OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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The Strzok debacle doesn’t matter. Nobody but journalists actually watched it. The GOP congresscum get their talking points in for right-wing news, the agenda of protecting Trump moves forward, rinse, repeat.
The Strzok debacle doesn’t matter. Nobody but journalists actually watched it. The GOP congresscum get their talking points in for right-wing news, the agenda of protecting Trump moves forward, rinse, repeat.

I think the effort hurt the Republicans more than it helped.

"I'm a dentist so I really read people's body language very very well." -Rep Paul Goser

What an asshole
The Strzok debacle doesn’t matter. Nobody but journalists actually watched it. The GOP congresscum get their talking points in for right-wing news, the agenda of protecting Trump moves forward, rinse, repeat.

Breitbart has been going apeshit about Strzok since the beginning. There were about 5 articles on the site yesterday. They’re the ones pushing the false narrative and their readers have seen plenty of it.
Interwebs winner du jour: coup d'twat

how about Coupe de Vile
Russian trolls on Twitter pose as ex-Democrats for #WalkAway movement
David Gilmour— July 9 at 10:57AM
Kremlin-affiliated trolls have subversively co-opted #WalkAway as an influence campaign, data appears to show. The hashtag is boosting visibility for a right-wing-hyped non-movement of disenchanted liberals who are supposedly abandoning the Democratic Party in a bid to breed division.

Data available through Hamilton 68, an analysis project focused on monitoring agitprop and backed by the Alliance for Securing Democracy, shows that swarms of Russian troll accounts made #WalkAway one of the highest ranking hashtags on Twitter in the past 48 hours.

One writer for Arc Digital noticed similar trends and came to the same conclusion.

“The primary functional goal of an astroturfed campaign like this one is to manipulate public opinion by gaming online algorithms to amplify certain content and push it onto people’s social media feeds and to the top of search engine results,” wrote behavioral scientist Caroline Orr. [snip]

The U.S. intelligence community has, of course, made clear its assessment that Russia had sought to “undermine public faith in the U.S. democratic process” during the 2016 presidential election. In February, special counsel Robert Mueller in a series of indictments laid out at least part of the framework by which the Kremlin had sought to do that.

Mueller brought charges against Russian nationals and troll farm the Internet Research Agency, which employed hundreds of individuals in a complex operation that involved the creation of thousands of fake personas to “conduct information warfare against the United States.”

These are the same kind of bot networks that Hamilton 68 has repeatedly found to be commandeering or simply amplifying highly partisan social media campaigns, like #ReleaseTheMemo or #WalkAway, in a bid to disrupt and suppress Democratic momentum.
Over here some people are finally starting to realize that conservative politicians always run the errands of big corporations vs the state and that the weak and powerless always are the ones to suffer. Guess which group the most of the voters are in.

Acting surprised now when this has been known right side policies for about two hundred years is just rich.

This is why you read the WHOLE fucking manifesto before voting you fucking idiots, 6 AND 2 years ago.
Instead all you care about is the number of immigrants and maybe getting a tax cut (which never happens ever).

Most conservative would have today brought back a couple of hundred years when the overclass had everyone else as slaves or servants. Do we really want to go back to that?
Over here some people are finally starting to realize that conservative politicians always run the errands of big corporations vs the state and that the weak and powerless always are the ones to suffer. Guess which group the most of the voters are in.

Acting surprised now when this has been known right side policies for about two hundred years is just rich.

This is why you read the WHOLE fucking manifesto before voting you fucking idiots, 6 AND 2 years ago.
Instead all you care about is the number of immigrants and maybe getting a tax cut (which never happens ever).

Most conservative would have today brought back a couple of hundred years when the overclass had everyone else as slaves or servants. Do we really want to go back to that?

i am inclined to post Pink Floyd's "Pigs, Three in a Row"
pretty apt.
this shit can not be contained.....much......longer.
the beautiful thing is in the big picture none of this really matters. In 100 years none of us will be here. In the meantime don't get all disillusioned about your importance in the universal scheme of things, love your friends, family, neighbors, and strangers you run across. Help those that are needy (in many ways). Adapt to whatever circumstance you find yourself in and find the beauty there. Images on your television are not real, you are only where you are. (you're not in Britain with Trump on his visit, it's an illusion)
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