OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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after repeating it 8,000+ times like it was the gospel truth for over a week. damage is done at this point. trump made the baseless claim, they believed it and repeated it over and over so know all the people who love trump believe it. even if people on fox now claim it might not be true its now just fake (negative) news to trumpkins.

after nunes midnight run, after obama "wiretapped" trump tower, after unmasking, after the nunes memo they still believe and repeat EVERYTHING like its the truth even though all have been debunked.

I don't think they believe it. I think it makes for good ratings, which means more advertising dollars, and that's all Fox cares about. Course, that's all any news organization in this country cares about, which is why we're so misinformed.
after repeating it 8,000+ times like it was the gospel truth for over a week. damage is done at this point. trump made the baseless claim, they believed it and repeated it over and over so know all the people who love trump believe it. even if people on fox now claim it might not be true its now just fake (negative) news to trumpkins.

after nunes midnight run, after obama "wiretapped" trump tower, after unmasking, after the nunes memo they still believe and repeat EVERYTHING like its the truth even though all have been debunked.
I am coming up with a new (to me, I am sure other smarter people realized this before) thought or theory on this. Related to the articles on cognitive dissonance on how bad things are in terms of the doomsday clock (nuclear) and doomsday clock (climate change, over population, pollution of seas and environment, starvation). People such as this cannot mentally handle that if there is any hope to un-fuck ourselves, there needs to be major changes in the life they have been led to feel is Amurican. Getting in the big gas guzzler, going to walmart and costco, and stopping off at McDonalds and Chick filet. The dissonance prevents them from seeing how bad Trump and co. is.

An additional problem, dissonance on the Dem side regarding getting together on candidates, not blaming losses on the Trumpkins but instead supporting strong candidates and getting more people involved in the vote (basically, not just throwing up our hands in our own echo chambers), and doing what else we can to make some sort of difference, at least in our communities, and in reducing our own contribution to the problem.

The world, and particularly our country, seems stuck in cognitive dissonance. Time to get unstuck. Time to make the Pooh unfatter.
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Just type in cognitive dissonance and Trump and you find lots of stuff like this.

I don't agree with a lot of what this guy says, but points out dissonance at play that both"sides" (really, there has to be sides? apparently.) on the energy debate need to be aware of.

And of course, the Bill Nye likes to talk about climate change and cognitive dissonance.

EDIT: Here is a fox news interview with Nye touching on climate change and cognitive dissonance.

EDIT EDIT: SO, watch Bill's video in his article, then watch the fox guy as Bill attempts to answer his shifting question and he continues to interrupt and contradict. I can imagine at home viewers saying things like, "Wow Vern, he really zinged him there. See, Nye ain't so smart."
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At Rally in Nashville, Trump Links Democrats to MS-13

"Trump accused Democrats on Tuesday of siding with brutal immigrant gang members over American citizens and implored Republican voters to turn out in November’s midterm elections or risk the safety of their country."

"During a raucous rally in Nashville, Mr. Trump invoked fears of crimes committed by illegal immigrants, particularly by the transnational gang MS-13, to argue for stricter border policies, including his long-promised wall, and charged that Democrats were standing in the way."

“They don’t want the wall, they want open borders,” Mr. Trump told the crowd. “They’re more interested in taking care of criminals than they are in taking care of you.”

“If you want your communities to be safe, if you want your schools to be safe, if you want your country to be safe, then you must go out and get the Democrats the hell out of office,” Mr. Trump said. “Democrats have opposed every common-sense measure necessary to stop this horrendous scourge of crime, to dismantle MS-13 and to stop illegal immigration.”

"During an hour long performance before a huge American flag, Mr. Trump plainly relished his time in front of the cheering crowd, regaling them with stories of what he argued were unmatched successes as president, and drifting off script for brash asides."

absolute bald faced LIES!! you want to know why there's so much 'dissonance' out there? this is why. using lies to whip people into a frenzy of fear and hate. it's a good old circus tent revival.

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Oh, and also:
"I moved on her like a bitch. But I couldn’t get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look."
where did that line come from?
and i'm presuming it was cheeto saying that.
trump says jay z's language is so filthy.

im confused.

are we precious snowflakes who get offended by everything who need safe spaces or do we need more political correctness to make sure people act and speak civilly? do trumpkins just blindly agree with today's stance on an issue or are they able to see how his position's change each day? or is it just black & brown people who need to clean up their language?
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