OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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And here we go. Welcome to the beginning of the latest Constitutional crisis. Let's play another round of "keep the corrupt traitor free at the expense of the Republic".

This is the political equivalent of dipping a toe in the water to see if conditions are tolerable for a swim. Depending on the backlash, or lack thereof, they're just might try this. They have been messaging the deep state and needing to get rid of Rosentstein for months now.
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And here we go. Welcome to the beginning of the latest Constitutional crisis. Let's play another round of "keep the corrupt traitor free at the expense of the Republic".

This is the political equivalent of dipping a toe in the water to see if conditions are tolerable for a swim. Depending on the backlash, or lack thereof, they're just might try this. They have been messaging the deep state and needing to get rid of Rosentstein for months now.

They need 2/3 vote in the senate to impeach him. Highly unlikely given all the proof in this round of indictments. We can start to guess which politician was the one working with the russians by who is acting the craziest to protect trump.
Could be but didn't he win easily, might also have been someone who was in a tight race. I wouldn't put it past him though.

Roger stone gets indicted next, cohen is up soon too, possibly don Jr. Roger stone connects wikileaks and the russians to trump.

It will be interesting to see what trump does. I suspect this meeting w Putin is a planning session and to get their stories straight. So far though all he has is fake news and to bash the investigation. Now that the investigation is panning out politicians have the choice of digging in deeper w trump and russia or picking the side of defending America. Hard to say what they will pick based on all actions to this point.
They need 2/3 vote in the senate to impeach him. Highly unlikely given all the proof in this round of indictments. We can start to guess which politician was the one working with the russians by who is acting the craziest to protect trump.
jim jordan wasn't involved in the russian collusion, but he was involved with molesting boys on the wrestling team, at least according to 5 or 6 of the wrestlers. jordan is just blowing smoke to hide his own troubles.
I’m sick of this “deep state” bullshit!

If there were such a thing, then why have the Dems controlled all three branches of the government for FOUR of the past 40 years? Must be the most inept “deep state” ever!
Obama created the deep state. It was a brilliant idea that came to him on the shitter the same day he wiped his ass with the constitution.
I’m sick of this “deep state” bullshit!

If there were such a thing, then why have the Dems controlled all three branches of the government for FOUR of the past 40 years? Must be the most inept “deep state” ever!
as i have said in plenty of previous posts.....if there really was a "deep state".....trump would be in the ground and most of the republicans would be in prison.....DOES NOT EXIST.
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