OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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with friends like the US, who needs enemies? its a good thing we are saving ZTE jobs in China!!!
I'm sure all of these folks in Tuscaloosa, Spartanburg, and Chattanooga are awestruck and supportive of his shrewd leadership.



And that particular crazy train goes all the way back to the beginning of English folks dicking around on the continent—long before anything like modern evangelicals were even a twinkle in William Jennings Bryan’s eye.

Puritans, Masons, early modern polymath weirdos...lots of people have been on the “city on a hill” New Atlantis parade through crazy town. All that shit haunts our founding documents. You pretty much need to do a gut remodel on the country if you wanna purge American exceptionalism.

Well our founding documents were drafted by deists for the most part, so not sure how the idea that a god or power set the world in motion and has been hands off ever since goes with the idea of America fulfilling some kind of biblical destiny.

There was also a group from England in the 19th century called the British Israelites who had the same prophetic vision for their own country. But they had a narrative that tried to link them historically to the so-called 10 lost tribes of Israel.
seriously! does he NOT have people pointing out that those car makers have plants HERE in the u.s.? wtf?
He has lots of people telling him lots of things and he just doesn't believe them or doesn't give a fuck.

Remember when White House staffers were drafting PowerPoint presentations to explain to Trump that Amazon was paying the taxes they should be, amongst other things, and he just didn't believe them?
Well our founding documents were drafted by deists for the most part, so not sure how the idea that a god or power set the world in motion and has been hands off ever since goes with the idea of America fulfilling some kind of biblical destiny.

There was also a group from England in the 19th century called the British Israelites who had the same prophetic vision for their own country. But they had a narrative that tried to link them historically to the so-called 10 lost tribes of Israel.

All that business about America being a great experiment in liberty or a special nation founded on ideals vs. blood and soil and personal fealty to a monarch is the same kind of exceptionalism—though couched in rational, deist-ish language. The overall concept that this is a VERY SPECIAL PLACE RIPPLING WITH PROMISE AND PROVIDENCE is still central to the American identity. That we’re special is more important than why we’re special (Jesus, predestination, Enlightenment principals, natural law, whatever).
All that business about America being a great experiment in liberty or a special nation founded on ideals vs. blood and soil and personal fealty to a monarch is the same kind of exceptionalism—though couched in rational, deist-ish language. The overall concept that this is a VERY SPECIAL PLACE RIPPLING WITH PROMISE AND PROVIDENCE is still central to the American identity. That we’re special is more important than why we’re special (Jesus, predestination, Enlightenment principals, natural law, whatever).

Yes. America is earth’s poorly-parented undisciplined spoiled snowflake teenager with a new Hummer.
Well our founding documents were drafted by deists for the most part, so not sure how the idea that a god or power set the world in motion and has been hands off ever since goes with the idea of America fulfilling some kind of biblical destiny.
exactly. neither the constitution nor the declaration say anything about 'god'. 'creator' is mentioned, but not 'god'. and nowhere does it say anything about christianity at all.
I think it’s a little blinkered to suggest that the Euro Americans who founded this nation were not into god and it’s only contemporary Evangelicals who have fucked it up.

Puritan ideas are the bedrock of Yankee culture. And southern elites were big time into Jesus and romantic chivalric nonsense and God as the gift white folks were bringing to slaves and savages.

TJ and Saucy Ben were freethinkers and relatively impious (for men of their day), but the average dude on the street wasn’t a Jacobin in the making. Plus anticlerical sentiment (and thus suspicion of state churches) isn’t the same as a wholesale rejection of metaphysics and the unseen world. I mean, you don’t get to be a Mason unless you can at least handle the notion of a higher power.

The powdered wig types weren’t evangelical Christians as we know them today, but they also weren’t foppish Dawkinses either. And they all likely saw the need for and appeal of having Christianity as a tool for instructing the great unwashed, slaves, the savages, etc. because America was a VERY SPECIAL PLACE THAT PROVIDENCE HAD CARVED OUT FOR THE WHITE SAVIORS.
quotes from republicans on trumps tariffs:

Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) called it “bad news” and predicted imminent retaliation from the key U.S. allies. Senate Finance Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) said there is "mounting evidence that these tariffs will harm Americans." And Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) warned that similar policies 90 years ago sparked the Great Depression.

“This is dumb. Europe, Canada, and Mexico are not China, and you don’t treat allies the same way you treat opponents,” Sasse said. “‘Make America Great Again’ shouldn’t mean ‘Make America 1929 Again.'"

“This is a big mistake. These tariffs will raise prices and destroy manufacturing jobs, especially auto jobs, which are one-third of all Tennessee manufacturing jobs,” said Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.), who said tariffs are “basically higher taxes on American consumers.”
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