OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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I watched the whole thing after it happened. How can any sane person watch that and not see that Putin owns Trump? I love how far some republicans are willing to bend the logic to not be bothered by this fact. Shit, even Paul Ryan, douchebag of douchebags, calls it disgraceful, yet some people seem fine with the Russian President raw dogging Trump.

Also, the republican nutter standard play that "Hillary and Obama did worse" is a lame ass excuse. There is no shortage of maximum security prison cells for traitors. We can investigate everyone and put the guilty ones in jail. I have zero problems with putting anyone who is a traitor in jail, Obama and Hillary included.
the question is becoming: at what point do the republicans in office decide that trump is fucking them over and making fools out of them and decide that it's the night of the knives?
the question is becoming: at what point do the republicans in office decide that trump is fucking them over and making fools out of them and decide that it's the night of the knives?

Only if the Democrats take the Senate in November. Since that’s not happening, they won’t.
How much more does this buffoon need to do before congress acts? I get the Republicans are getting to call the shots but how would that change with Pence in the White House? They still get what they want and don’t have an imbecile ruining our alliances.
How much more does this buffoon need to do before congress acts? I get the Republicans are getting to call the shots but how would that change with Pence in the White House? They still get what they want and don’t have an imbecile ruining our alliances.
At this point, do Pence and the other Republicans really even want it? They would have to face the November voting wave after their credibility has been undermined so much by Trump's insanity and their own hypocrisy and incompetence on the tax and healthcare issues and also try to undo all the international damage Trump has done.

At this point they can still hide behind their phony protests and outrage as Trump gets worse and worse, but if Trump is gone then it's all on them.
At this point, do Pence and the other Republicans really even want it? They would have to face the November voting wave after their credibility has been undermined so much by Trump's insanity and their own hypocrisy and incompetence on the tax and healthcare issues and also try to undo all the international damage Trump has done.

At this point they can still hide behind their phony protests and outrage as Trump gets worse and worse, but if Trump is gone then it's all on them.
outside the sycophant idiots.....'it's all on them' is starting to become evident.
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