OMG Politics, I'm over it already Mk III, The Search for Spock

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I can't wait for next Memorial Day when the President reminds us that he won the electoral vote over Crooked Hillary Clinton by the exact same number of US soldiers who died taking Easy Red Sector, Pillar One of Omaha Beach on D Day....two of the most important days in American history.
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I try not to say that in mixed company, due to responses such as this. But, really, I feel it's no different than calling a guy a dick.

But it is. It’s not exactly as bad as a white person using the N-word, but it’s not at all the same thing as calling a woman an asshole or a POS, either.
Rosanne Barr is a disgusting human being who happens to be a woman. I don't dislike her for being a woman, I dislike her for being an asshole. I don't throw them word bitch around flippantly, it is reserved for the most vile people, and Rosanne happens to be one of them. It has been noted, that you take offense to it, and I will not use it here again.

BTW, I have 2 daughters, who I took to the women's march along with my wife and we are raising them to be strong confident women.

“Some of my best friends are women.”
I try not to say that in mixed company, due to responses such as this. But, really, I feel it's no different than calling a guy a dick.

That is my thought too. I generally don't use either that frequently, but I take them ask the male/female version of a complete scumbag.
But it is. It’s not exactly as bad as a white person using the N-word, but it’s not at all the same thing as calling a woman an asshole or a POS, either.

It's funny, I generally reserve asshole or POS for men only. Women are too good to be called those.
I always thought cunt was worse than bitch.

"oh, never mind her, she's just bitchy"

"that bitch is a real cunt."

Learn something new every day.

The “word that must never be spoken” is the nuclear option among most American women. It’s the swear that is most likely to get the IRL needle scratch sound effect in a public place.

Younger, dumber, trashier Peen Simmons and his noted accomplice used to like to throw around THE WORST WORDS at volume to freak out the squares and insert chaos into real world scenarios. That one was always a show stopper.
So, if "bitch" is misogynistic , is calling a guy "bastard" misandry?

they're not equivalent in their usage. Woman were routinely called "bitches" for rejecting the awkward or rude advances of undesirable men, or not obeying the orders of their husbands. Words that are used in conjunction with devaluing others become more offensive when society finally rejects that type of behavior. I am OK with never using the term, doesn't take that much effort to respect other people's wishes.
good for them, she is terrible.

‘Roseanne’ Canceled by ABC After Roseanne Barr’s ‘Repugnant’ Comments, Network President Says
No, not really good for them. They shouldn't have associated with her and this new show to start with. Her dog whistles to the racist fan base, which ABC profited from with good ratings, are abhorrent. It is additionally abhorrent to me that ABC would go ahead and profit from it as long as they could. No kudos given or deserved, IMO.
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