shit eatin' grin, barely able to contain a laugh but his KGB training serves him well and he puts on a poker face....

you really could [hotoshop a dogleash around trumps neck and place a cartoon bubble from putin's mouth reading "good boy, let's go"
Let’s hope the Dems take back the House in November. Then let’s hope Mueller’s investigation proves beyond a reasonable doubt team Trump worked with Russia to sway the election. They impeach Trump, but they have to impeach Pence too, because he was also elected illegally, and the next in line of succession is the speaker of the house which would now be a Democrat.

I can dream can’t I?

Even if Mueller proves Trump was complicit beyond a doubt, it doesn't mean anything. For the umpteenth+1 time, a sitting president is answerable ONLY to congress. Hell, it might even help his re-election chances by rallying his base (Deep state! Deep state! Swamp! Swamp!).

Oh, and I doubt very seriously Pence can be tied to any of this. In case you haven't noticed, The Republican party has been keeping Pence distanced from Trump for the whole presidency.
one thing i don't get... they had just gone behind closed doors alone for 2.5 hours. why didn't they say: ok trump you can call me out over the hacking but we both know everything is ok between us moving forward?

all people wanted was for trump to fake holding him accountable and he couldn't even do that. really strange. trump seemed weak, lost, defeated. he knows something is about to come out that ends him.
one thing i don't get... they had just gone behind closed doors for 2.5 hours. why didn't they say ok trump you can call me out over the hacking but we both know everything is ok?

all people wanted was for trump to fake holding him accountable and he couldn't even do that. really strange. trump seemed weak, lost, defeated. he knows something is about to come out that ends him.
Could be, although I've never bought into the whole collusion conspiracy. Putin is a thug and should be treated as such. I get that we have to cooperate with each other to avoid going back to another cold war era, but that doesn't mean you can't stay tough.

“During the then–Vice President Spiro Agnew bribery investigation, our legal team argued on behalf of the Vice President that because he was subject to impeachment under Article II, Section 4, he was immune from criminal prosecution unless and until he had been impeached by the House and convicted by the Senate. In effect, we argued that the Vice President had to be impeached and removed from office first — and thencriminal charges could proceed. The Department vigorously rejected that claim. They insisted there was nothing in the Constitution that said impeachment was the exclusive remedy for crimes committed by Article I Officers: the Vice President and, by logical extension, the President could be subject to both impeachment and indictment, even if those proceedings were pursued simultaneously”

Agnew was indited by a court law for tax evasion and plead no contest before he resigned from office.

“During the then–Vice President Spiro Agnew bribery investigation, our legal team argued on behalf of the Vice President that because he was subject to impeachment under Article II, Section 4, he was immune from criminal prosecution unless and until he had been impeached by the House and convicted by the Senate. In effect, we argued that the Vice President had to be impeached and removed from office first — and thencriminal charges could proceed. The Department vigorously rejected that claim. They insisted there was nothing in the Constitution that said impeachment was the exclusive remedy for crimes committed by Article I Officers: the Vice President and, by logical extension, the President could be subject to both impeachment and indictment, even if those proceedings were pursued simultaneously”

Agnew was indited by a court law for tax evasion and plead no contest before he resigned from office.

Agnew was vice-president. He was indicted before he resigned, but not convicted until afterward. Had he not resigned, and had the support of the Senate, he might very well have delayed the trial until after his term.

While pundits can theorize all they want about remedies against a sitting president, let's look at the reality:

The US Justice department would have to take up the fight to indict or subpoena. They report to the US Attorney General.

Enforcement would fall on the FBI or Federal Marshal Service. They work for... wait for it... the Attorney General.

Do you think Sessions would tell his people to go after Trump?

But let's say Sessions decides to take up the cause. That a president is or isn't immune for indictment has never been Constitutionally tested. The White House lawyers would certainly fight it in court. Even the lower court battles would drag on for years, and by the time it got to SCOTUS, Trump would be out of office.

Even if it should miraculously make it to SCOTUS while Trump was in office, care to hazard a guess on how the new Republican court would rule (hint: the latest nominee has already stated he believed a sitting president was immune from *all* legal proceedings other than impeachment).

In addition to all that, the President has many people with guns who have sworn their lives to protect him. They don't work for the Justice Department, they work for the Department of Homeland Security, which effectively works for the President. Even if the Justice Department is of the opinion that a sitting president can be indicted, they'd have to convince the secret service to stand down. That's not likely to happen without a SCOTUS ruling.
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