OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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Satire from The Borowitz Report
White House in Panic Mode After TV Star with Racist Twitter Feed Loses Job
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—The White House was reportedly in panic mode Tuesday afternoon, shortly after news broke that a television star with a racist Twitter feed had been fired.

According to a White House source, Donald J. Trump immediately huddled with close advisers to discuss the firing, which, staffers agreed, “set an ominous new precedent.”

“We’ve been living under assumption that a TV personality could tweet out as many racist things as he or she wanted with no consequences,” the source said. “Now, all of a sudden, our worst nightmare has come true.”

White House staffers are reportedly combing through Trump’s thirty-seven thousand tweets, searching for ones that could be deemed fireable offenses, and have so far flagged more than thirty-six thousand of them.

Many on Trump’s team are urging calm, however, claiming that the dismissal of one racist TV star could be an “isolated example.”

“The only people who can fire Donald Trump right now are congressional Republicans, and they don’t have the high moral standards that TV executives have,” the source said.
Satire from The Borowitz Report
White House in Panic Mode After TV Star with Racist Twitter Feed Loses Job
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—The White House was reportedly in panic mode Tuesday afternoon, shortly after news broke that a television star with a racist Twitter feed had been fired.

According to a White House source, Donald J. Trump immediately huddled with close advisers to discuss the firing, which, staffers agreed, “set an ominous new precedent.”

“We’ve been living under assumption that a TV personality could tweet out as many racist things as he or she wanted with no consequences,” the source said. “Now, all of a sudden, our worst nightmare has come true.”

White House staffers are reportedly combing through Trump’s thirty-seven thousand tweets, searching for ones that could be deemed fireable offenses, and have so far flagged more than thirty-six thousand of them.

Many on Trump’s team are urging calm, however, claiming that the dismissal of one racist TV star could be an “isolated example.”

“The only people who can fire Donald Trump right now are congressional Republicans, and they don’t have the high moral standards that TV executives have,” the source said.
thank you for noting that this IS satire. :rolleyes:
No. What is a bastard? Someone who is illegitimate. Can a woman be illegitimate? Yes. Bastard is not an inherently gendered insult.

‘Bastard’ is gender-neutral, but we can deal with misandry if and when it ever becomes a legit problem.

I beg to differ. while the original meaning of the word "bastard" may be gender neutral, it's use to describe someone as a not nice person is exclusively male. The phrase "She's a real bastard" is just not used.
I beg to differ. while the original meaning of the word "bastard" may be gender neutral, it's use to describe someone as a not nice person is exclusively male. The phrase "She's a real bastard" is just not used.

Yeah, but it’s not misandry. Which was what you were positing.
what is it with these shitheads....these Trump cult members. At this point and I'm being totally sincere here, I truly believe that perhaps in addition to them just being gullible idiots is that they are akin to kids. They are like kids in H.s. to be more specific....they have a need to associate themselves to a group because they don't have enough self confidence to be individuals...a similar example would be Raider Nation people who associate their personality /i age with the Raider football team because it conjures an image of "rebel,free spirt, outlaw" ....or Harley Davidson people...those ones with HD stickers all over their Hyundai Sonata or their F150....association by image

I saw these on tumblr all titled "Waiting for Trump in Tennessee"





This is some first rate trolling right here.

"Officials also told NBC News that the report stated that Kim might be willing to open a Western hamburger franchise in the capital of Pyongyang as a gesture of goodwill toward Trump. Trump is well known for his preference for fast food like McDonald’s."
Funny article. But, so many pop ups on these links. Seems like it is worse and worse to me. I get to where I hate to even click and read a lot of this stuff.

after repeating it 8,000+ times like it was the gospel truth for over a week. damage is done at this point. trump made the baseless claim, they believed it and repeated it over and over so know all the people who love trump believe it. even if people on fox now claim it might not be true its now just fake (negative) news to trumpkins.

after nunes midnight run, after obama "wiretapped" trump tower, after unmasking, after the nunes memo they still believe and repeat EVERYTHING like its the truth even though all have been debunked.
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