OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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The Way Trump and the GOP Deal with Russian Attacks is ‘Textbook Treason’
This is an extraordinary moment. It is without equal not only in American history but in modern history.

The indictments of the 12 Russian military officers accused of engaging in a coordinated attack on the United States to try to make their preferred candidate our president are a vital reminder that the Mueller investigation cannot and must not be seen as a political issue.

The fact that on Friday we also heard from our Director of National Intelligence, a conservative GOP former senator from Indiana, that the cyber offensive (of which the GRU, Russian military intelligence, attacks were part of) is ongoing and that "we are at a critical point" in which "the warning signs are there" is also salient.

It is not an accident that both these strong statements were made as the U.S. president prepared for his ill-considered and unnecessary private meeting with Vladimir Putin — the man who certainly approved, oversaw and continues to oversee these attacks.

It is clear that the intelligence and law enforcement communities of the United States — adhering to the principles of patriotism enumerated by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein on Friday — felt that a message needed to be sent to the Russians that we were on to them.

Typically, the president would deliver such a message, but this president has proven to be the staunchest defender of Putin and the most active advocate of covering up or denying these attacks. He did it again this week even while aware of the indictments.

Do the indictments and the Coats statement (again, both delivered by Republicans) also send a message they do not fully trust the president to deliver that message or to press the Russians on it? I believe they do.

This is an extraordinary moment. It is without equal, not only in American history but in modern history. A hostile foreign power intervened in our election to help elect a man president who has since actively served their interests and has defended them at every turn.

Trump may deny collusion. But given that this the attack continues, denying it is collusion, distracting from it is collusion, obstructing the investigation of it is collusion — because all these things enable it to go on.

That the president is abetted in his aid for the Russians — again, in the midst of this ongoing attack — by the leadership of the Republican Party makes the situation all the more extraordinary and dangerous. As Republicans seek to undermine the investigation, they serve Russia as directly as if they were officers of the GRU. Some now reportedly seek to impeach Rosenstein on trumped up charges. To attack one of our national defense leaders as we are being attacked, and to do so to benefit our foreign adversary, is textbook treason.

That is strong language. But consider this: If we updated our definitions of war to include cyberwar, then aiding a foreign power engaged in such a war against us would certainly meet the Constitutional definition: “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.”

When only semantics protect our president and our ruling party from the harsh sentences treason demands, we need to recognize the severity of the situation. But more importantly, we need to recognize one of the most important implications of yesterday: while we who watch or chat on cable news have lost the plot here, while the GOP makes it about personal attacks on FBI officers, while the President makes it about him, while many of us make it about partisan politics, Robert Mueller and Rod Rosenstein have kept their eye on the ball.
It just says "college", not university. She could've gone to a private county college like Brinkmans (made up name) College....even better she could've (probably) went to a beauty college and got a degree in manicure or some b.s. type thing .
she could have gone for one semester and washed out and still say she "went to college".

and besides she also said she was white, (except she spelled it wrong), so there's really nothing new there.
Holy shit.

Did Joe Wilson actually say the founding fathers didn't put an age limit on the second amendment so we can arm preschoolers? What the fuckity fuck? I would love to get control of the NRA for a day just to see what kind of bullshit I could get these assholes to say because they are so afraid of not getting the NRA money.
Holy shit.

Ok, I've never commented in any political thread even once, but this was too hard to pass up!

Quote (By former senate majority leader Trent Lott) : "It's something that we should think about, America, about putting guns in the hands of law abiding citizens, the good guys, whether they be teachers, or whether they actually be talented children, or highly trained preschoolers..."

Watching all of this happen from the safety of Canada is , at once, highly entertaining & highly alarming. What is happening to these peoples reasoning abilities? It's really bizarre- is it something in the water? Cell phone radiation? Cultural stagnation? Looks almost like America is rotting from within. :disrelieved::kissingsmiling:
Ok, I've never commented in any political thread even once, but this was too hard to pass up!

Quote (By former senate majority leader Trent Lott) : "It's something that we should think about, America, about putting guns in the hands of law abiding citizens, the good guys, whether they be teachers, or whether they actually be talented children, or highly trained preschoolers..."

Watching all of this happen from the safety of Canada is , at once, highly entertaining & highly alarming. What is happening to these peoples reasoning abilities? It's really bizarre- is it something in the water? Cell phone radiation? Cultural stagnation? Looks almost like America is rotting from within. :disrelieved::kissingsmiling:

America has always been rotten from within. It’s just openly depraived now.
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