OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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Yes, the "Deep State" is one of the weakest, most hare-brained tinfoil hat excuses that these guys use to defend their idiocy. Anyone who believes in that stuff shouldn't even be allowed to manage a Gap store or a McDonald's, much less hold public office in any capacity.

No stuff, man. The Deep State is all-powerful...yet they couldn’t prevent the gameshow host goofball from winning the election.
Yep, still a douchebag. I didn't like him after he complained about health insurance requirements and minimum wages were going to kill his business. I liked him even less when he claimed the NFL protests were killing his business. Now I hope he dies in a pizza related grease fire. At least he got fired. Unfortunately, he is still a rich douchebag.
All of that, and the founder of Domino's STILL makes him look like a fucking Saint!

Pizza Moguls = Scum lappin' Shitbags.
This whole thing depressing to me, because if total morons can rise to such levels of promenence, what could I have done if I'd just applied myself more?
Nothing if you retained a shred of integrity apparently.

OTOH, I must tour Scotland. Scotland apparently has great mountain biking, great whiskey, and great vocabulary.

i'm not sure, exactly, how to take that. are you attacking me? or just being an asshole?

sorry I assumed you read the post you were replying to. Oh, and I guess you would have had to read my reply to that same post. joke now effectively killed.

“No, the disgrace is what this man has done to our justice system!” Gohmert cried out, before turning back to Strzok. “I can’t help but wonder when I see you looking there with a little smirk, how many times did you look so innocent into your wife’s eyes and lie to her about Lisa Page?”

Democrats on the panel erupted.

“This is insane!” one shouted.

“Do you need your medication?” shouted another.

Strzok was eventually allowed to respond: “The fact that you would question whether or not that was the sort of look I would engage with a family member I have acknowledged hurting goes more to a discussion about your character and what you stand and what is going on inside you for than it does me.”

His answer to their first question should of been: I have a question for you. Why do you hate America so much?
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